Counter Strike Source Game Stuttering


Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
Ive been playing counter strike source for a while, its worked fine. Everything is good.

But today ive been having some trouble. I think Steam was working (cause the icon on the bottom right of my screen said so), and when i played the game, the game plays smoothly, then stutters, plays smoothly then stutters, it continues on.

Specs on my PC are,

P4 2.8
9800 Pro Sapphire Atlantis.
Also have 512MB broadband connection

Anyone have the same problem or did?
I'm led to believe that the problem is steam using your RAM and your HD, but I could be wrong, right?
I have the same problem, and its since the latest update.

However, I found that by changing fps_max to 300, it stops it stuttering. I usually have fps_max capped at 120, but when I get stutter and switch it to 300 which is the default, and the stutter stops.

What do you use for your fps_max?
my max_fps is on default 300.

Im not sure Lukes. The stuttering happened today, it was working perfectly before.
You might want to drop your AA down.. Even with a FX-55, and an X800XT I was stuttering on the two dust maps until I dropped my AA down from recommended.

Find out if it's those maps that are giving you the trouble first though.
All maps all servers giving me the same problem. My AA is set on the lowest and it still continues to stutter
Don't know if this would be your problem:

This has only happened to me once, but on Office, every time I killed someone their ragdoll would teleport to the map origin, which just happens to be above the map. I had "cl_ragdoll_collide 1" on, so every time someone got killed, there would be literally thousands of physics calculations going on with every new addition to the body pile. So I'd get two, three seconds of about 1-5fps, then it would go back to normal until someone else got killed.
Stuttering CS Source

Yeah, everything was fine until today when Steam decided to b0rk, I mean update my HL2 client. I tried out the new weapons in HL2 Deathmatch which was nice.

When my friend arrived a bit later to do a mini-LAN weekend on CS Source, I got the router set up to let him in and off we went, was fine for the first two or three maps, then it decided to go into Jerk-O-Vision(TM). It looked like I was getting bad lag glitches of the magnitude of old 33.6 dial-up (250-350ms PING).

When I checked my latency with the TAB key, both mine and my friends PING ratings were under 30ms each.

Talking to people on the servers that I play on, several people were encountering this problem. I tried altering the graphics settings, the windows networking settings, the router was removed and tested via my PC straight into the ADSL modem, I tried the mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0 patch bypass that the FAQ said to try, nothing works.

I'm stumped to say the least.

If anyone finds a fix for this problem that can be applied in the console or suchlike, please don't hesitate to contact me at my email address.

And I would encourage you all to pass on the bug report to the developers of CS Source via the server connect screen.


Da Wookster.
I had exactly the same problem since the 20th, i changed all my rates back to default and that solved it for me...
Meh, don't know if this is an old topic - I used search but i'm getting *exactly* the same as:

then it decided to go into Jerk-O-Vision(TM). It looked like I was getting bad lag glitches of the magnitude of old 33.6 dial-up (250-350ms PING).

That's exactly what I thought the problem was at first, ping. The jerking feels like when I was back on my 56k modem but when I checked it was <30.

I can tell you its *not* my framerate as a) I can play hl2/hl2dm and all mods fine (50+ fps minimum) and b) when i'm not controlling my character or on the rare occasion i'm not stuttering, it's also fine. I just upgraded my pc from a P3 800mhz so I know what FPS lag looks like. :imu:

Has anyone out there got a list of all the "tweaks" you can do via the console (like cl_smooth 0) so that I can try and mix and match and see what works, and also when I type them in my console are they "saved", or do I have to retype them every game?

Thanks for any help.


EDIT: Just like to add, HL2DM, HL2 or any mods that i've tried do not stutter at all.
when you guys say stuttering as in the game is running fine at 80+ fps, a ping thats < 40 and then "stutters" for a second? thats the problem i am having and its happened for several weeks now. i dont know exactly when it started but i am really getting aggrivated :flame:. i remember it starting after one of the big steam updates. i tried the "cl_smooth 0" and the "mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0" command in the console and those didnt seem to work.

does anyone have any advice or more info on this?

also. i am having another problem with my css: i try to log into any server and then it pops up the server info window (that displays the names of the players and the ping of the server) and when the latency says 19-50, it jumps up to 1000+ and then 2000. it also says that there are currently no players playing. but thats all bull because the list of servers says that there are players playing and the ping of the server is really low. HOWEVER! when i join a server thats in my favorites list, i can join those.

any suggestions?
iambigsteveo - Could you please post your hardware specs in here so we know what kind of rig you're running it on.
I thought you was supposed to leave cl_smooth on 1.
athlon 64 3500+ 939 2.2Ghz (not overclocked)
nVidia 6800 gt oc
1.5 GB DDR PC3200
Gigabit Lan
3Mb Cable
Linksys WRT54G wireless router (hardwired)
i dont think so. i tried connecting directly to the modem and it does the same thing. plus my friend has the same router and his runs fine at his house. i have another friend that comes over with his laptop and we play together, mine "stutters" and his doesnt.