Counter-Strike: Source - Reviewed

Nice review, but you could have at least used a half decent machine to take the screenshots with ... them graphics look awful, no offence!

Radeon 9800, P4 2.66GHz, 768MB RAM, detail settings high, AFx16, No AA.

They're not THAT bad.
Chris_D said:

Radeon 9800, P4 2.66GHz, 768MB RAM, detail settings high, AFx16, No AA.

They're not THAT bad.

Mary me! :afro:

Well good review anyway :)
You'd be suprised what a little antialiasing and ansiotropic filtering can do. That's a nice rig, it'll be able to handle them both and still give you a playable fps.

Recommend 4x AF and 6x AA @ 1024x768 with all details on high :)

I just don't like jaggies, they're so 18th century
Ansur said:
I'd rather see oilrig and assault :)

fair play, guess its just personal preference.. tbh, i would like them to update all the models first, doesn't feel same not being able to choose ur fave skin.. :(
wibblemonster said:
fair play, guess its just personal preference.. tbh, i would like them to update all the models first, doesn't feel same not being able to choose ur fave skin.. :(

Amen! Here's hoping that Valve have something uber special up their sleeves for the rest of the skins.
Methias said:
CS: Source would be a good game to me if they had done anything to update the gameplay. As far as I can tell, it is exactly the same. And the overall graphical improvement was implemented in a completely predictable way.

I don't understand why they don't take the CS concept and run with it a little. They should implement standard game types like capture the flag, deathmatch, team deathmatch, domination, etc. etc. I don't think it would do anything to hurt the integrity of the already existing gameplay and it would only draw in new players that don't really go for the one-life-per-round game model. I've played CS a few times over the years and there's definitely something that I love about it. The atmosphere is totally solid. The artwork is great. The sounds are great. The feel of the guns is great. I've never been able to get into it though. Because I can't stand waiting 1-2 (and even 3-4) minutes after I die to respawn. And I don't think I'm alone. There's plenty of people out there that like more constant, steady action. And it's silly that they should be kept from enjoying the excellent things that Counter-Strike has to offer because of a few lines of code.
ermm, i have to disagree with that. in my opinion the gameplay in CS is better than in CSS because the controls and reactions needed etc etc etc are much better, due to it being a low graphics game that doesnt require a supercomputer. this means that it runs really smoothly and makes it possible to be so amazing. in CSS u just shoot in the persons general direction and hope it hits, and it usually does although u are around the corner already, unless of course u have the newest top of the line pcs. CS gameplay still beats CSS's, i aint good at explaining stuff so bare with me on my explanation :P
Me thinking some more news was posted, but no, adding a reply to a week-old topic :rolleyes:
I think one of the main reasons CS:S was released early was to entice people to buy from steam. It got my money because I wanted to play CS:S until hl2 even if it is still kinda beta feel to it.

I know this is unrelated to CS:S, but will the people who bought HL2 online be able to start playing at midnight tonight?
The people who bought HL2 on steam will be able to play it the moment it is released.