Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies Release Date Announced


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May 29, 2007
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Nexon have recently revealed new details regarding their upcoming Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies (CSN:Z) spin-off, including a release date, a number of screenshots, and a bunch of new information about the gameplay itself. The new details were announced via the game's new Steam store page, which was subtly unveiled back on Tuesday of this week.

The free-to-play title was announced back in early August with a "Q3 2014" release window, something which has now been revealed as September 23rd 2014. While our release estimates were a little off (close to Halloween), we were far closer with our predictions regarding how the game would look and play.

As many of you may have guessed from the image earlier in this post, Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies will make sure of Valve's GoldSrc engine, the same modified Quake engine used to create Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, and Team Fortress: Classic, amongst others. Given that the engine is 15 years old at this point, you're probably wondering why Nexon are making use of it for a fully-fledged commercial product such as this, rather than using a modified version of Counter-Strike: Source or Global Offensive. The answer is rather simple: Nexon's own "Counter-Strike: Online" and its "Zombie 4 Darkness" gamemode already run on the original GoldSrc engine, unlike its Source-based sequel, "Counter-Strike: Online 2".

The Steam store page has revealed a number of additional details regarding how the game will play, including the maps, weapons, and enemy types set to appear. Boasting over 50 maps, it appears CSN:Z will make use of many modified versions of levels previously found in the original Counter-Strike titles, such as Dust2 and Italy. Classic maps will also be joined by classic Counter-Strike weapons, including the Desert Eagle and M4A4, and some less than conventional entries, such as flamethrowers, dual-wield knives, demonic machine guns, and possibly an acid-spraying pistol or two. Both PvP and PvE modes filled with zombies are also teased, and a Left 4 Dead styled versus mode is also shown off, allowing players to take direct control of the creatures themselves.


Even though we have yet to get our hands on Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies, the game is already shaping up as one of the weirdest Valve-related titles in history, and we'll definitely be keeping our eyes on it. There's so much more information featured on the store page that we can't realistically go into here, so head on over to take a peak if you're interested.
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Awwww thats sucks about the graphics thing. I wanted to shoot zombies in HD, but if it's free to play on steam, I guess I can't complain too much.
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Also I like how it says "More Gun" instead of more guns. Nice translation there, Nexon.


dem fishnets haha
It has region restrictions i see. I can't see store page in my country.
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For who is this game for? You want Counter-Strike? Play Global Offensive. You want Zombies? Play Left4Dead ... or Global Offensive.
Its for the asian markt? Stupid excuse, still terrible game. You can run around as a half-naked woman ffs. Why Valve?
And whats Nexon doing? CSNZ and CSO2? Why? This is all so confusing

Awwww thats sucks about the graphics thing. I wanted to shoot zombies in HD, but if it's free to play on steam, I guess I can't complain too much.

You can shoot Zombies in 10000 other games which play and look better.
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For who is this game for? You want Counter-Strike? Play Global Offensive. You want Zombies? Play Left4Dead ... or Global Offensive.
People who can't afford to purchase games and instead rely on free to play.

Why Valve?
This game has nothing to do with Valve other than the fact they're licensing out the name "Counter-Strike" and the engine. I would guess the only reason Nexon is allowed to put it on Steam is because it is running on GoldSrc.
People who can't afford to purchase games and instead rely on free to play.

everyone in the world can afford 5€ for csgo on a steam sale. (If they can afford a PC)

And "Why Valve?" is still a valid question. Why do they let others do shit with their franchises? Dont they care? If the name Counter-Strike is on it, I expect at least some quality.

Ok. Maybe Im exxagerting. But I say this game will be played on release by some people and then forgotten very quick and the reviews will be devastating.
Not sure why Valve attached their name to this.
(or why the global release as there is plenty of better stuff on the market)
besides this game is like the complete opposite of what makes Counter-Strike special. Its like a CoD-ified (Call of Duty) version of Counter-Strike with all those pop ups and unlockables and whatever you can do there. So It doesnt even deserve the name Counter-Strike. Also I want to say Im not a Counter-Strike purist, I can also enjoy games like CoD, this game is just garbage though.

This game has nothing to do with Valve
why is there a news here on Valvetime then? :P

Ok Im done with my rage :)
One of the things that bothers me most is I don't tend to associate valve with compromise, and when I read "we're going to use a 15 old game engine with graphics that are waaaaaaaaaaaay out of date for this game because it's easy and our online crap runs on it already which makes it even easier!" All I hear is let's compromise quality because quality is hard and we're lazy. And by putting counterstrikes names on it, it's like valve associating with compromise. Even if it's a cod-ified valve game, it's should be well done and have actual effort put into it.

Idk just needed to release some steam (ha pun)
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Yeah I cringed at that too. At least well Aizawa or whoever used it.
Oh crap Lmao, I totally forgot to take that part out. My original post had whore in it because I called them cheap money grabbing whores (Instead of lazy) then I remembered it was F2P and It's probably safe to just avoid the word so I took it out and forgot to take out that bottom part. I'll fix that. Just pretend its business as usual and some nerd isn't happy with a game coming out.
Shouldn't the title of this article be "Release date announced" instead of "Released" or is my brain just not working today?