CPU heatsink/fan


May 29, 2003
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Im planning on getting a Barton 2500+, And I want to know what type of heatsink and fan I should get If i wanted to overclock it to 3000+
Should I just go with stock cooling? or buy the proc OEM and get a better one....
Im going to be getting it at frys, so dont say anything that cant be found there.

And it has to be affordable, preferably under $20 for the fan and heatsink.
HSF..well ALPHA PALS, the best HSF's out there, are only for Intel, so second best, I'd get a Vantec Aeroflow. They're VERY reliable and keeps your shit VERY cool.
spud i have a Vantec aeroflow and its awesome....keeps my cpu at 30-35c idle and 35-39c in games....its definitly a great deal. Its under $30 i think, and it comes with its own thermal grease...i really suggest the aeroflow.
SKs and SLKs are a great deal. Provide your own fan as you see fit. Copper heatsink. Can get them cheap too depending on what model.
The newest copper Aeroflow7+ (i think) is awesome and puts of less noise than others.
I have a Vol 11 and is great copper cooler.
If I had to buy a HSF right now I wouldnt get a Vol 11 again though.
Its a great HSF for the price (bout $30) but I can get a Aeroflow7+ that is better for 40$ or a SLK model for cheap and put my choice fan on there.
But I would get a copper heatsink.
I got an areo Cool and a AMD Barton 2500+ to go with my new ASUS mobo.
One question, how do I install the heatsink? I got the strip deal and the lube deal stuff.

Also, what could I OC' it to with that?
Word around town is right, Areo's have put out about 3 solid fans and sinks. Most will keep everything nice and cool and your temps in the norm. Just dont pay over 49.99. Check pricewatch...I thought I saw Areo7 for 29.99 shipped. So not to pricey, just shop around.
Volcano 11 works great! - i have one on my 2600+, average of 96F, only on 3200rpm - can reach 4800rpm.
AS3. bu ttheres alot of talk about the strip. Some say take it off (rubbingAL). Some say leave it. Just make sure you got and enough on the chip. If your not happy with the first time you reseat it. Just adjust it ever so lightly. Steady hand.
If you havce a UV blacklight in your case, you can put UV fans that glow, and also cable ties, IDE cables, etc.
How do I install it, and what can i oc it too with my areocool?
I asked this too, half way down, but no one answered.
Whats this "areocool"? You shouldnt ask how far you can OC it though, its different results on every system. Take it slow, OC it like 25mhz at a time until you get unstable, then UC back 25mhz and OC it at 10mhz, and so on. Not saying thats exactly how, but just an example.