*CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

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daveodeth said:
i get it to

SB audigy 2
x800 pro
1024DDR Ram

for me there seems to be no pattern to the crashed like some other people. I was playing fine all morning and then this afternoon i'm getting crashes left right and center about every 10 to 20 mins playing.
Are you running the latest audigy drivers?
This issue is so strange. HL:S Doesn't work for me... But the hazard course does! Weird... Wonder when we're going to hear something from Valve? This seems to be a major issue.
BlazeKun said:
This issue is so strange. HL:S Doesn't work for me... But the hazard course does! Weird... Wonder when we're going to hear something from Valve? This seems to be a major issue.
Yeah.. I don't get it. No ones symptoms are the same besides the memory read error. Happens at different times, totally different hardware setups, etc. I can play CS-S all day long with no read error... but HL2 sets it off in the same place every time.
CreateHairball.... It makes even my friends whose games are working CRASH. The same damn crash we are getting... This is weird. Can anyone with an uber computer try this command and try to see what it does!?!?

Just save your game, go into console, and type it!
ok, my best guess would be that the problem is a little corrupt file or something gone wrong when preloading HL2. I uninstalled it and im waiting for the servers to stop being so busy so i can redownload it and stuff.
Have just got this problem once. Never gets it when quicksaving. That works smothly. Don't know about the autosave thing.
To me it happened in some place in the train area, though not near any train.

My system:

P4 2.4 Ghz
Radeon 9600XT 256MB -- Catalyst 4.11
On-board sound -- Realtek Avance AC97 -- Have been using Windows drivers, going to try the ones from manufacturer
Windows XP SP2
Norton Antivirus 2004
I got this frekin problem, n now i cant get passed the level im on coz i load the quick save, then the black box appears and it says loading 3 secs l8er... error reading memory blah blah blah!

p4 3.06ht
aitradeon 9800xt
onboard soundcard (make of soundcard, SoundMax)
windowsxp sp2 <------ i think this is the prob, it used to cause some memory error wit my modem b4 as well,

i tried all the fixes wit heapsize, n zone 16000 , none worked, some 1 plz fix this :P :P :P :cheese: :O :P
I had (optimistic use of past tense) this problem earlier today, with my UK retail copy. My specs:

Athlon 64 3400+
MSI Neo 2 Plat (MS-7030)
1GB RAM (3 sticks, generic)
nVidia 6800GT, 256MB
SB Audigy
3com 3c905b net card
3 optical drives - Pioneer 105 DVD reader, 106 DVD writer and Asus CDRW something or other)

Until about an hour ago, the furthest I could ever get was to walk to the end of the platform just after getting off the train - maybe 30 seconds of gameplay. Normally it would crash during the gman sequence or before the train arrived. I've now managed to play for a good 10 minutes just wandering about without a crash.

First thing I did was to format and re-install XP, as everyone with this prob seemed to have SP2. Going back to plain old XP Home without any service packs removed the memory error message, but just replaced it with a plain crash to desktop, at pretty much exactly the same times. Since then tried several re-installs of HL2, but no joy.

I ripped out every bit of hardware I could get away with - 2 sticks of RAM, Audigy, both writable drives, and disabled every unused peripheral (serials / usbs / ides etc) in the bios. Started back up, and so far so good. I've been able to put all the ram back in, and the Audigy, and it still seems to be working.

The only thing I haven't re-connected is the two optical writers. Forgive me if I don't connect them to prove the point completely, but I'd actually like to play the game a bit... ;)

Weird I know, but if you look at the cache files, one of them does mention Securom - I'm pretty sure this has a reputation for being a bit problematic - maybe it's not taking kindly to the writers..

Hope this helps some of you...
frl said:
I had (optimistic use of past tense) this problem earlier today, with my UK retail copy. My specs:

Athlon 64 3400+
MSI Neo 2 Plat (MS-7030)
1GB RAM (3 sticks, generic)
nVidia 6800GT, 256MB
SB Audigy
3com 3c905b net card
3 optical drives - Pioneer 105 DVD reader, 106 DVD writer and Asus CDRW something or other)

Until about an hour ago, the furthest I could ever get was to walk to the end of the platform just after getting off the train - maybe 30 seconds of gameplay. Normally it would crash during the gman sequence or before the train arrived. I've now managed to play for a good 10 minutes just wandering about without a crash.

First thing I did was to format and re-install XP, as everyone with this prob seemed to have SP2. Going back to plain old XP Home without any service packs removed the memory error message, but just replaced it with a plain crash to desktop, at pretty much exactly the same times. Since then tried several re-installs of HL2, but no joy.

I ripped out every bit of hardware I could get away with - 2 sticks of RAM, Audigy, both writable drives, and disabled every unused peripheral (serials / usbs / ides etc) in the bios. Started back up, and so far so good. I've been able to put all the ram back in, and the Audigy, and it still seems to be working.

The only thing I haven't re-connected is the two optical writers. Forgive me if I don't connect them to prove the point completely, but I'd actually like to play the game a bit... ;)

Weird I know, but if you look at the cache files, one of them does mention Securom - I'm pretty sure this has a reputation for being a bit problematic - maybe it's not taking kindly to the writers..

Hope this helps some of you...

That's quite helpful. Maybe I should try disabling my DVD-ROM/CD-RW (I have the Steam copy, not retail btw) drive in device manager and see if that helps.
I get a crash which seems similar to your memory ones, but i get a simple crash to desktop every 10 or so minutes instead of an error message. I dont have SP2, so i think the messege is only showing for SP2 people (but the crash still exists for me).

My specs:
AMD Athlon XP 64 3200+
ATI X800 Pro (4.11 drivers, installed yesterday)
Audigy 2 Gamer
1g RAM
20gb HD with OS only
160gb HD (has HL2 on it), plenty of room left

I love this game so much, its completely ruining the immersion crashing so often!
This site is getting bogged down too. I wonder if anyone has come up with an absolute solution.
just to tell you guys im having the same problem. i keep trying to play and doing diffrent things. Ill keep you posted if anything good happens lol.

3200amd xp
1gig ram pc2700
Geforce 2 mobo 400
Ok I just noticed I had sound drivers installed for both my SB Live and my onboard audio (which is disabled). I am uninstalling both sets of drivers and reinstaling the SB Live drivers. I've also removed my Daemon Tools install to get rid of a software drive. If that doesn't work I'll be uninstalling my DVD drive (it's a piece anyway). We'll see.
It's not a sound issue, because this still happened to me when I disabled sound entirely. It's probably some software we all have installed.
Well that didn't fix it. Disabling all sound this time.
we really need to all email valve, at the same time, maybe then they will get the picture that we need help and cant even enjoy the game we payed for.
llamaman01 said:
we really need to all email valve, at the same time, maybe then they will get the picture that we need help and cant even enjoy the game we payed for.
I'm going to pull my old DVD drive and see how it goes.
Do any of you have norton or windowblinds (xp theme program) installed?
same here

windows xp sp2
its an HP pav a320n (160 gig HD no clue of maker)
2x512 kingston 3000
3200 amd 64

i am stuck at loading screen and when ifinaly get it closed out i get that error
Pulsar said:
Its a Source problem.
I know it's source, but it doesn't effect everyone. I'm trying to figure out what is setting it off so I can actually play :(

It's not my DVD drive... or my floppy controller. I'm running out of things to unplug here... Can't unplug my video card afterall :sleep:

The only thing left is to start pulling ram but I know that's not bad :(

This sucks. I could start uninstalling software like norton/windowblinds etc. that is always running I suppose.
I've gotten the same error even when disabling all processes. Any word on non-Windows XP machines getting this error? All I've seen in this thread has been XP SP1 and SP2 so far. I have SP2.
Not norton :p I've basically run out of options. Maybe it's a random windows patch or something. I guess I just have to wait
First post, I've been reading the topic for awhile looking for a solution but I've finally decided to pitch in.

I'm looking in my tray and case for obscure things; how about:

D-Link Atheros Wi-fi Card
Wi-fi Card
Google Dekstop Search
Asus Motherboard
ATI Video Card

Did everyone here preload? I did; that could be the problem.

I've tried deleting the sprite.gcf file and redownloading it but it doesn't work. I've also tried the sound and DVD burner. I'm also wondering where the EAX option is, I can't find.

Lastly, I'm getting to the load screen before it crashes. But I'm also getting some other strange things going on. I've created a topic at the gamefaqs boards if anyone would look at it. I don't know if it has anything to do with anything. Here's the link: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=36599&topic=17535360

AHHHHH!!! I am having the same motherfriggingoddamnpieceofshitfreakinggayass problem! Everytime the game starts to load a section, the sound starts looping, and then it FREAKIN CRASHES! However, it does work if I go in and load the game from right before the crash happend. So every time it crashes, it says that "the instruction referenced whatever, and it could not be read" crap. So completly leave the game, and then start it up, load from the last autosave, and it usually works untill the next load part. Also, that video of the "mayor" of city 17 dosn't play sound (but i can see it). Also, the video of the scientist right after you meet Barney dosn't work (the video itself is fine, but NO SOUND!). Ive gotten to the part where the combine chases you to the roof, but these crashes and reloading auto saves every 5 min. is getting REALLY FREAKIN OLD! Other than this, the game is awsome! :flame:

:sniper: VALVE (death to them!)......(and game bugs!)

compaq presario v2000 laptop
1.4 ghz
478 meg RAM
Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME graphics card (intel extreme graphics 2)
sound card is conexant AMC audio
Mine crashes at the exact same time, every time. I don't want to say when exactly because I don't want to spoil it for anyone but it's only about 15 minutes into the game.
Just noticed... everyone with this problem has an ATI card of some sort right? That looks like the most common factor in everyones specs from what i saw, i think we should start there. I'm no bug fixer/hacker so you comp goons get to work and figure out what exactly the problem is!!

BTW i checked with my brother in the next room over - he has been playing without any crashes whatsoever and our systems are almost identical, except he has an Nvidia 6800GT and a slightly slower cpu (athlon 64 2800+ instead of my 3200+).
zul said:
Just noticed... everyone with this problem has an ATI card of some sort right? That looks like the most common factor in everyones specs from what i saw, i think we should start there. I'm no bug fixer/hacker so you comp goons get to work and figure out what exactly the problem is!!

BTW i checked with my brother in the next room over - he has been playing without any crashes whatsoever and our systems are almost identical, except he has an Nvidia 6800GT and a slightly slower cpu (athlon 64 2800+ instead of my 3200+).
I have a 128MB GeForce 6800 :(
also crashes on win2k

I have an athlon xp+ running on an nf7-s and get the crash. I also get a "failed to lock vertex buffer" before the memory error.

The game crashes before it can even load the main menu.

If I use -dxlevel 70 it will launch ok, but I haven't tried playing it yet.

For all you winXP/sp2 folks: I'm running win2k, sp4, dx9.0c.

GeForce FX 5900 flashed to 5950
Nvidia vid drivers 66.93

Hope we can figure this out.
And I am having the crash problems with a GeForce 4 440 Go.

I have a same problem, fix it you crumb bums!

Nvdia Ti 4600 128 mb
Windows XP
512mb Ram
46 gig HD
Norton AntiVirus 2004

The sound loops a little when the crash happens, then it poops itself.
Sorry for the lack of computer jargon, but fooking fix this game! I payed money for it! In any other industry this would be totally unacceptable
Same Deal

Get same memory error, happening during the blurry load page on Steam... haven't been able to play game yet.... Except with mine the load page hangs forever and won't let me back out to the desktop without multiple ESC and F10 pushes. Disabled sound, disabled everything but graphics, no luck.

Epox 8rda3i
XP 2200
2 X 512 GB Crucial
GeForce 6800
SB Live! card
I have noticed that the higher I have my video settings, the quicker it crashes. If i have them on high, it crashes almost immediately. On low I can go for about 5-10 minutes. It may be some sort of memory leak.
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