Counter-Strike: Source Beta Update Released

"Fixed player hovering over ground on round restart"

yea i know its a very small point, but i got excited over it :P
anyone else noticed a sort of VGU 'ghost' menu on the top of the screen after death?? it looks like the boxes you get when you select primary, secondary etc using 1,2,3,4 and 5, but without the weapon pictures...sounds weird, but its true.

and btw, omfg css is so amazing! physics in cs...genius.
Any plans to release the CS: S beta to the millions, who have not bought the new graphics card, or CS: Z?
K my woes since the new update:

Random crashes, (only one crash came with the 'memory could not be read' error)
crashes when I open options ingame, (I think possibly while I have the serverlist up)
crashes when I type in, or use the bind, timeleft (come on valve, wtf lads?)
Planting the bomb sometimes causes a crash,
Gamma is bonked,(had to use ctrl+shift+alt+b to reposition the gamma menus and only then I got an average gamma level ingame. ati9800xt btw)
Autohelp stays on, even when set to off,
menu takes 10-20 seconds to appear,
message of the day doesn't immediately appear like it should do, when joining a server,

And thats most of the troubles I've had so far.
Bicka said:
K my woes since the new update:

Random crashes, (only one crash came with the 'memory could not be read' error)
crashes when I open options ingame, (I think possibly while I have the serverlist up)
crashes when I type in, or use the bind, timeleft (come on valve, wtf lads?)
Planting the bomb sometimes causes a crash,
Gamma is bonked,(had to use ctrl+shift+alt+b to reposition the gamma menus and only then I got an average gamma level ingame. ati9800xt btw)
Autohelp stays on, even when set to off,
menu takes 10-20 seconds to appear,
message of the day doesn't immediately appear like it should do, when joining a server,

And thats most of the troubles I've had so far.
I have had the same issues you have. I cannot get the brightness menu to work at all even when editing the gui a bit. Valve broke more than they fixed with this one.
uhhh what sounds are different/updated? I didnt notice anything
Bicka said:
K my woes since the new update:

Random crashes, (only one crash came with the 'memory could not be read' error)
crashes when I open options ingame, (I think possibly while I have the serverlist up)
crashes when I type in, or use the bind, timeleft (come on valve, wtf lads?)
Planting the bomb sometimes causes a crash,
Gamma is bonked,(had to use ctrl+shift+alt+b to reposition the gamma menus and only then I got an average gamma level ingame. ati9800xt btw)
Autohelp stays on, even when set to off,
menu takes 10-20 seconds to appear,
message of the day doesn't immediately appear like it should do, when joining a server,

And thats most of the troubles I've had so far.

lol, the gamma is a complete laugh. the little bar appears in the top left, and turns out to be an 'ok' button...hmm wtf valve?

the only probs ive had are gamma, and the menu taking 10-20 secsonds to appear, but we musnt forget that we must put up with these problems for a good purpose. dont you want css and hl2 to be perfect???...i sure dont want to spend days downloading hundreds of patches and having steam updates constantly just to play cs:s.
Since the update, I've noticed some bugs.. some have been mentioned before:

1. cvars and certain settings get reset to a previous value after exiting and restarting... this is immensely annoying, since I have to rebind b each time I play, and set the sensitivity to 5 instead of 1.8

2. There is a wrong variable in "% attacked a teammate", instead of the wrongdoer, it displays your name.

3. Weapons sometimes freeze in the air after whoever was carrying them got killed

And then some bugs that didn't get fixed and I would like them to be:

1. After setting the glock to burst mode, it will reset to semi-automatic if you switch to another item, and then back to the pistol.

2. If you cook off a flashbang, and select another weapon, the flash will go off after you die.
Hey, since this is a beta, and bugs are noticable, is this why HL2 is being delayed !?? What I'm trying to say is that is it the source engine doing all these bugs? or just CS:S ? :afro:
Well if it's pretty specefic bugs like guns and crap then it's a CS: S bug.

If it seems like a major crash bug then its a source engine bug.

(V2 was freaking stable)
Most of the show stopper bugs I have seen report as either an engine error where hl2.exe crashes or as an internal driver error problems with dx9. There also seems to be something screwy with Win98/ME with DX9.0c and .NET framework because I could not even get CS:Source to load without crashing to desktop unless I had MSN messenger loaded in the background I kid you not!?!?!!?

WTF? HL2 shipping September with CS:Source? NO WAY IN HELL! I doubt CS:Source will even be ready by November......
staddydaddy said:
man I love CSS. I'm so glad i bought CZ

Sucker, that game sucks, I got the ATI coupon of ebay for 5 bucks, hahaha.
So much for a good update! The game worked fine for me until this last update that came out. Now I can only play for about three rounds before it crashes to the desktop. Steam does not crash, just the game. It always happens right at the begining of the round? The only change to my system other than the update was adding a brand new Plantronics DSP-300 which works great. The game will crash if voice is enabled or disabled. I thought it might be a heat issue or memory problem, but Call of Duty works fine and so did CS:Source until the last update.

I am running a P4 2.6Ghz, 1Gb DDR 3200 Ram, Asus P4P800 Deluxe, ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 128mb, Western Digital Raptor SATA Hard Drive for my games which is a different physical drive than my WD Special Edition for my WinXP Pro drive. My resolution is running at 1024x768 for the game, and 1280x1024 for my dual monitor desktop (19" and 17" CRT's).

Any suggestions, or am I at the mercy of VALVe at this point?
I was having lots of game crashing to desktop issues until last night. Turns out that installing the latest .NET framework did the trick. Hope this works for someone else.