Crappy Games!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Why do people keep buying crappy games! I just need to say this, because it makes me mad that people keep buying retard games and just because people (like you! ya, you!) keep buying them, they keep making them!

Halo - Fun multiplayer for about a week, then it's shit.

Gears of War - Fun story/co-op for about 2 weeks, then it's shit.

Oblivion - GARBAGE compared to the rest of the series. With the next one (#5) they'll probably make it even shittier, because everyone bought it without doing any research, and then it won GOTY (I think, some award like that..) just because of sales, so Bethesda thought they did a good job with it. IT IS SHIT.


And yes, I am a retard for buying Oblivion and Gears of War, I am not debating that.
No I've never bought a movie game, I have played tons of them, and they suck balls.
I've played Halo at my friends ALOT, it isn't as good as people say. It is shit.
The Chronicles of Riddick game did not suck at all. In fact, it was quite the opposite.
The problem seems to be more on your end, since your tastes clearly are different than most gamers. Hell, I'm a fan of every single one of those games.
Gears of War is great if you have Live.
The games you listed are bad examples, imo, they're all pretty good.
But I still agree with your point, why bother with mediocre games?

I think the problem is that great games aren't made like they used to be, or as often...
I don't like games like Dungeon Siege or Saints row.I play games like Thief deadly shadow or maybe Call of Juarez.
casual gamers buy casual games. That's where the big money comes from.
The Chronicles of Riddick game did not suck at all. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

I thought the game itself was pretty good but the story and the dialogue was a joke. The guy who wrote that shit should be shot.
i agree that all those games get boring after alittle while, but dont you ever think of going back to them after playing a different game???? i always do that, thats why i have an abundance of games.
Average FPS but great for parties. And it was one of the only good shooters for the console at the time.

Gears of War - Fun story/co-op for about 2 weeks
Not everyone buys games for the multiplayer...

"My opinion = LAW"

I blame television.

I've played Halo at my friends ALOT, it isn't as good as people say. It is shit.
No it's not. It was nothing special, but it definitely wasn't crap.
YOU didn't like it.
I propose a new ratings system!

The next time I see a Halo box, I wanna see "This game is rated C for Cave Canem will flame you on the internet if you buy this game."
Halo rocks and GoW is the best multiplayer game to come out last year!

Put that in your pipe mofo :P
Halo is so incredibly shitty. The only reason I ever finished it because I kept thinking "All right, THIS is the moment where the gameplay gets awesome, like loads of friends told me.". Sadly, that never, ever, ever happened.
Halo is so incredibly shitty. The only reason I ever finished it because I kept thinking "All right, THIS is the moment where the gameplay gets awesome, like loads of friends told me.". Sadly, that never, ever, ever happened.

Yeah same with me. Now recently I've tried to play Halo again but just couldn't bring myself up to playing more then 5 minutes bleah.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only great thing about Halo is the soundtrack
Half-Life 2, of course.

I love Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing however. :upstare:
Why do people keep buying crappy games! I just need to say this, because it makes me mad that people keep buying retard games and just because people (like you! ya, you!) keep buying them, they keep making them!

Halo - Fun multiplayer for about a week, then it's shit.

Gears of War - Fun story/co-op for about 2 weeks, then it's shit.

Oblivion - GARBAGE compared to the rest of the series. With the next one (#5) they'll probably make it even shittier, because everyone bought it without doing any research, and then it won GOTY (I think, some award like that..) just because of sales, so Bethesda thought they did a good job with it. IT IS SHIT.


And yes, I am a retard for buying Oblivion and Gears of War, I am not debating that.
No I've never bought a movie game, I have played tons of them, and they suck balls.
I've played Halo at my friends ALOT, it isn't as good as people say. It is shit.

Stop bitching.
I really liked Halo, both the singleplayer and the mulitplayer..
I really liked Halo, both the singleplayer and the mulitplayer..

I played most of the story at somebody elses house, and must say I really enjoyed the combat.

Storyline and mapping not so much, but the shooting portions were HELLA fun.
True, level design doesn't seem to be one of Bungie's strongest suits but I really love Assault the Control Room and Two Betrays (que someone jumping in and shouting "OMG THEY'RE TEH SAME LEVEL LOLZ!")
Hmm, all just your opinions like everyone has said.

I myself enjoyed Oblivion. No, I didn't play any of the previous games. So what if it wasn't as good as them. I enjoyed it!

Halo 1 was great when I first got it. Played the PC version online a lot.
Halo 2 sucked.

It all comes down to what games you like etc. no need to flame those that do like them :)
I love halo but I admit the MP is overrated and my friends always play it and so it annoys the **** out of me.
The fact that you slated GOW says it all :|

Gears of War is the most overrated game to ever come out, it's got to be the most bland shooter besides Halo to ever be on a console
Dalamari, Gears of War is awesome on Live. Just awesome. That's why it's popular.
Awesome doesn't do the game justice - get 8 friends together and it's AMAZING :)

For what it's worth, I still enjoy single player on the harder settings and play co-op with friends every now and then. GoW is the most complete package in a long while.
I found gears of war really bland and boring after beating it once and I can't stand the multiplayer in it.

It's pretty good the first time though and coop is ok
I found gears of war really bland and boring after beating it once and I can't stand the multiplayer in it.
How do you not like the multiplayer in it? Is that possible?
Could be. I found chopping people to big meaty chunks online to be pretty fun. Still do actually.
I find slicing bananas in half real life! :D
You......You MONSTER! I like flushing them down toilets.

If you want to play a shitty game play Jaws Unleashed or any hunting 'simulation'. Or something. Meh f*ck.
You wanna know a shitty game?
It's called Real Life. Hell, I have yet to find someone who can beat it. There's no ending! You always die! Not even a save/load button! Although there is porn...and lots of it...
Its too bad that GOW's online options for getting together with friends and coordinating stuff isn't as good as it could be, but the multiplayer combat in that game really is what makes it enjoyable, especially cooperatively.

Oh, and its good for being a cheeky SOB when you want to show off something to your friends and family members because its damn pretty.
I agree that halo is complete shit, I used to play it at my cousin's house... I kept on playing thinking to myself "if I play a little longer it will become fun"
I personally dislike Halo alot. Sure it's THE best FPS on console currently, but damn..that doesn't make it good. That's like saying dog shit is the best tasting of all the animal shits....does it make it good, though? No.