Cpu or MOBO?


Sep 19, 2004
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When a graphics card is being bottlenecked, is it the mobo problem or the processor problem?

I want to learn more about bottlenecking and i have a amd athlon xp 1800+ i wonder if a 9800 pro will get bottle necked, if it's the processor's problem.
The motherboard would have nothing to do with it. Its what connects up all your components, but doesn't play any part (really) in their performance.
1800+ ?

My advice is to get a new CPU, get 2800+ if your MOBO support one, its cheap
runninig low on budget can't get new processor, i'm saving up for 9800 pro and still not enough money yet, just think the system will work, i got 512 mb of ram the processor and the 9800, it MIGHT be in medium-high settings i REALLY hope
Seeing as HL2 is more gpu rather than cpu dependant (like most fps's) id say you could be running it pretty well on medium settings. But in other games eg rome:tw where there is a load for the cpu to be doing then your system would struggle more so. Having said that, HL2's AI and physics will push your 1800+. Consider getting a 2500+ or a 2800+ as they're good cpu's and cost very little.
I've got an AthlonXP 1800, 512 megs of ram, and recently bought a r9800Pro. I think I could have higher fps in games if I had a faster processor - but at least now I can run HL2 when it comes out without skipping.
Fletch said:
Seeing as HL2 is more gpu rather than cpu dependant (like most fps's) id say you could be running it pretty well on medium settings. But in other games eg rome:tw where there is a load for the cpu to be doing then your system would struggle more so. Having said that, HL2's AI and physics will push your 1800+. Consider getting a 2500+ or a 2800+ as they're good cpu's and cost very little.

Wrong, surprisingly games like Doom 3 and HL2 are heavily CPU dependent. Doom 3 because of its shadows (calculated on the CPU) and HL2 because of physics. I would recommend a 2500/2600/2700+ Athlon XP processor. The Athlon XP 2800+ is not worth the dramtic jump in cost.
i know how processors will be an important factor too, but i simply can't find money for a new one......i would consider an athlon 64 because of it's reliability, etc. But i simply can't afford another processor........i might probably have to wait til next summer(when i MIGHT get a job/internship) to get $200 dollars or maybe a lil bit more
How much are these processors, what's the cost of these processors, and by the way, i think my comp will do bad in CS:S b/c it don't really puts pressure on my video card, is that true?
right now you can get an athlon 64 2800+ with m/b for around $205 if you shop at the right places online. and of course the a64 2800+ is faster than a regular amd 3200+.
does any one have suggestions to programs that shows my cpu temperature? in the bar on the bottom? for quick access
blahblahblah said:
Wrong, surprisingly games like Doom 3 and HL2 are heavily CPU dependent. Doom 3 because of its shadows (calculated on the CPU) and HL2 because of physics. I would recommend a 2500/2600/2700+ Athlon XP processor. The Athlon XP 2800+ is not worth the dramtic jump in cost.

Yes, i mentioned that HL2 would be taxing on the CPU due to the physics/Ai, never knew bout the shadows being calculated by the cpu though :rolleyes: - i guess that's where Nvidia have their advantage with ultrashadow etc in shadow heavy games - eg doom 3, or is that something completely different?

*Fletch still learing the ropes :)

Edit: Intresting thread here hoboman http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=47753
coo, that's all good, i'm set about half life 2, but i'm more worried about cs:s