Cradle of Filth


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
Who here listens/loves?

I just got introduced to them, I think they're an awesome band.
Sorry, I really don't like that band at all.
I used to love them when I was first getting into metal. However when Nick Barker left in 1999 they effectively died/became a different band. Principle to Cruelty were good albums for me back then and Midian made a good stab at trying to keep the same level of quality, but they quickly lost the plot without Nick driving the music.

I tried to listen to some of their newer stuff a while back, but changing tastes plus the fact that they're now not much more than a t-shirt franchise for 14 year old goth kids now meant that it just sounded like awful garbage to me. I still have a soft spot for a lot of the old material on the 1st 4 albums, but even that sounds a bit heavy on overdramatic schlock for my ears nowadays. Superb lyrics though for the most part.
To those that dislike them, why? And what metal bands do you like (just for perspective)
Dont have to tell you that. Its called opinion, welcome to the internet.
Dont have to tell you that. Its called opinion, welcome to the internet.
Most people can provide reasoning behind their opinion without getting defensive.

If you can't provide an explanation for your hatred of the band, fine.
Cradle sucks ass.
For good metal bands try Immortal,Kalmah,Ensiferum etc. I can give you a full list if you want .
Most people can provide reasoning behind their opinion without getting defensive.

If you can't provide an explanation for your hatred of the band, fine.

Actaully, when it comes to opinion on music, then you dont have a supply a reason. Because in cases like this, its just a fact of whether you like the sound, or you dont.

It's the only track of theirs that I have (and even thats a cover) ... I only play it when I'm trying to make a point.
My brother went to a party with one of the guys from cradle of filth. They look a bit scary to me but are apparently really friendly. Not my scene, but they seem pretty cool - if only for their 'Jesus is a ****' t-shirt that caused so much controversy a while back. How not to be popular in the US 101 :laugh:
Adrian Erlandsson (formerly of the almighty AT THE GATES and The Haunted) is one of my favorite drummers of all time, so I cannot complain too much about them (though I am secretly glad he finally left them :E).
I don't understand the genre "Hard Metal" in general. I don't see what's so attractive about it. In my opinion, I wouldn't even call that music.
Maybe that's because "hard metal" isn't a genre.

Well, I know. Because there's metal that I don't personally define as hard. "Hard" in my opinion is a complement to a genre which means murky guitars, fast drum, screaming and a huge dose of "what the hell is that". I should have said "Black metal" or "Death metal", but whatever... I might be wrong.
Actaully, when it comes to opinion on music, then you dont have a supply a reason. Because in cases like this, its just a fact of whether you like the sound, or you dont.

You took it beyond saying you don't like their sound, however, and said they are a disgrace to music.
Cradle of Filth are a poor band because they combine an overblown black metal aesthetic with Iron Maiden-style songwriting.
Now that I've listened to Cradle more, I really understand what you're getting at.

The music is spot on, the lyrics are spot on, but they sure as hell don't mesh. One listen to "Her Ghost in the Fog" proves this point. Meh. Still love them.
They're God awful.

The vocalist pisses me off with his/hers/its screaming banshee shrill shit voice, and they're one of those bands that pretty much hit their drums and play their guitars as loud, fast, and hard as possible.

But then again, they're not really in a favorite genre of mine.
I like metal bands such as Pantera, Fear Factory, and some Slayer.
Cradle of Filth are horrible. :(