


Hey Guys, trying to pimp my mapping as much as i can :naughty:

This map introduces a variation on the staggered cp maps, gravelpit or dustbowl.

When the round starts, the first team to take the center cp gains an advantage.
A good rush shoudl work, but be warned that it wont take long for the enemy to arrive either.
Capping the center makes all players respawn, and teams now assume the role of attacker and defender. The team that capped are attacking and need to capture both the defenders CPs.
However, if the defenders and push hard enough to take back the center, the teams roles are reversed.

Get the map from:

Or play it on:
Multiplay.co.uk TF2#22 cp_center_scramble & ctf_lucius

Kindly hosted by Multiplay.co.uk <3

Layout: teams spawn at either end, caps in the ends and one in the center.







Textures are dev for testing, i will be texturing it to fit with Tf2's style and look once its had some thourough testing.
Am I the only one who thinks you've had no planning and preliminary for this map?
To me this is very meh.
I think you forgot about textures. X style isn't good
It's an interesting idea to have a flag cap to decide the attacker/defender, but the layout doesn't do this concept justice.
First thing I noticed: Snipers are given a huge advantage with the overly-long lines of sight that go from one "branch" of the map to the opposite branch, through the center point. Fix that.
Na, just slightly block it with a box, pissing off the sniper...

But, very good looking map, not the best, but still looks like fun, atleast it will when you put some damn textures on it...
/me wants OP to post again to clarify that he cares about criticism.

By the way, this map would suck for pyro.
Texturing is probably the worst possible thing to do with a map that's still very much a work in progress. Making sure the map plays well is far more important than making sure it looks good.
Map does seem to be focusing on sniper part (but then the OPs name has sniper in it)

The idea of changing attack/defense roll with a single CP seems interesting.
"Texturing is probably the worst possible thing to do with a map that's still very much a work in progress. Making sure the map plays well is far more important than making sure it looks good."

This is the exact reason that i have used dev's. I dont want to have wasted the time sorting out textures and alignment if i then go and change a load of brushwork.

@ Iron_cube
there will be plenty more dev textures, thats how good mappers work.

Development flow lols.

Ya, i am looking for feedbacks and crit, its very helpful.
I have been made aware that it tends to result in a stalemate, and will need to address this.

ps. im actually not much of a sniper, spy is my thing :D