Counter-Strike: Source Weapons Guide


Jun 17, 2007
Reaction score
Here is a little guide to help you better understand your weapons in CS:S.

Glock-20 Rounds--9mm
A good standard pistol. You start out with this wepon on the terrorist team. A fairly accurate pistol, it lacks stopping power but is apparently a challenge while using 3 round burst. Good at medium to close range and needs a few shots to the head (about 2) to kill someone.

USP-12 Rounds--.45cal
Arguably the weapon of choice for any situation, you start out with the USP on the Counter-Terrorist team. Be sure to place your shots accurately with this pistol as it is inaccurate after about 3 shots so do 1 shot successions. This is the next strongest weapon next to the Desert Eagle (fondly called the "deagle" by vets). About 1 to two shots in the head to kill someone and 3 or more in the chest to make your enemy bite the dust.

P228/P226-13 Rounds--.357
One of the weapons that veterans would use in any situation, the P228 is a weapon of choice for both teams and is fairly accurate. It is not as strong as the USP, but has 1 more shot, but even so it is not as great as the USP I think. Even though, the P228 is still a good all around, multi purpose weapon. Basically a weak USP.

Desert Eagle/Deagle-7 rounds--.50cal
Considered the best pistol ever known to mankind and the Israelies that developed it, the Desert Eagle has the raw stopping power that you always need in CS:S. The Deagle has 7 rounds only, so carefully place your shots and try and be aware of you ammo situation. Always use 1 shots, never rapid fire as the Deagle will quickly become inaccurate and miss your target. The Deagle takes 1 headshot to kill someone without a helmet or with a helmet. It is the most used secondary weapon in the game and is preferred by many snipers as a good solid weapon.

E/S 5/7-20 Rounds--5.7mm
The 5/7 is extremely accurate and is good at all ranges. But the downfall of this weapon is the fact that it has fairly small ammunition. I suggest not using this wepon unleses you are highly skilled with it.

Dual Berettas-15 Rounds (in each pistol=30)--9mm
The Dual Berettas are something of a joke to well seasoned players and present a challenge to modern thinking. Overall the Elites (as they are dubbed in game) are actually fairly accurate but cost a little too much for two cheap pistols. In the server I play in the Elite's are something as a weapon that requires skill to wield. The reload on these babies are a little long but no worries, you shouldn't have bought them anyway.


Spas 12-8 Shells--12 Gauge Ammunition
This shotgun is the weapon of choice for close quarters combat and is very deadly at a range of 10 ft to up in your face range. Be sure to jump around when you are pumping this shotgun as in that amount of time you could easily be delivered hot lead right in the face. The range on this shotgun is limited, but can kill from quite a distance if you're lucky. If I were you I would switch to your pistol when confronted with a long range target. With 8 rounds to boot you're in for a joyride. Be sure to place your shots with accuracy as with no direct hits you can't deliver the kills.

XM LSS 26 Autoshotgun-7 Shells--Ammo Size N/A
This is the n00b cannon and will remain so until n00bs stop using it. This shotgun can deliver kills if you know how to limit the recoil and concentrate the shots directly to a moving or stationary target. Don't always use this weapon as each round can call for a different strategy.

-@-Sub Machineguns-@-

MAC10-30 Rounds--.45cal
This is the first wepon in the sub machine gun section for the Terrorist Team. I suggest you only use this weapon as embarrassment, camping, or doing a MAC10 team rush. This wepon has a fast rate of fire but is extremely inaccurate and requires a steady hand to deliver these strong rounds. I suggest just saving money and just using your pistol.

MP9/TMP-30 Rounds--9mm
This is the first SMG choice for the Counter Terrorists and is a fast firing accurate weapon. If you haven't noticed though, the TMP (the machine pistol) is a relatively weak weapon unless you deliver about 4 rounds to that head of theirs. I suggest that you use this weapon when you are low on cash or are just feeling like Mini Me's Bit**

MP5-30 Rounds--9mm
This is the most used weapon in the game and is by far the best in the whole Counter Strike series. The MP5 is a fairly light weighted gun and has stopping power for those with twitchy fingers and accurate mouse hands. The MP5 might have 9mm rounds but does not have that much recoil and can sustain fire and deliver a few rounds to the head with ease. I suggest using this when you are going in a close quarters area or are rushing and want to save cash. Use this gun whenever or wherever.

UMP45-25 Rounds--.45cal?
This SMG is one of the most powerful in its class but has a slow rate of fire and only 25 rounds. This gun is almost never used or talked about, and anyone who makes the mistake of buuying this weapon will be deemed a n00b. Unless you use this weapon in GunGame you should not use it at all unless you are extremely drunk (Try it, I bought stock in Buds!) It seems that only drunks can aim for $H!T with this weapon. If you are sober don't even consider it.

P90/MY CHAINSAW-50 Rounds (OMG! *soils pants*)--5.7mm
This is one of the best SMG's for any situation despite its low caliber ammo. WIth 50 rounds you should consider this weapon as the best for Rambo-esque situations. Be careful, you are susceptible to headshots while running around with this thing.

-@-Assault Rifles-@-

FAMAS-25 Rounds--7.62 Rifle Rounds
This is the first assault rifle for the Counter Terrorist team and is one of the best weapons I have ever encountered. This weapon might only have 25 rounds and be inaccurate in Automatic mode, but press secondary fire and you have 3 round burst mode. In 3 round burst mode nothing is impossible and headshots will ensue if you are careful about placing your shots. Be sure of your ammo levels as it seems to disappear after 3 kills. With this rifle be sure to put "XD" on your screen as this ensures you will kill (I love that emoticon).

Galil-35 Rounds--N/A
This is the first Assault Rifle for the Terrorist team and is a very good one at that. Be sure to buy this accurate weapon when low on cash (always buy armor first though!) and when expecting long range combat. This weapon has 25 rounds (5 more!) so be sure that you use 2 round bursts when using it as this will prolong your ammo supplies. The only problem with this weaon is that it has weak rounds (even though I don't know their size).

AK-47-30 Rounds--7.62 Rifle Rounds
The AK-47, the first weapon that you know of as you enter 3rd grade, this middle eastern weapon has supple ammo and stopping power and has an excellent rate of fire. Be sure to only use 1 to 2 round bursts when using this AR (assault rifle). Good in any situations.

Steyr Scout-10 Rounds--7.62 Rifle Rounds
This sniper has perfect, pinpoint aim and delivers shots with ease. Be careful, as just one shot to the torso will not kill. Only a headshot will instantly kill with this weapon. The other probblem is that this rifle is bolt action and takes time to load the next shot (not strenuously long but will expose you). Be sure to practice with this weapon with bots before going into a pub or private server and trying to pwn it all up.

M4A1 Assault Rifle-30 Rounds--7.62 Rifle Rounds
This is one of the most used assault rifles besides the AK-47. This assault rifle is accurate, fairly light, and has a secondary fire mode (silenced rounds). Beware, the silenced mode is a tad bit weaker than that of the unsilenced mode and will not deliver as much damage. Even so, one of my most favorite weapons.

SG552 Commando-30 Rounds--N/A
This is the Terrorists zooming lightly weapon and is a good all around weapon but can also leave a hole in your wallet. This gun is virtually the best actually and can zoom in and deliver clean accurate shots without much recoil unless you use sustained fire. On the COunter Terrosrist team there is a weapon exactly like it and is only a bit stronger and a bit more recoil. I like this weapon because it looks cooler.

This is the end of the weapons review and does not review any other weapons as they are all noobish (unless you really like autosnipers and awps....psshhh....) I hope i could include it in the Wiki but that would have to be a bit more in depth huh?
I have so much to disagree on this one that I'm not even going to bother with it.
I do say it has 35 rounds. Aw well just someting I pieced together this lazy afternoon. :Id. (face looks like kirby eating food O_o

And brick, tis is just what i know from other weapon sources and my personal experiences.
"This weapon has 25 rounds (5 more!) so be sure that you use 2 round bursts when using it as this will prolong your ammo supplies. The only problem with this weaon is that it has weak rounds (even though I don't know their size)."
Oops. sorry dekstar never bothered to notice that. ty for the info.
so many thing i could disagree on but ill just do this 1

MP5-30 Rounds--9mm
This is the most used weapon in the game and is by far the best in the whole Counter Strike series.

F**** off no chance lol XD
Excuse me BLuntman, but it seems that you underestimate that the MP5 is actually the most used and has very good accuracy and can doll out headshots with sustained fire. You obviously don't play real people.
Most used my ass. Mp5 comes after M4, ak and awp. It's a pretty good weapon, but not reliable for mid or longer range combat. And the damage it does is terrible. If your enemy has armor and a helmet, you'll need 3 headshots or 11 body hits.
agreed and i do play people i dont play bots i hate them... grr... Brick i totally sgree eith you.:P
E/S 5/7-20 Rounds--5.7mm
The 5/7 is extremely accurate and is good at all ranges. But the downfall of this weapon is the fact that it has fairly small ammunition. I suggest not using this wepon unleses you are highly skilled with it.

you put it has 20 bullets, but then say it has small ammo... what?

UMP45-25 Rounds--.45cal?
This SMG is one of the most powerful in its class but has a slow rate of fire and only 25 rounds. This gun is almost never used or talked about, and anyone who makes the mistake of buuying this weapon will be deemed a n00b. Unless you use this weapon in GunGame you should not use it at all unless you are extremely drunk (Try it, I bought stock in Buds!) It seems that only drunks can aim for $H!T with this weapon. If you are sober don't even consider it.

Ump45 is a great weapon if you can fire it in short bursts at long distances, and if you can actually hit your enemies.
P90/MY CHAINSAW-50 Rounds (OMG! *soils pants*)--5.7mm
This is one of the best SMG's for any situation despite its low caliber ammo. WIth 50 rounds you should consider this weapon as the best for Rambo-esque situations. Be careful, you are susceptible to headshots while running around with this thing.

my favorite gun, i don't even aim i just pray and spray. I guess i play like Rambo.

scout is my second favorite gun, so I can aim.
Still, MP5 is most used even if none of you use it. Face the Facts.
Sure it sucks ass, but still, some people just need this and a pistol. I just use my usp and ak/m4a1 that's about it.
On what basis do you say the MP5 is the most used? It's really not the case.
Um the steam prices i think. cheapest weapon, steam percentages showed it was the most bought weapon in game. dunno, i honestly think it blows but don't pin it on me man. this is just the stats. last time i saw it it was most used weapon.

Lol, never said you were talking about DWP. Ofcourse, dwp makes the ak and m4 so expensive that the mp5 becomes the only gun worth buying. And the steam stats died a while ago... DWP has been removed as far as I know.
The only weapons used in CS are the colt and AK to be fair with a few people awping as well unless your on a compleat cry baby server with no awps on. I feel most people would rather eco rather then get an mp5 and then go for the ak/colt.
I'd rather run around with a deagle than shell out money for the mp5. Deagle + aiming owns mp5. Sure Dek would agree with this one.

I actually use the Mp5 as a secondary to my deagle 80% of the time. I use all my deagle clip and if they're still not dead I'll mp5 'em. I also use the deagle as a covering weapon to get close so I can mp5. But I agree if you expect to get an AK the round after, it's not worth shelling for an Mp5. If I do, then I use the Mp5 until I die.
Yeah, well <3 my elite's can;t part with them. Two pistols, 2 hands, 30 rounds? Come on, these are just asking to be used :)
The M4 does not use 7.62mm rounds but 5.56mm. And so does the Galil if I remember correctly.
Oops, srry yellonet didn't remember lawls. I knew it was around that are

Don't agree with some of your reviews so I'll just list off the weapons in order of frequency of use, which happens to be the order of effectiveness in my hands:
nub cannon

fiveseven, dualies, AWP, auto snipe - not used

Occasionally I will play entire games with a certain weapon just to get used to it.
The scout is anything but pinpoint accurate unless you are sitting perfectly still, and I feel you underrated the p228.

Oh, give me the server IP you play on. I'm constantly ranked 1 of 4240 on my server and it gets boring playing the same people over and over.
Z ryuken, thanks for the info, looked like I f***ed up there looking at some old data caches. I'll give you the server IP by private message as I don't want more people playing on it. Make sure you turn your hacks off ;)
Just tooting my own horn, but when I joined that server I pretty much mopped up the joint. :laugh:
Then get out of here pie, no1 loves you anymore.

on a more serious note that server I sent u ryuken was probably got the n00bs on it as there are a lot of hackers on sometimes. I trust you don't go in there with a different name and hack rite??

and pie, i sowee.
