Counter-Strike:Redux Recruiting! (source mod)



Hello there. This is my first post on these forums. And Im the mod lead for the mod, CS:redux. You're probably wondering, how on earth am I going to make a mod....of a mod! Well, I'd like to call it more of an enhancement modification, for the counter-strike series. This mod will spice up both the visuals, and overall gameplay of CS.
I've always seen people, saying that CS should have vehicles like in the old beta days, but not be too overpowered...or CS should have more moves, and abilities like prone, or scope sway etc. Well, this is exactly what this mod is all about! We're trying to make CS more fun and enjoyable, but at the same time not destroy the good 'ol CS style action.

Right now, we're on a recruiting spree. Currently the team has only four members. We have however, put up a website which just needs a few finishing touches, but the forums etc are complete. Do head over to and check it out.

We're in desperate need of coders. Unfortunately, my strength lies more in the modelling section. So, I really need some experienced as well as new learners, on the team. and maybe a co-leader who can lead the mod well in the case of my absence, since Im busy with academics and so on.

well, enough of my rant here are the positions open
1. Modellers
2. Coders/programmers (really really needed..)
3. concept artists.
4. Texture artists, skinners
5. Animators.

So, basically it comes down to this.
1. This MOD will enhance both the visuals and gameplay aspect of CS.
2. Newer animations and abilities will be added.
3. Newer weapons will be added, along with the option to upgrade the weapons.
4. Introduce new gameplay types, other than bomb defusal, hostage rescue etc. including, terrorist hunt, from the old beta days.

If you think you'd like to be part of this mod, kindly PM me, or register on the forums, and introduce your self there. Remeber, check out the site for what features CS:redux will hold in store for gamers.

Also, we'll have to work with the HL2:dm code, since the CSS source code hasn't been released. So please inform me, if your intrested. Thanks in advance. And forgive me, if I reply a day or two late, since my health has been a bit low lately..(sorry if I have a tendency to rant alot...)

Even if you want to work as a part time modder, I'll be obliged. Remember,!
It sounds like you have good intentions, the main problem I see is the fact that there are many other teams making counter-terrorism mods. Don't you think your efforts would be best concentrated on something new and original?

Also, Counter-Strike is a franchise and there may be legal implications, this is why the source code is unavailable.


True, the legal implications were what I was considering about, but HL2 in any case is a franchise, and the counter-strike series is now owned by VALVe. Mind you, Im not modding CSS. Im using the source engine, the HL2:DM code, and enhancing CS! not CS:S. Of course, the gameplay will be like CS itself, but have it's own special gameplay, with newer capabilities, weapons, vehicles, and so on.

And yes, many CT mods are being made, but that doesn't mean this mod can't stand out from all of them. And most of the CT mods out there are SP. Insurgency for eg. This is an enhancement of an already popular mod, but will have to be worked upon just as any other SP/MP mod out there, since we will be working with the HL2:DM code. Do tell me if anyone's intrested in the mod, head on over to, or idle at our new IRC channel on gamesurge, #cssredux.
Good luck with finding coders to do this for you, as few are going to be willing to try and rewrite the HL2DM code to emulate Counterstrike. It took years to code Counterstrike.

I think you really need to rethink your idea. The truth hurts, I know, but if you don't, then you'll just hit reality later on, and have wasted your effort.

-Angry Lawyer
That's true, but I don't feel it should be a gargantuan task. As I said, this mod will have the counter-strike feel to it, but have it's own innovative gameplay as well. So I don't think that we'll have to re-work the CS code from scratch, or emulate it with 100% precision, but we'll try to do it in any case. Remember, do contact me if you're intrested and thanks for the replies.
You will be shut down, and or sued. First of counter strike is a trade mark of valve, so you an't use that name, plus stuff inside the counter strike game is property of valve.
I see. And what if we re-name it? But have the same theme?
Thanks for all the replies. I've decided to take angry lawyer's advice, and try and learn some coding myself which will enable me to be more thourough and realistic when planning the mod , and in any case I have one coder who's willing to learn, plus a freind of mine who's an experienced programmer who can always help me out. I've also emailed gabe, asking him if it's fine to coninue working with the current title/theme, and If he/valve member deems it as a breach of legal rights, I'll change the title or shut down the mod withought hesitation. Till then, I'll continue working on the mod since we now have a few more modellers, but still in need of a larger team. Thanks again for all the replies, drove some sense into my head :D and do register on our forums and give us some help, suggestions etc and make yourself at home. And thanks for all the negative replies gave me more determination to try and make this mod a successfull one!
Judging from what you said and some of the changes you sujested you don't really understand why people play CS. CS does not need prone stances and vehicles. Whatever you are trying to enhance doesn't need enhancing. You will find this from the more experianced CS players. If you going to do anything try fix the nextcode, hitboxes, animation, recoil and other eliments of cs:s which constantly anoy experianced players against its original cs 1.6.
nachiketh said:
I see. And what if we re-name it? But have the same theme?

I reccomend coming up with something unique, i think there is too many mods out there that are just gonna be a less popular cs. Try something that no one has done in the hl2 modding world yet. Thats my 2 cents.
, hitboxes, animation, recoil and other eliments of cs:s which constantly anoy experianced players against its original cs 1.6.
yes, new animations and different recoil will be present in the mod. Which I have mentioned in the features section on our website.

reccomend coming up with something unique
Exactly. This is not a wannabe CS mod. This is an enhancement, and a hybrid with more unique gameplay and features, rather than the usual SWAT3 etc SP combat. More fun, and more challenging to the veteran players. Along with the regular things that require fixing in CS like Ichi said, this mod will have more different feautures, more physics interactions, although to an extent as this is a MP game after all. And Ichi im using your beretta vtm in fact, really useful tutorial. Do hope you make some more of them.
But you're deliberately setting yourself in the shadow of another mod. It's like trying to topple giant - few will play your mod when they can already play Counterstrike.

Do you understand how much work this will take?

-Angry Lawyer
But even counter-strike can do with a little change to it's formula. And what's wrong in trying to make it better, and more fun? Naturally the mod will have it's own indivual gameplay aspects, not just a copy/paste of CS, (That's silly..) and thus be of a more enriching experience to play.
Try and think of it as something like hl2:substance, but not really just more enemies in a certain location, or more damage capabilities etc. A much more fun and realistic experience. And with the newly released meta mod, I assume things will be slightly easier.
Meta mod isn't THAT good.

And I don't think you understand quite how much coding work is required with what you want. You're prepared to spend a few years of coding just to make a few small changes to Counterstrike?

-Angry Lawyer
You sound like a very reasonable and dedicated individual nachiketh, and I'm sure that given enough time your team will produce a good mod. However the point remains that its appeal will be very limited, and you might find that all the effort you put into this project will not receive the proper reward. One reason is that it is basically a clone of CS with enhancements; people will look and it and inevitably compare it with the original, and most will stick with the original because it's already established and quality. Secondly, it's yet another CT vs T type of mod, and we have established that there are already too many out there. In my opinion your effort would be better spent on an idea or concept more original, since you seem to have a lot of motivation to see this through, because you'll most likely be disappointed when people do not receive your product with as much enthusiasm as you put into it. However, if you do decide to stick to this I wish you all the best of luck and will try it out if it's ever released. I do recommend however that you at least change the name and brainstorm some more on how to make it more unique than CS, since people might claim that you are ripping off CS's popularity.
make it more unique than CS
Yes, I'll try my very best. And yes, I guess we'll have to change the name too. Thank you for all your replies, and do visit our website and have a chat with us on our forums, or just idle on #cssredux.