Counter-Stike: GO Update Adds 15 v 15 and More Chickens

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
A later than usual CS:GO update this week after the CS:GO blog admitted nothing would be released the Friday just gone.

This update brings a whole host of tweaks for the weapons (recoil, spread, firing modes) but most importantly all maps now support 30 spawn points (15 per side). Also chickens. All over Inferno. Full changelog:

• Updated weapons based on performance metrics:
- Slightly increased the damage for the fiveseven to keep it on par with other pistols.
- Lowered the max width of the recoil patterns for the MG's to make them better for their price point.
- Lowered the spread on the Negev to be more in line with the m249.
• Improvements have been made to burst fire and tapping.
• Added player spawns to all maps to support up to 30 players.
• Player spawns are now randomly selected from a prioritized list of spawn locations in order to better support more players per map.
• Adjusted bot behavior to fix the “antline” looking behavior.
• Added support for server operators to specify tick rate with the –tickrate parameter.
• Physics simulation tick rate now set to be the same as the game tick interval.
• Bullet tracers have had improvements made to speed, visual effect, and frequency.
• Chickens added to Inferno

• The Server Browser sorts Favorites and Lan tabs by ping rather than Tags.
• The radar will no longer display an ‘X’ for dying players when they are not within sight of the player or player’s teammate.
• Weapons with a burst mode will now show which state the gun is in on the ammo panel.
• Input device is now locked to whatever device launched the game session.
• Updated the Kevlar and Kevlar + Helmet buy menu images.
• Updated the Domination icons.

• Footsteps update position more often by shifting position determination to client side entity tracking.
• Tuned ambient sounds in most maps

Bug Fixes
• Fixed a bug with individual pistol round-based achievements. They can only be earned in Classic game mode now.
• Fix for changing video settings while in game sometimes causing a deadlock.
• Added a popup message triggered when a player attempts to initiate a vote on a server with voting disable.
• Fixed bug where player's nav area would be reported as being on the floor below them causing the radar location to be displayed incorrectly.
• Fixed several UI related crash issues.
• Third party map and _SE map names no longer display in the scoreboard with the #SFUI_MAP_ localization token.


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Aw yeah, you can never have too many chickens.

"Footsteps update position more often by shifting position determination to client side entity tracking." Interesting!
Good to see bullet tracers being worked on, though given the game doesn't apply calculations to bullets (they travel instantly to their destination), any tracers are going to be incorrect.

It's a small step towards making the game a bit more competitively viable. Still a long way to go though.

EDIT: And Smash, I would have thought if HPE spent more time making sure the game worked competitively as opposed to looking fancy, they'd realise accurate footsteps are pretty vital to a decent gaming experience.

I would have made the entire beta flat-boxes and looking like shit and spent more time on making sure it worked as a game before I made the art assets.
Good to see bullet tracers being worked on, though given the game doesn't apply calculations to bullets (they travel instantly to their destination), any tracers are going to be incorrect.

Well, even though the bullets instant-hit, as it were, you can still have the tracers follow the supposed line of travel traced out from the end of the barrel to their destination. The tracers will lag behind the bullet, of course, but I've still managed to use them to guide my shots. I doubt they'd put tracers in there just for aesthetic, or maybe I'm wrong.
Well, even though the bullets instant-hit, as it were, you can still have the tracers follow the supposed line of travel traced out from the end of the barrel to their destination. The tracers will lag behind the bullet, of course, but I've still managed to use them to guide my shots. I doubt they'd put tracers in there just for aesthetic, or maybe I'm wrong.
This is how every Source game does tracers.
From what I understand, tracers are meant more for locating the source of enemy fire than determining the path of your own. Tracers from your own weapon only muddy up the visual feedback you get from bulletholes and the recoil movement of the camera, and I think those should be removed.
Do consider that Valve has already successfully implemented this in Team Fortress 2 a long time ago. More than likely they're going to use a similar method for it.
True, but TF2 nearly doesn't have a recoil model at all, so it's not a direct comparison.
Can we see Gary Horsefield's flocking/swarming code used on the chickens, just for kicks, actually it would make sense maybe during a halloween match :)