Counter-Strike: Source beta 1 FAQ (and 1 new pic)

Shuzer said:
"I'm 10 and I just found out about swearing!"

lo, sorry that is just so true.. not just for CS... :laugh:
Too bad the CS community won't get upgraded along with CS:S :/
Wtf??!!. Almoste "EVRY!!" bodey will play cs:s just understand that and follow the wave. CuZ !t R0x 4nD !t W!lL B3 Th3 n3xt Sp0rt h3h4h3h4
Ghoetic said:
Wtf??!!. Almoste "EVRY!!" bodey will play cs:s just understand that and follow the wave. CuZ !t R0x 4nD !t W!lL B3 Th3 n3xt Sp0rt h3h4h3h4
Ghoetic, can you read the PM I sent you please? Stop the 1337 speak it's annoying.
Chris_D said:
Stop the 1337 speak it's annoying.
Not to mention is makes me feel like a nerd for knowing how to read it, and it should make you (Ghoetic) feel even more homosexual for being the one to write it in the first place.
Pressure said:
How long will this beta last exactly?

COMPLETELY unofficial word on this, but, supposedely, they said at the Korean debut expo thing.. 2 weeks.
Keep in mind this isn't confirmed, but it would, however, make logical sense. Everything seems to be falling into place for HL2's release in early fall/late summer
Errrr. I heard 2 months.....You cant do a beta test of a product with 200,000 people in two weeks anyway.
fuzzy_aus said:
Errrr. I heard 2 months.....You cant do a beta test of a product with 200,000 people in two weeks anyway.

The CS:S beta is NOT to test CS:S, but it's a short test for Source..

as for the two weeks statement: said:
The most interesting information in today’s exhibition is that the beta-testing of CS:S is approaching soon. Joon-Kyung Shin, from Stylenetwork, stated that "After two weeks, valve will open the surprising beta test of CS:S to the public.", adding "the beta testing will be over two-week after it begins."

Could be a translation error, but I doubt it. The statement you're referring to is a little fuzzy,

Q: We understand that CS:S will be serviced prior to the release of Half-Life 2 via Steam. We’d like to ask a question as to the concrete date of the start of the service. Furthermore, is it true that Half-Life2 packages will include free CS:S? And, is there any possibility that CS:S will be released as an independent package?
Michael: Affirmative. Although I can't specifically announce the exact release date, at least I can tell it will be serviced via steam within two months. Right now, I can't promise that the Half-Life2 package and the CS:S package will be sold separately; however, the combined Half-Life2 + CS:S package will be released with reasonable retail price including the extra price for CS:S by Vivendi Universal Games.

Honestly, I have no effing clue what this is supposed to mean. CS:S will be serviced prior to the release of HL2 via Seam.. then he says in 2 months!? Does that mean HL2 will be out in 2 months, CS:S will be out in 2 months, or the CS:S beta will be out in two months? You tell me..
CB | Para said:
Podbot is a joke, waypoints are awful and the code is just a wallhack and an aimbot, it's not like that in CZ.

The very same bots from HL:CZ have been leaked/converted for CS a long time ago and they don't use any waypoints, they take like 15 mins per map to calculate, but this is done only once. So What new does CS:CZ include?
ScopeD said:
The very same bots from HL:CZ have been leaked/converted for CS a long time ago and they don't use any waypoints, they take like 15 mins per map to calculate, but this is done only once. So What new does CS:CZ include?

Great AI for MP bots.
fuzzy_aus said:
Errrr. I heard 2 months.....You cant do a beta test of a product with 200,000 people in two weeks anyway.

Isn't it better to actually get to play CS:S and mess around with the Source engine rather than a private beta...?