Counter-Strike: Source Beta 1

ati coupon

they should let the people that got the XT cards and the hl2 coupon and have registered it also get the beta......theyre giving you hl2.....why not let them play the beta...
i always intended on buying CS:CZ this just gives me more of a reason :D
you can get a CD key for $10 on ebay... type it into ol'e steam, you got CZ and CS:S(when it comes out)... thats what i'm doing
Lucky the gfx card I am eyeing to purchase by the end of the month comes with CZ.

Asus AX800 Pro baby ! For just £305 :D
Stingey said:
lame way to boost cz sales
Right... so people not only complain that CZ doesn't offer enough for the money you pay for it but they now also complain that Valve are giving extra benefits to them to boost sales for it.

If Valve took on a lot of the views of some people they'd have gone bust by now.
I cannot believe this. Valve know perfectly well that every cs player is going to buy CZ now. Pathetic. From what i've heard its about as useful as an AOL cd. I mean i'd go buy it for the css beta, playing into their hands, but noo, they won't take switch, only credit cards, which no sane student would go near.

"[Doug Lombardi] The community’s help with the investigation was incredible and we learned, yet again, just how important a role they play in our success."

Pull your socks up valve old chum,

unhappy onions
OH NO! Companies giving special offers with their products to boost sales!!! How could they do this to us!!

I would pay the $60(CDN) or whatever the price is just to beta test CS:S whether it had CZ or not, I mean I would not be buying it for the fun, I would be buying it because it would let me feel like I made a difference to the games development, and because it would be something to add to a future beta test resume for other games. Besides its an easy way of sorting out the people who they know will already have experience with playing CS.
putting public beta's on your cv is probably a bad idea :)
i think most of the experienced cs players still play 1.6, assuming they have access to magazines/review sites..
I don't think he meant his CV. Sometimes when you apply for a beta they'll ask you if you've beta tested any other games before.
Before I rush out to get CZ, I want to know if:

A) How long will the beta last? Will it go until it is officially released, or be for like 2 weeks?

B) If I purchased and used the VALVe coupon that came with my ATI card, do I get to participate cause I'm just that cool?

I emailed Rick Ellis those questions, he is the pimpiest of them all ya know. :D

If the answer to letter A is you get to play it until release, then buying CZ with 2 games in 1 will satisfy all this whining! Then if we catch a whiner, we can tell him to go get CZ and that will satisfy his thirst ;)

Also, I'm wondering what limitations are there, because it IS the Source Engine, so could people implement their own models in-game o.O
A) How long will the beta last? Will it go until it is officially released, or be for like 2 weeks?

My guess is from one month to two. From what we've seen in the video's the game is already pretty far along and they will just want to iron out the kinks and get general user info from a broad range of users.

The beta will run right up to release (just about) if it follows a standard beta phase.

B) If I purchased and used the VALVe coupon that came with my ATI card, do I get to participate cause I'm just that cool?

No. The card that entitles you to HL2/'The Premier Pack', which includes all the HL series except CS:CZ and BlueShift (because it hasn't been ported to source yet).
Onions said:
I cannot believe this. Valve know perfectly well that every cs player is going to buy CZ now. Pathetic. From what i've heard its about as useful as an AOL cd. I mean i'd go buy it for the css beta, playing into their hands, but noo, they won't take switch, only credit cards, which no sane student would go near.

Onions, it's £13 quid delivered at and they take switch. I haven't met anyone yet who prefers 1.6 to CZ. It's sharper and smoother all round.
Sorry if this was already posted, but...

The Valve guys are geniuses when it comes to marketing this. Not many sales of CZ before, but they will skyrocket now and Newell will be dancing around naked in hundred dollar bills. My hat is off to you, Valve.
Dsty2001 said:
I agree, this is a very smart marketing move by Valve.

No its a greedy move. IF you pride yourself on taking every angle possible to make as much money as possible at the expense of your fans, then sure, its a good move.

Sure its a marketing move (ploy) and it'll work, but it sure doesnt show gratitude to their fans. it boosts a "inferior" product. your paying to beta test a game (that is BAD)
Buckyfg said:
No its a greedy move. IF you pride yourself on taking every angle possible to make as much money as possible at the expense of your fans, then sure, its a good move.

Sure its a marketing move (ploy) and it'll work, but it sure doesnt show gratitude to their fans. it boosts a "inferior" product. your paying to beta test a game (that is BAD)
Have you played this "inferior" product? Besides I somewhat doubt that you would have had a chance at getting into the beta had they gone the more traditional rout anyway. No one was ever promised they would get to play the beta before so really this is a very good thing for everyone.
Its not like anyones twisting your arm to buy CZ, if you don't feel like forking out 40 bucks to play the CS:S beta then wait till HL2 is released.
Well, this convinces me, HL2 is coming soon. There is no way that Valve put in all of this hard work on the Source engine to premire it on CS:S. They want to launch it on the full blown HL2.
my take on the reason valve are opening the beta to CZ owners is because they are the "fans" of the series owning every CS game untill now which makes sense from them to beta test CS:S ... simply buying CS 1.6 does NOT entitle you to a free pass of all valves games
I wonder if most of you CS 1.6 players have even tried CZ. If you have then good for you. You can bash it all day long, but if you havent than zip it because you dont know what youre talking about. Ive been playing CS for the better part of the last 3 yrs and when CZ came out i ran out and got it. At first it wasnt all that great, but the new improvments make it a great game....And now i get to play CS source beta......good deal!!
brink's said:
Its not like anyones twisting your arm to buy CZ, if you don't feel like forking out 40 bucks to play the CS:S beta then wait till HL2 is released.

So what, still doesnt make it the right move. your statment is just the easy way out.
Now correct me if im wrong, but i think someone from valve said in the german video that 200 thousand people would be beta testing cs: s, so this means that even if youve got cz you might not get the chance to beta test it? or maybe you will cause very few ppl bought cz...
andrew_e1 said:
Now correct me if im wrong, but i think someone from valve said in the german video that 200 thousand people would be beta testing cs: s, so this means that even if youve got cz you might not get the chance to beta test it? or maybe you will cause very few ppl bought cz...

You think 200,000 people is few for a video game? :eek:
I'm just having a blast reading the statements about greed and blah blah...
Why are you surprised, this is a perfectly normal way of doing things like this.
If you think this is sleezy, how about NINTENDO selling the GBA with no additional lightsource?
They knew that no light wasn't good enough. They also knew that people would still buy the GBA. I think dealing Hardware like this is much more unfortunate than doing it with software.

whether the CZ owners are more fan or not is not up to me to decide, but they probably want the people that have tried all the differend aspects of CS to test the new one...

And of course... They want to boost the sale, can't see why this is a shocker....?
i have cz now. the talent on the servers, though i can only speak for the uk, is pitiful compared to that of 1.6, which shows (at least over here) that the best user base to test cs:s would be that of 1.6. I seriously doubt it has nothing to do with anything other than cash, but then i have been known to be wrong from time to time, like that incident where i almost cybored majestic.

the GBA incident is like buying a pint from wetherspoons. you think you've got yourself a great deal, then realise it's watered down :(
They're not testing to see how good people are at playing the game. They're testing on people that will find the bugs with the game.

They're using the CZ base because it's a lot smaller than the CS1.6 base and they will be able to control the feedback better.
Do you guys know when the CS:S Beta 1 period will end to all users?
I will wait patiently (like I did for ~5 years) for HL2 to come out so I can kill two birds with one stone (get hl2 and cs:s ... not to mention all the other free mods that will come along)... Id rather do that than dish out the money for CZ... I was dissapointed by this decision by Valve, which got me to start thinking they were more about greed.
Evil^Milk said:
Do you guys know when the CS:S Beta 1 period will end to all users?
All we know is detailed in the press release in this news post.