Counter-Strike Map


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score

The map's called cs_desertwarehouse_final.








cs_desertwarehouse is a small map. It can accomodate 20 players. I recommend 5 vs 5. It has 2 hostages that can be recued, though this will rarely be done. It's mainly for rifle practise.

The map has two levels. The CT and T side both have speciallly placed walls with holes for firing. The CT side has a stairway covered by a large wooden plank. This is breakable. This leads to the lower level of the map. At the end of the stair way, there is a door that can be opened by CTs or Ts ( buttons on either side of door ). This door will take 10 health damage if a player blocks its movement.

The lower level has a trap-door. Anyone who steps on it falls into a pit and dies( a downward rotating trap door triggered by touch ). The CT and T spawns are linked by 2 wooden planks( breakable ) from above. There is also a higher path against the walls which links the 2 sides.

The T side has a sliding door which leads to the hostages below their spawn. This door is operated by a button on either side of the door. ie. a player coming from below can also open this door. There is a stair way leading up to the T spawn as well. The CTs may use this to attack from the lower level. Near the lower part of the stair way there is a silent sliding door which leads to hostages from the side.

The hostage recue point is a section of the CT spawn, marked by a decal.

The map contains numerous entities (glass, sliding doors, rotating doors, a trap, 2 ladders etc.) which add to the gameplay.

Each team has a rack ( against a wall ) on which guns have been placed. This has been added because people were complaining that the map was too AK biased. Others said too M4 biased. So i just added both :P. CTs have 2 M4s and 4 AKs, Ts have 2 AKs and 4 M4s

The map also contains an 'easter egg'. Try and find it.

It is very hard to explain the layout of the map. You have to see it for yourself. It is an excellent map for rifles. It also OWNZ when playing only knives and grenades :P. This was my first map. Hope you guys like it.
hmmm, I can't stand cs or aim maps, Even though u are trying to make it a hostage map the flow would not work because its so small and its basiclly a box with atributes inside. It looks alright. But not good for a map, especially cs.
As I said, it's not supposed to be a hostage recue map. The hostages are just, well, there. Primarily an aim map. Since this was my first map, I wasn't concentrating on making a huge map. I was learning the basics of worldcraft. Thats why you'll see many different sorts of entities in this map.

Made this one about a year ago.
Come up with something a little more special than a aim map please?
And NOT desert, because sand is overusedin cs...

Think, then make something that no one have made before ;)

I made this quite some time back man, couldnt think of a good name.
Personally I like these maps form time to time. my suggestion however is not to have hostages in the map. in a small map they provide a unfair advantage to the CT. And the premiss I assume is the Paintball'esq gameplay, not hostages.
I don't think the hostages give the CTs an unfair advantage at all coz it's not easy to rescue them considering the size/layout of the map. I just put them in for the heck of it ... kinda like "cs_untitled". I doubt anyone rescues hostages in that map.

This map wasn't made with the intention of creating a good strategy based CS map. More like another untitled sortof map (which I do not like or condone truthfully). Like I said, it was my first. Just thought I would share it with u guys. I am completely aware of it's shortcomings.