Counter Strike 2 'Never Really Got off the Ground'


May 6, 2005
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Counter Strike creator Minh Le has revealed to IGN that when he joined Valve he worked on several Counter Strike titles, including Counter Strike 2. However development "never really got off the ground, the project ended up being put on the shelf."[br]Minh is now working on a game called Tactical Intervention which looks to be the type of game Minh wanted Counter Strike to eventually become. He told IGN: "I enjoyed Counter-Strike, but I wanted to have my own game. I was never able to put in all the cool features I wanted because the people who played Counter-Strike would [complain] about all the changes. They liked the game as it is." [br]To find out more about Tactical Intervention and what Minh Le thinks about the classic game head over here.
Sweet. I'll buy it when it comes out. Bet it will be on Steam too since he's still all snuggly with Valve.
Feeling unwanted pressure to work on another big project, Le left Valve on good terms, moved into his parents' basement, and began work on a project that would never see the light of day.
:| This is news to me.
Doesn't look any more appealing than any of the free source mods that look just like this.
I was never able to put in all the cool features I wanted because the people who played Counter-Strike would [complain] about all the changes. They liked the game as it is."

Its good that he see's it that way. People often talk about wanting a Counter-Strike 2, but the majority of CS players will never be happy with any sequel because the community is to settled. The game grew on the fact that its core nature never changed. When your basic gameplay and player physics stay the same, people have a benchmark to scale what they consider to be individual skill off of. Prime example being CSS, on paper its the same game, but a tiny change in the games netcode or hitbox calculations and allot of people weren't interested in moving.

It will be interesting to see what this new game is like. He clearly has a personal vision about what makes a fun game, and he has obviously had allot of time to think about it.
Good on him for doing his own thing.
I'm excited about this, but is it just me, or do those screenshots resemble the beta days of the original CS?
old news tbh :P
Judging from his activity on hlcoders, his game is using Source Engine
You can tell that very easily from the screenshots...
meh...I bet you cs was a one hit wonder(2 if you count the sauce version) looks basically the same and none of the new features mentioned sound particularly cool, on the contrary I can see a lot of annoyance stemming from them.
CS without VALVE was much better.. CSS is a total failure.. so lets hope he hits the right spot again like in the beta's of CS!
CS without VALVE was much better.. CSS is a total failure.. so lets hope he hits the right spot again like in the beta's of CS!

Have a look at how many people play CSS and tell me if it's really safe to say it's a total failure.