*CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

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Half-Life 2 and CS:S both give me a "'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read'" error when I try to change graphics options from the default "medium" settings and apply the changes. For CS:S, that's the only time it would happen.

For Half-Life 2, however, it happens in that instance, AND when I try to quicksave a game, AND when loading a new part of a level, AND at completely random points.

Specifically, the game's sound will start speed looping, and that's when I know it has crashed for sure. The Windows XP "error" sound plays, and a few seconds later that 'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read' error pops up.

I looked up a solution on Steam's support site but it only gave me a solution possibility for HL1, and said it didn't apply to HL2. It's as if NO OTHER HUMAN BEING on this planet has had that error with HL2 like I have.

I've gotten this same error before when trying to play CS:Source. I can live without toning my graphics options on this laptop, but I want to be able to play Half-Life 2, which runs very decently UNTIL it crashes.
I've got the same exact error your getting, and I am royaly pissed off, missing a night of sleep just for getting crashes EVERY 5 freakin minutes is pissing me off, please if anyone has any solutions or w/e im willing to try, i tried every single solution there was for CS:S and NONE of them worked, i cant afford new ram right now by the way and I have 512, thank you
MetalSonic53 said:
Half-Life 2 and CS:S both give me a "'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read'" error when I try to change graphics options from the default "medium" settings and apply the changes. For CS:S, that's the only time it would happen.

For Half-Life 2, however, it happens in that instance, AND when I try to quicksave a game, AND when loading a new part of a level, AND at completely random points.

Specifically, the game's sound will start speed looping, and that's when I know it has crashed for sure. The Windows XP "error" sound plays, and a few seconds later that 'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read' error pops up.

I looked up a solution on Steam's support site but it only gave me a solution possibility for HL1, and said it didn't apply to HL2. It's as if NO OTHER HUMAN BEING on this planet has had that error with HL2 like I have.

I've gotten this same error before when trying to play CS:Source. I can live without toning my graphics options on this laptop, but I want to be able to play Half-Life 2, which runs very decently UNTIL it crashes.
I've the same crash to with HL2 :flame: :flame: :flame:
With CS:S no problems :imu:
I'm having the same issue. Running a HP533w 2ghz celeron 512mb ram with Intel integrated video (and no AGP port, so I'm hosed). OS is Windows XP home edition. I get this error when I go exit advanced video settings, or when I save the game, and once it totally locked me up and I had to coldstart.

If you're having this problem, please post what you're running in case we can figure out if it's related to a brand or something. At least then I don't feel like I'm doing nothing.

You guys aren't the only ones.
All of you have an onboard soundcard?
I am using a laptop, so I would have to say yes, I am using onboard sound.
MetalSonic53 said:
I am using a laptop, so I would have to say yes, I am using onboard sound.

Same here, maybe that is the cause of the problem.
I am getting this error. Not using onboard sound.

Athlon 64
MSI 7030 Mainboard
1gb Corsair XMS
74GB Raptor
Geforce 6800
Soundblaster Live
Well mine is only crashing at a certain part of the game, after you cross the train track area and it starts loading the next area.... I think im going to "remove game files" Then re-download/install while i am at school. This Makes Me FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mine will sometimes crash before. But right now it is crashing at the initial teleport sequence. First time through it crashed while I was teleporting, the every time after that has been while Alex is transporting.
Let's try to track down some hardware/software that we share.

Everyone getting errors running Service Pack 2?
Virus protection? (I have norton)
AMD Processor?
64 bit?
i have the same problem guys.
I do have an onboard sound card but i doubt it has something to do with that.
For the rest my specs are:
P4 2.8G radeon 9700 pro and 1 gb ram

plz someone gimme a solution NOW!
I cant wait any longer i have already been waiting 2 years now so it would be nice if i finally got to play the game :/

thx in advance
DaFreak said:
i have the same problem guys.
I do have an onboard sound card but i doubt it has something to do with that.
For the rest my specs are:
P4 2.8G radeon 9700 pro and 1 gb ram

plz someone gimme a solution NOW!
I cant wait any longer i have already been waiting 2 years now so it would be nice if i finally got to play the game :/

thx in advance

Heh well the only thing I have in common with you is 1GB of ram. Other than that I'm on an AMD system with an nvidia graphics card, and I don't use built in audio
I to have this problem.

Windows XP SP2
ASUS A7N8X Deluxe
X800Pro VIVO @ XT PE
Barton 2500+ @ 3200+
2x256mb DDR pc3200
1x120gb Seagate
P4 3,0GHz@3,4GHz
1 GB PC4000 A-Data
Ati Radeon 9800Pro@XT
Maxtor S-Ata 160 GB
Windows XP SP2
Using onboard sound
I get this error while the "load" screen is up

gigabyte k8 something or other
athalon xp 2000+
Windows XP SP2
1 GB
ati 9600 XT
I couldn't be as simple as service pack 2... could it? More people would be experiencing the problem...
Audigy 2 ZS
Radeon 9800 Pro

No problems here.

Anyone checked his PSU? Do you have enough power? Anyone did a memtest?
I would uninstall SP2 to test it but my office network requires that I have SP2, so I can't do that until the weekend. Someone else will have to test it.
quik said:
Audigy 2 ZS
Radeon 9800 Pro

No problems here.

Anyone checked his PSU? Do you have enough power? Anyone did a memtest?
I am pretty sure this is not caused by bad hardware. My entire system is new (besides my soundcard), it runs everything besides HL2 with no problems, including games like Far Cry Doom 3 etc. I don't think it is SP2 that is causing it, unless it is SP2 in conjunction with something else. It may be sound related, I have an old soundcard, and most people with the problem are using onboard sound.. I might try disabling my old SB Live card and enabling the built in sound on my nforce board just to see, if no one else figures anything out by the time I get home.

At this point I just really don't know.

Maybe SP2 + cheap sound hardware? :dunno:
I have an SB Live and XP SP2 and am experiencing the same problem. I don't think it's sound related myself. I get this at the same point as applejaxx2 - when the Loading bar is on the screen.
I've found that putting -heapsize 384000 makes the game run a LOT smoother for me, but it still doesn't solve the problem. It occurs whenever it autosaves for me, so maybe that has something to do with it? At least it DOES save the game for it before it crashes.
ya this is happening for me too. about every 10 minutes or so.

pretty damn frustrating. i've been working on my computer for the past year to get ready for this game and its not even working properly. still fun though.

hopefully someone can shed some light on how to solve this issue.
Alyx said:
I have an SB Live and XP SP2 and am experiencing the same problem. I don't think it's sound related myself. I get this at the same point as applejaxx2 - when the Loading bar is on the screen.
The first time this happened to me was during the "Loading" process. I then reboot and it has not happened there since. It happens about 15 minutes into the game in the same place every time... incedently it happens when there is a LOT of sound going on.. Don't want to post more because I dont' want to spoil it.
same here looping sound etc then crash to desktop I have had the same problem which has stopped me playing CS:Source since it was released.... sick of it to be honest... check the CS:Source forums and you will see many people have this bug.... I have...

450W PSU (Ample)
1024DDR RAM (2 X 512 sticks)
Audigy 2 (Internal)
Norton Corp edition AV
GF4 Ti 4600 128mb
Windows XP (No service packs!)

Cummon Valve at least ackowledge this problem... I plan to run memtest over night on my memory tonight..

BTW none of my system is overclocked
Alyx said:
I have an SB Live and XP SP2 and am experiencing the same problem. I don't think it's sound related myself. I get this at the same point as applejaxx2 - when the Loading bar is on the screen.

This could be when it starts to load up some sound functions.. I'm really thinking it's sound related at this point. Everyone is using an old soundcard or onboard audio...
psalm said:
This could be when it starts to load up some sound functions.. I'm really thinking it's sound related at this point. Everyone is using an old soundcard or onboard audio...

not me Im using stand alone internal PCI slot Audigy 2 same problem see my post a few up
This came up when I submitted a trouble report to Steam.

Games freeze or crash with Looping Sounds

My Games Crash with Sounds looping over and over, usually no error message

SoundBlaster Problems
If you have a soundcard (not a chip on the motherboard) what PCI slot is your soundcard plugged into?

SoundBlaster soundcards are infamous for not performing well on the lower slots (beyond slot 3 on most PCI buses). Other cards may also have problems. Try moving the card closer to the graphics card, or if it's already as close as it can get, then try moving the card down a slot or two.

On-Board Soundchips
If you have an on-board soundchip, there are several web reports seem to indicate there are problems with some on-board sound chip drivers causing this problem, here is one:


For both onboard and PCI soundcards there are a few things to try and eliminate this problem.

Get the latest drivers for your motherboard and for your sound card
Make sure you have all the latest O/S updates installed from Microsoft (windows update).
Be sure to get the latest DirectX version installed as well.

Don't Run Both
If you have a sound chip on your motherboard and you upgrade to new PCI audio card, you must uninstall the old drivers and then disable the on-board soundchip in your BIOS settings before installing the new card.

Try Turning off the Sound
Try uninstalling all audio drivers and see if the game runs without crashing, you can also try disabling the sound chip in the device manager: right-click on the sound card and select "disable", you can re-enable it later once we see if it helps or not. On-board soundchips can usually be disabled in the BIOS.

In the game, you can also try:
nosound 1
in your game console (~) or:

+nosound 1
In you game launch properties and see if that has an effect.

I know it's no fun to play without sound, but try it for a while just to see if the problem is still there.

If the problem goes away then you know what is causing the problem.

Phone Home
If after installing all the latest drivers and O/S updates you still have this problem, you might try contacting your motherboard manufacturer and see what their recommendations are, especially for on-board soundchips.

DirectX Accelleration
You can also turning down or disabling the DirectX Sound Acceleration.

You do this by going to your start button:
Start > Run > DXDIAG <enter>

Then go to the Sound Tab and turn off hardware acceleration, then exit and run the game and see if there
is any change. If the problem goes away then you can go back and move the acceleration up a step at a
time until the problem starts happening again .. then reduce the acceleration one step.

Two last things,
1. in the game sound options, make sure that EAX and A3D options are UNCHECKED.

2. There are reports that some sound codecs can cause this problem, specifically:
k-lite mega codeck pack
I have solved the random crashes problem by putting this at the end of the HL2 shortcut:

-heapsize 384000 -zone 16000

That, however, requires more RAM.

Also, it still crashes when I attempt to Quicksave with F6.
MetalSonic53 said:
I have solved the random crashes problem by putting this at the end of the HL2 shortcut:

-heapsize 384000 -zone 16000

That, however, requires more RAM.

Also, it still crashes when I attempt to Quicksave with F6.
I will have to try that when I get home. I am able to quicksave, although I do get major stutters in the sound/video when I do.
i am having the same problem. i am on service pack 1, though.

i do have onboard sound... it's nvidia soundstorm, though, so it's hardly low-end.
MetalSonic53 said:
I have solved the random crashes problem by putting this at the end of the HL2 shortcut:

-heapsize 384000 -zone 16000

That, however, requires more RAM.

Also, it still crashes when I attempt to Quicksave with F6.

This didn't work for me... Still crashes! :( I have onboard sound from my asus p4pe mb...
Nevermind guys, my last little fix only delayed the problem, but didn't stop it :(
MetalSonic53 said:
Nevermind guys, my last little fix only delayed the problem, but didn't stop it :(
Are you getting further and further and dealing with crashes? Or are you unable to pass a certain spot like me?
i get it to

SB audigy 2
x800 pro
1024DDR Ram

for me there seems to be no pattern to the crashed like some other people. I was playing fine all morning and then this afternoon i'm getting crashes left right and center about every 10 to 20 mins playing.
I can't even get past the Valve logo when you start up the game, it will play the tune then just lock up!!! Somehow i got past it and it was working but i cant do it again :( VALVE FIX IT!!!

I have SP1 btw

Athlonxp 2400 (333fsb)
1gb Kingston HyperX
Sound Blaster Live
Radeon 9800 Pro
nForce2 Ultra 400 chipset
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