Cpu, Mobo!!!


Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
I am canadian, bear in mind the prices.

I have an old shit mobo, and my cpu (1600xp) is old as well..

My cpu specs as of now are
-radeon 9600xt 256mb
-maxtor 30gig 7200rpm
-ram 512ddr 3200
-cpu athlon 1600xp (upgrade)
-mobo some gigabyte piece of crap only supporting agp 4x..(upgrade)
-audigy sound, etc..

I need some help for my price range, i have 200$ canadian for a new mobo, WHAT Should i get!? and for the new CPU, i would like an amd64 3400... but if there is something i dont know about it please inform me..

Any suggestions/ help ?

to tell you the truth, youd be better off getting a new pc (besides the vid card)
Check out the Hardware and Software forums. I'm planning on buying an Abit KV8 motherboard ($91 USD), and it's A64.

P.S. 7hoR, I love your avatar.
7hoR said:
to tell you the truth, youd be better off getting a new pc (besides the vid card)
ehh no jsut upgrade the cpu to anythign above 2.4
I would just go ahead and get a whole new pc including the video card.

Selling crack would be a good start. :(
EC said:
P.S. 7hoR, I love your avatar.

Thanks :)

sHm0zY said:
ehh no jsut upgrade the cpu to anythign above 2.4

Well, personally I couldn't even think about only having 30GB of hard drive space. Not to mention, 512 memory is being outdated pretty quickly.
7hoR said:
Thanks :)

Well, personally I couldn't even think about only having 30GB of hard drive space. Not to mention, 512 memory is being outdated pretty quickly.
I only have a 30 gig hardrive and im fine
and the 512 ram is fine.
I guess its more of a personal choice for the hard drive. XP uses a good 10GB of it, so really you only have a 20GB hard drive, and I just couldn't personally imagine only having that much. And your going to want to upgrade past 512 very soon, but ok.
yah, get a new processor, consider a P4.
motherboard doesn't really matter (I like Asus) BUT should support:
-Dual Channel DDR2 RAM

Everything else is fine for now.
7hoR said:
I guess its more of a personal choice for the hard drive. XP uses a good 10GB of it, so really you only have a 20GB hard drive, and I just couldn't personally imagine only having that much. And your going to want to upgrade past 512 very soon, but ok.

To get more HD space, go to system restore -> setting, and slide disk usage to 1%.

After this XP only uses about 3 GB or less.
After setting it to 1%, you only GET about 3GB more space.
You stop trolling you big fat head. On a serious note you can get a pretty cheap Western Digital special edition 80gb hd for like 50 dollars, its fine.
Aceallways said:
yah, get a new processor, consider a P4.
motherboard doesn't really matter (I like Asus) BUT should support:
-Dual Channel DDR2 RAM

Everything else is fine for now.

For experience, the only RAID set I would suggest is the "Mirror" (RAID-1), but only if strong security and reliability is a concern... "Striping" (RAID-0) would be useful only in professional video-editing and things like that (where big, long sequential read OR write operations takes place)... in real-world use (random medium/small-sized read/write operations) a RAID-0 set, actually, it's only a waste of money and computing power... it's way better to have 2 independent HDs IMO: one small and fast (U-SCSI 160 or better) main system disk and one big-fat (160Gb+ SATA) data disk.

Just my 2 cents...
zex said:
Selling crack would be a good start. :(

Hey, winners dont do drugs!

But if you lose than go ahead :naughty:
MrMetroid said:
I would suggest upgrading to the Gravity Suit.

[Sarcasm] Yes, also Gordon should be Samus and the G-man should be a Nintendo spokesman[/Sarcasm]

sell it all >< I'm getting a new computer with a p4 3.4c w/ asus p4p
genocide604 said:
My cpu specs as of now are
-radeon 9600xt 256mb
-maxtor 30gig 7200rpm
-ram 512ddr 3200
-cpu athlon 1600xp (upgrade)
-mobo some gigabyte piece of crap only supporting agp 4x..(upgrade)
-audigy sound, etc..
An Athlon 64 3400+ would be nice.
Although I would recommend an Athlon 64 2800+, Asus/MSI mainboard and a 9800 Pro combination. ;)
Or even an Athlon 3000+ (Socket 939) if you wanted more upgradability.

Sell your 9600XT and buy another 512MB memory. Just some ideas.

7hoR said:
I guess its more of a personal choice for the hard drive. XP uses a good 10GB of it, so really you only have a 20GB hard drive, and I just couldn't personally imagine only having that much. And your going to want to upgrade past 512 very soon, but ok.
I don't know, 30GBs would be enough for me. ;)
I am only using 17GBs and I have all Steam games installed, StarWars BF, GTA:VC, CoD, MS Visual C++ .Net, 3Dmark2005, MS Office XP Pro, Photoshop 7.0, plus many smaller programs (like AIM Xfire, and Winamp) which all use 13GB. Which reminds me, I have yet to install all my other games...

But anyway, that means Windows XP only uses 4GBs on my system. hmm
While my Page file isn't on this drive, it is only currently using 1.5GBs on my other drive. :p

Of course many people do use much more than that.