Counter-Strike: Source Market - Weapon Pricing

I cant see this negatively effecting anyone but the people who have set money-based strats. If it becomes a real issue, im sure valve will make it a server option or somthing along those lines.

It negatively effects everyone because the good guns will always increase in price. There's a reason no one uses the UMP, TMP or P90. They are bad guns. All guns in CS are not equal, they never have been. All this update will do is screw up competitive gaming, making it slower, and make more pubs give 16k money so that everyone can afford guns.

A pub with more guns won't be anymore or less fun than it is now. Why? Because those guns suck. Have you ever tried to kill someone with Mac-10? It's 95% luck and 5% skill. Whereas the AK and M4 are 90% skill and 10% luck.

This update will just slow the game down for the competitive scene. I honestly don't see the AK and M4 ever decreasing in price, until they are absurdly expensive (5-6k). At that point, competitive CSS will be dead. There will be maybe 2 gun rounds in the entire half. The rest of the time it will be save, save, save, save until a real gun can be afforded.

CS has been out for 8 years. It has plenty of time to optimize the buying schedule. If a team were to get an advantage by buying SMGs or bad rifles (FAMAS, galil) over saving, then it would have happened already. However, using those guns vs the other who already is established with real guns (AK/M4, AWP) is pointless. Over the years, it's been shown that saving your money for the real guns is a better decision than buying crap guns every round.
It negatively effects everyone because the good guns will always increase in price. There's a reason no one uses the UMP, TMP or P90. They are bad guns. All guns in CS are not equal, they never have been. All this update will do is screw up competitive gaming, making it slower, and make more pubs give 16k money so that everyone can afford guns.

A pub with more guns won't be anymore or less fun than it is now. Why? Because those guns suck. Have you ever tried to kill someone with Mac-10? It's 95% luck and 5% skill. Whereas the AK and M4 are 90% skill and 10% luck.

This update will just slow the game down for the competitive scene. I honestly don't see the AK and M4 ever decreasing in price, until they are absurdly expensive (5-6k). At that point, competitive CSS will be dead. There will be maybe 2 gun rounds in the entire half. The rest of the time it will be save, save, save, save until a real gun can be afforded.

CS has been out for 8 years. It has plenty of time to optimize the buying schedule. If a team were to get an advantage by buying SMGs or bad rifles (FAMAS, galil) over saving, then it would have happened already. However, using those guns vs the other who already is established with real guns (AK/M4, AWP) is pointless. Over the years, it's been shown that saving your money for the real guns is a better decision than buying crap guns every round.

QFT. this guys knows what hes talking about. Valve better implement a server variable.
It negatively effects everyone because the good guns will always increase in price. There's a reason no one uses the UMP, TMP or P90.

You're assuming that no one ever uses those guns, when infact, I do. Useing the same gun over and over again is boring. And it's always funny when some dies, only to see it was from a TMP. Just becuase a gun does more damage, and is more accurate doesn't mean I'll always use that (example, I NEVER buy an AWP, always a scout).

And It seems like only a few guns will go up in price (seeing as right now, only 4 items have gone up).

If you think you're good, proove it by useing a shittier weapon.
You're assuming that no one ever uses those guns, when infact, I do. Useing the same gun over and over again is boring. And it's always funny when some dies, only to see it was from a TMP. Just becuase a gun does more damage, and is more accurate doesn't mean I'll always use that (example, I NEVER buy an AWP, always a scout).

And It seems like only a few guns will go up in price (seeing as right now, only 4 items have gone up).

If you think you're good, proove it by useing a shittier weapon.

You've never played a scrim in your life, you wouldn't understand how this affects competitive play.
Hahaha awesome :D

I'm going to love watching noobs yelling "OMFG ****ING ADMIN CHANGED PRICES" :p

EDIT: There'll probably be a variable to remove it for matches.
You've never played a scrim in your life, you wouldn't understand how this affects competitive play.

The only way it affects competative gameplay is by forcing people to change their strategy. God forbid people actually use something other than the M4 or the AK! How can you play such a boringly repetative game? :rolleyes:
The competative CS community are ridiculous. When the TFC competative community was forced to adapt to the teleporter element added to our game, we whined some but eventually all of us adapted and it became part of the game. While a few sticklers couldn't stand it, noone could properly deny that it made things more interesting.
The only way it affects competative gameplay is by forcing people to change their strategy. God forbid people actually use something other than the M4 or the AK! How can you play such a boringly repetative game? :rolleyes:

The M4 and AK are used the most because they are the best guns. In a competitive game, very few people are bad. Using another gun is just a handicap to your own skill and is akin to rolling the dice. A galil and FAMAS are just too random and inaccurate to use effectively, especially compared to the M4 and AK. I'd rather have Valve balance the guns out instead of imposing this asshat retarded idea. It'll just make coming back that much harder, especially on maps that are 1 sided like mill, cbble and aztec. I'd use other guns if they were good. They aren't, so I won't bother.

The winning team will have these good guns, while the losing team will ahve to save more often to buy the good guns. The competitive community already tried using the FAMAS/galil vs M4/AK and it just didn't work. There's only one real way to compete and that's to buy the M4/AK/AWP and if you can't afford it, save your money for a round or two until you can. SMGs/bad rifles just don't cut it against those two guns.

The competative CS community are ridiculous. When the TFC competative community was forced to adapt to the teleporter element added to our game, we whined some but eventually all of us adapted and it became part of the game. While a few sticklers couldn't stand it, noone could properly deny that it made things more interesting.

Right, and look where TFC is right now? Oh right, it's dead. TFC died because of asshat retarded ideas coming into the game, like teleporters.
I think it's kinda stupid. This means the M4, AK, Deagle, MP5 will soar in price. I'm sure this includes flash and HE nades. I just don't like a "economy" thing in an FPS. Sure put an economy in WoW or Guild Wars...but CS? C'mon now.

When the price is up, some people'll choose to buy other guns, making its own value drop.
The M4 and AK are used the most because they are the best guns. In a competitive game, very few people are bad. Using another gun is just a handicap to your own skill and is akin to rolling the dice. A galil and FAMAS are just too random and inaccurate to use effectively, especially compared to the M4 and AK. I'd rather have Valve balance the guns out instead of imposing this asshat retarded idea. It'll just make coming back that much harder, especially on maps that are 1 sided like mill, cbble and aztec. I'd use other guns if they were good. They aren't, so I won't bother.

The winning team will have these good guns, while the losing team will ahve to save more often to buy the good guns. The competitive community already tried using the FAMAS/galil vs M4/AK and it just didn't work. There's only one real way to compete and that's to buy the M4/AK/AWP and if you can't afford it, save your money for a round or two until you can. SMGs/bad rifles just don't cut it against those two guns.

Right, and look where TFC is right now? Oh right, it's dead. TFC died because of asshat retarded ideas coming into the game, like teleporters.

TFC is far from dead if you play it competatively. Besides, that has no relevance to the issue at hand, TFC did not become smaller because of new ideas, it was time that simmered the fire. It's the longest running mod for HL.

You did nothing but reaffirm the point I made. CS:S stagnates when only 2-3 guns are used at all. It's an issue of balance. Because of the new changes, while one week the matches will focus on M4/AK, the heavy use of them will cause a price shift and the next week's lineups will resort to the SMGs or the other rifles. The fact that the M4 and AK are used so much is, exactly as you said, because they are the best guns. This makes it rather evident that there is a balance issue with the weapons. It would be very difficult to balance a whole variety of weapons without making them too similar, so this is a much better way of doing it.
It negatively effects everyone because the good guns will always increase in price. There's a reason no one uses the UMP, TMP or P90. They are bad guns. All guns in CS are not equal, they never have been. All this update will do is screw up competitive gaming, making it slower, and make more pubs give 16k money so that everyone can afford guns.

A pub with more guns won't be anymore or less fun than it is now. Why? Because those guns suck. Have you ever tried to kill someone with Mac-10? It's 95% luck and 5% skill. Whereas the AK and M4 are 90% skill and 10% luck.

This update will just slow the game down for the competitive scene. I honestly don't see the AK and M4 ever decreasing in price, until they are absurdly expensive (5-6k). At that point, competitive CSS will be dead. There will be maybe 2 gun rounds in the entire half. The rest of the time it will be save, save, save, save until a real gun can be afforded.

CS has been out for 8 years. It has plenty of time to optimize the buying schedule. If a team were to get an advantage by buying SMGs or bad rifles (FAMAS, galil) over saving, then it would have happened already. However, using those guns vs the other who already is established with real guns (AK/M4, AWP) is pointless. Over the years, it's been shown that saving your money for the real guns is a better decision than buying crap guns every round.

Maybe... you can disable it for competitive gaming?


Right, and look where TFC is right now? Oh right, it's dead. TFC died because of asshat retarded ideas coming into the game, like teleporters.

Stop pulling bullshit from your ass. It died when bunnyhopping was discovered in the engine. Over time the amount of players decreased, and left a small amount still playing it.
TFC died mainly because it stagnated. No other single reason 'killed' it. By the time the teleporters arrived the game was already in terminal decline as it had barely received any updates in years before that, not even bug-fixes.

CS has constantly changed over the years and 99% of the changes have been the subject of negative reactions from the playerbase. The same playerbase tends to stick with the game, adapt to it and then complain about the next update, adapt to it... etc. Whether you like the changes or not, they ensure the game keeps going, changing and requiring people to re-learn / re-master the changed elements instead of settling into a monotonous pattern using the same strategies on the same maps until the end of time. Some of the changes inevitably displease people (sometimes with good reason, sometimes not) and turn some away, but those same changes also keep others playing. Valve sometimes gets it wrong (shield...) but mostly gets it right. The fact that so many people are still playing is testament to that.

I agree that quite a few of the guns in CS are basically useless, but it should be interesting to see what happens regardless. If it doesn't work out and/or ruins competitive play then I'm sure they'll do something about it.

I'm personally happy about this as I like to use the tmp, mac-10, pump shotty and every other barely-used gun because I find it fun to see how many kills I can get with them on pubs. You know you're having fun when the CTs start complaining about "overpowered shotguns" on dust and other ridiculous comments :D
Bunnyhopping was also a good reason, because it pissed new players and older players didn't like it. Tada! Decline in player base.
Bunnyhopping was also a good reason, because it pissed new players and older players didn't like it. Tada! Decline in player base.
You mean in TFC?

Man, there's so much splash damage in TFC that bunnyhopping is useless for everything but getting by fast :p
<font size=5>Update:</font> This new pricing system will be toggable. So if you choose to run a server that will keep the same pricing the weapons are at now (default), then they will stay that way forever, so long as you have this CVAR setting:[br]"mp_dynamicpricing" "0"[br]Obviously, to enable the algorithm for your server, you would set said CVAR to "1".[br]Happy days are here again!
That's good news, everyone gets their way.
<font size=5>Update:</font> This new pricing system will be toggable. So if you choose to run a server that will keep the same pricing the weapons are at now (default), then they will stay that way forever, so long as you have this CVAR setting:[br]"mp_dynamicpricing" "0"[br]Obviously, to enable the algorithm for your server, you would set said CVAR to "1".[br]Happy days are here again!
Thank god. I was about to fire this Winchester Rifle right into my anus to end the horrible, horrible pain.

Guess its good. Everyone gets their way :eek:
Guess its good. Everyone gets their way :eek:
I feel bad for Valve, and I quote myself:

"I feel pretty bad that you guys felt obligated into doing this (Unless, many will still decide on using the system)... You guys obviously put a lot of time and effort into planning and executing this."


As another forum staffer said, if the popular servers decide to scrap the algorithm, it's only natural that the weaker servers will follow.

Children are just too afraid of change... This is CS:S, not CS1.6. You've been told that CS:S will have multiple upgrades during its lifetime since the beginning of its beta days; With Source & Steam working together, it's only natural.
You've never played a scrim in your life, you wouldn't understand how this affects competitive play.

You're a moron. I've been in clans. I've been in CAL. And I stopped playing, becasue competitive CS is shit.

And I do know how much this will affect competitive play... It doesn't.

mp_dynamicpricing 0

Now you can keep buying the same ****ing gun over and over because you can't adapt to a changing game.
Heh... thank goodness. Not because I believe it's going to suck, but at least if it does we have the option of turning it off. Thank you Valve!
You're a moron. I've been in clans. I've been in CAL. And I stopped playing, becasue competitive CS is shit.

And I do know how much this will affect competitive play... It doesn't.

mp_dynamicpricing 0

Now you can keep buying the same ****ing gun over and over because you can't adapt to a changing game.

I'd wreck you anyday of the week with any gun easy. Doesn't change the competitive gaming scene.
I think this is a good will make the gameplay a little more interesting and bring back bored players......
Thats pretty trippy who knows the 5/7 could end up costing 57 dollars!weapons like the AWp could end up costing 16000 >:) lol
Yeah, I'd play on servers with the dynamic pricing. Although I wouldn't like it for competitive play.
The M4 and AK are used the most because they are the best guns. In a competitive game, very few people are bad. Using another gun is just a handicap to your own skill and is akin to rolling the dice. A galil and FAMAS are just too random and inaccurate to use effectively, especially compared to the M4 and AK. I'd rather have Valve balance the guns out instead of imposing this asshat retarded idea. It'll just make coming back that much harder, especially on maps that are 1 sided like mill, cbble and aztec. I'd use other guns if they were good. They aren't, so I won't bother.

The winning team will have these good guns, while the losing team will ahve to save more often to buy the good guns. The competitive community already tried using the FAMAS/galil vs M4/AK and it just didn't work. There's only one real way to compete and that's to buy the M4/AK/AWP and if you can't afford it, save your money for a round or two until you can. SMGs/bad rifles just don't cut it against those two guns.

Right, and look where TFC is right now? Oh right, it's dead. TFC died because of asshat retarded ideas coming into the game, like teleporters.

Funny, it seems like asshat retarded ideas would be right up your alley.
Hahaha if you think the FAMAS is inaccurate you sir are one hell of a n00b. :sniper:

I like this new twist, John Nash eat your heart out :p

I Wonder how viable it is to bias the market by writing a script that repeatedly buys weapons on a ghost server to intentionally tilt the CSS weapons market rofl
This is a brilliant idea. But of course, though, the CSS fans will hate it. They hate different things, they hate changes, and they hate evolution, as far as I can tell! So, of course they'll hate this.

Hahaha if you think the FAMAS is inaccurate you sir are one hell of a n00b. :sniper:

I like this new twist, John Nash eat your heart out :p

I Wonder how viable it is to bias the market by writing a script that repeatedly buys weapons on a ghost server to intentionally tilt the CSS weapons market rofl

It is. You buy the FAMAS, and I'll use the M4 or AK. You'll be lucky if you get 5 frags on me outta 50.
I'm badass because I'm good at a computer game, lol.

I'm badass because I have 3 patents, 4 pending and working on a doctrate in engineering. The fact that I'm good at CS is just icing on the cake.
Congratulations Omarcissistic.

Anywho, glad it's optional too. Although the change may make source more enticing for me as I'm still a 1.6 player.
It is. You buy the FAMAS, and I'll use the M4 or AK. You'll be lucky if you get 5 frags on me outta 50.

And that is hardly a measure of a weapons accuracy, to accurateley measure accuracy you would eliminate any other factors from the comparison, like player skill.

A weapons accuracy has a definite meaning, maybe you just didnt use it well.

Of course, im willing to try and put your Ego in place by proving your statement wrong at any time, find an even playing ground and im game :)
I would say I'm game too, but chances are, he'll win, and think that prooves something.