*CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

  • Thread starter Thread starter MetalSonic53
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I found this on the internet forums. Has anyone tried it?

f.e. your steaminstall is in c:\steam

1. Exit Steam
2. Delete c:\steam\steamapps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta
3. Start Steam
4. Run CSS => memory error. OK, so far, so fine.
5. Exit Steam and wait until its fully unloaded.
6. COPY (not rename!) c:\steam\servers\serverbrowser.dll to serverbrowser.org
7. COPY c:\steam\steamapps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta\bin\ServerBrowser.dll to c:\steam\servers\serverbrowser.dll and OVERWRITE it
8. Make a new Dir called "Servers" in c:\steam\steamapps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta\
9. COPY c:\steam\steamapps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta\bin\ServerBrowser.dll to c:\steam\steamapps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta\Servers\ServerBrowser.dll
10. Start Steam
11. Start CSS hopefully without memory error.

The error is caused by serverbrowsers.dll thats almost sure. There is some strange behaviour when trying the different DLLs that (i think) caused by windows and that the old dll is still in memory. Cause auf that you should overwrite the old file and not renamed. In my tests I was able to rename a locked file, but not to delete ist.
You can try to restart the PC after the copy action, too.
All Serverbrowsers.dll should be the same version.
My solution to the, The instruction at "xxxxxxxxxx" referenced memory at "xxxxxxxxxx". The memory could not be read. Click to close error, was upgrading my PSU from a 300 Watt pos to a 430 Watt. Ends up that my system just wasn't getting enough power and would crash. I know some of you probably have very good PSU's and are still getting this error, but it would be a good thing to look into.
Hello everyone. I have encounter the same problem here.I have a copy of Half Life 2 and have been playing the single player mode quite fine. Then, last week, everything changed. I accidentally unplugged the power source (don't ask me how), and now I'm unable to start the game. I keep getting the following message :

The instruction at "0x0151e700" referenced memory at "0x0151e700". The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate program.

What is the problem? Can anyone help me?
PS: I am able to run Half Life 2: Deathmatch and Counter Strike: Source without any problem. What the hell is wrong with Half Life 2???HELP!!!! :(:(:(
Email me at [email protected]

Windows XP Service Pack 2
Pentium 4 2.8GHz (with HT technology)
GeForce FX 5200 with 128 RAM
so this error can be cuz the PC dont get enough power?
Did you unplug the PC whilst you were playing HL2?
Have any system settings changed? When your PC starts up does it show the same amount of RAM as normal?
To Kirkburn:
Well I unplugged my PC while Half Life 2 was EXITING. And yes, the same amount of RAM was shown, which is 512 DDR RAM.

I have tried accesing 'counter-strike source' folder, add a GameInfo.txt in the 'hl2' folder and changed the steamAppId to 220. I have also copied my save files into the 'SAVE' folder. Then I run Half Life 2 IN the 'counter-strike source' folder. It was able to load to the menu screen (without any error message). However, I can't Load Game or start a New Game. Copying ALL of the folders from the original Half Life 2 folder to the 'counter-strike source' folder produced the same error message.

Now, I think the files might have been corrupted. Hoe can I reinstall Half Life 2 without downloading it again???:(

<RJMC> said:
so this error can be cuz the PC dont get enough power?

Yes, it could possibly be. Mine was a combination of not enough power and bad memory, so I replaced those and now everythings fine.
I only get this problem when i try to add bots to my custom map in CS:S...

I just got my computer a couple months ago, so hopefully it's not a bad memory issue.
I got this when I tried to do the AddHairyBall command (or whatever it is. something like that) in my otherwise stable CS:source. I have no clue what it does, and it may have a different cause, but I just thought I'd say :E

Its astounding that's theres still not a fix on this issue. The memory-related ones, not the hairy ball ones...
I found out a solution for my predicament. I just deleted the hl2 folder and let steam creates a new one. Then Half Life 2 ran without a problem. Yeah, I think the error was due to corrupted files.
i have this problem to in hl2 and cs:s

a64 3000
1gb pc3200 ram
geforce 6800 oc

this is a brand new computer and there is no way its anything wrong with it.

can someone pelase tell me how to fix this, as i don't feel like scrolling through 68 pages to find one. lol. thanks.
There's all sorts of people posting possible fixes, the truth is there isn't one for sure fix yet, i dunno what valve is doing over there but come on with a patch!!!
still nothing .. i've had this problem since the day hl2 came out.
Darkknighttt said:
i have this problem to in hl2 and cs:s

a64 3000
1gb pc3200 ram
geforce 6800 oc

this is a brand new computer and there is no way its anything wrong with it.

are you sure there is everything okay with it? did you run memory tests? i bought a memory once (dunno which make/model), an 512DDR one, and it was bad . though brand new! run a test to find out. same applies for the motherboard, may cause the memory to cause faults. happened also. new HDDs may be also defective. test everything. (memtest: use goldmemory, works fine)
Count me in too. :rolleyes:

Dell 8100
Windows XP Home SP2
P4 1.8
768 MB PC800
Soundblaster Audigy
Radeon 9800 Pro

I crash during the load process for both. Ran memory tests, made sure all drivers were up to date, and tried all the 'solutions' on the steampowered website. Truly frustrating after spending $50+
I just got the game today and I get this error when starting the game up every time (any source game). I've reinstalled, done all that stuff. I meet all the requirements and everything runs correctly hardware wise.

Dell Dimension 4600
Windows XP Pro
P4 3.2
512 RAM
Soundblaster AudioPCI
ATI Radeon 9700 Pro
I've had the same problem for weeks now. HL2 won't even load. I am running WinXp Prof, SP2, Dell Dimension XPS Gen 3, Pent 4 at 3.20 Ghz, 2 GB Ram, and ATA Radeon X800 XT. Any suggestions?

I still get some horrific frame rate slow downs, depending on length of play.. but crashing doesnt happen anymore. I dont know what to add... it seems to be a weird problem that relates to memory usage.. I guess its just the way they have designed the source engine and its adaptability.
I'd like to know if anyone who had this problem has found that installing new memory fixed it? This problem is really getting me down - buying this game so far has been a huge waste of money.

Serves me right to look forward to it. :\
moving memory around, may fix it, it helped me,, I dont think the game is compatable with certain memory types, which is very weird, I dont know if valve have realised this yet... it seems to be the major problem, alot of people with certain types of memory are reporting frame rate slow downs and crashes,, . It would be really helpful if everyone suffering from this problem could quote exactley what kind of memory type there using.

because i have 3 512 meg DDR strips, and I think another 512 meg strip that is different, Im going to look it up, cause I actually think its that difference that somehow is causing the problems.
-heapsize 512000 +map_background none

MetalSonic53 said:
Half-Life 2 and CS:S both give me a "'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read'" error when I try to change graphics options from the default "medium" settings and apply the changes. For CS:S, that's the only time it would happen.

For Half-Life 2, however, it happens in that instance, AND when I try to quicksave a game, AND when loading a new part of a level, AND at completely random points.

Specifically, the game's sound will start speed looping, and that's when I know it has crashed for sure. The Windows XP "error" sound plays, and a few seconds later that 'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read' error pops up.

I looked up a solution on Steam's support site but it only gave me a solution possibility for HL1, and said it didn't apply to HL2. It's as if NO OTHER HUMAN BEING on this planet has had that error with HL2 like I have.

I've gotten this same error before when trying to play CS:Source. I can live without toning my graphics options on this laptop, but I want to be able to play Half-Life 2, which runs very decently UNTIL it crashes.
Maybe I can help.

On my system, adjusting any graphics options in game will result in up to 30 seconds of looping sound, and quite a few times, a complete system lockup, especially when messing with the polygon count.

I have always assumed that it was "normal", or a programing bug.

Messing with video settings on many games can cause it to be very unstable.

I didn't read everyone elses post, so forgive me if this has been adressed.

I just learned to do this and it fixed 90% of my problems...

1.Start steam.
2.From the Play Games Menu Highlight Half-Life 2 (or Counter-Strike:Source)
3.Right Click
4.Press Launch options
5.-heapsize should be ****half your system memory***. for example if you have 1024MB RAM type this into the text box:

-heapsize 512000 +map_background none

(+map_background none disables the real-time main menu, and just loads the blurry picture-alot faster & safer for changing graphics options-*i dont know if that works for CS also man)
6.Press Return
7.Close the box
8.Double Click to the game you modified, to play

You will notice the main menu loads alot faster and is alot more stable, becuase it is idle, and not processing

*note you have to do this for both games
**note if its still crashing you can try a little less -heapsize like 12000 or so.

! Additionally, select the graphics options you want on the Main Menu, instead of in-game.

You should ensure anything unnessesary is not running in the background like anti-virus.
Personally, I type" msconfig" into the Run box. hit "services" tab. check "hide all microsoft programs", then hit "uncheck all" then apply and restart before playing games. That way all my anti-virus and firwall, etc. etc. is not in system memory.
You cannot play offline, becuase your Network stuff is in there.-- -well you could leave that enabled. =)
! When your done playing games you can run msconfig again, "select all" and reboot
!! I recommend you look over what is in there before you uncheck and apply, not sure what could be in there, mine has like 10 symantec (internet security and net driver) programs so I dont need.
ANYWAY this, combined with no desktop backround, and turn off all the flashy windows Xp graphics enhancements off- I freed up 450MB.

If this helped but it is still crashing when trying to quicksave, try pressing esc. and doing it from a menu to manually save.

Let me know if that helps at all.
Good Luck
My "quote?"

"3D designers; don't attempt to make round things with polygons.
It's not possible.

Unless you are making a wheel, go with the flow.

Try a triangle

]Hexagons are nothing but ugly Circles[

Normal mapping will save the day
I have 512 MB of DDR memory (well right now 128 meg since removing one stick was one of the "fixes"). That's all I know about it. It's the memory that came with Dell/Intel.

Thanks for the tips on freeing memory, Virus. No help towards HL2 working but it freed some up. Thanks! :)
Darkknighttt said:
i have this problem to in hl2 and cs:s

a64 3000
1gb pc3200 ram
geforce 6800 oc

this is a brand new computer and there is no way its anything wrong with it.

can someone pelase tell me how to fix this, as i don't feel like scrolling through 68 pages to find one. lol. thanks.

there are about 5 'fixes' that are suggested. first, you can verify your steam caches, just to make sure they're good. I don't remember the command for that one...

second, you can download the demo of "Miles Sound System" and backup, then replace the appropriate files in the HL2 'bin' folder. MSS is from the same guys that made 'bink' video tools so you could look it up with that, or find it from the steampowerd faq. try the -nosound option to test, though this doesn't seem to be an accurate test.

third, you could try the command-line switches that have been suggested earlier. One was suggested just a couple posts ago.

fourth - if you feel confident that you can safely do this - you could try switching your memory from slot to slot, or remove one or more of the mem cards. Obviously, only applies if you have more than one.

lastly, you could try underclocking your memory and/or system. You could go to your bios and, having recorded any setting you are going to change, reduce the FSB (front side bus) speed setting. If it's 200, you could try 166. Your system should be stable if you reduce it just a bit, without changin any other setting. You can underclock memory by just adjusting the memory multiplier. It may be called 'memory multiplier' or 'RAM multiplier', in which case you can change it from 1:1 to 10:9 or 6:5, or from 6:5 to 3:2, etc. On my motherboard/bios, it's called 'max memory clock' and you can change it from 200 to 166, or 166 -> 133, etc. this is underclocking the meomry. With my computer, I had high-speed timings, and I had to reduce them to get my HL2 working. This is effectively underclocking, but the effects are not quite as detrimental to performance. If you can figure that it out you could try doing this instead. Latency 3-3-3-8 becomes 4-4-4-12 or something liek that....

Any other idea's? The helpful stuff is getting lost in the rest. Someone with time to wast--- spare.... should put together a big post with all the fixes/links to fixes in one spot, so people can just do a post-link to it....

I hope this helps. mostly I hope valve fixes this (I'm a bit doubtful though), I'd like to run my computer at the speed it's supposed to, someday.
Intel Graphix 82852/82855

I hate a shitty laptop. Its an acer tablet with a 1000mhz processor. I hate intel integrated 82852/82855 but I was suprized when it ran half-life. It runs so slow that I wnated to turn down my graphics settings, but when Ido it says an instruction can not be refrenced. THey way programs work is they have instructions in memory and the computer executes them one after another in order. An instruction could be 'add eax ebx' (i386) or it could be jump to go to a different line of code. I did not read all 67 pages of posts but I read a few and some people said they were using the intel integrated one. That uses shared memory so the way HL2 is trying to call instructions may be a bit odd than other programs. But i'm going to play around with virtual memory and other settings to see if I can get to the point where I can change thoes settings. Also, someone (not me) may want to drop intel an email and ask them about that problem.
I'm wondering if anyone here has "Kingston" RAM installed and if HL2 runs with that. Especially if you had the problem, installed this brand and it worked. I've found a good price and just asking if it helped anyone else.
Hi - I'm new in here looking for help with The instruction at "0x241f8977" referenced memory at "0x00f0f5c0". The memory could not be "read" error. This seems to be the thread, but no solutions. Yet.

Dell Inspiron 9100 P4 (DT) with HT Technology
Intel P4 3.20 GHz, 1MB L2 cache, 800MHz FSB
15.4" WUXGA
256MB ATI Mobility RADEON 9800, 8x AGP
1GB DIMM (400MHZ) (2x512mb)
80GB (5,400rpm) IDE Hard Drive
8X DVD+RW Drive
Radio Frequency 2 - Dell Wireless 1450 802.11a/b/g mini PCI card
Windows XP Pro SP2

Which I don't think will help.

OK, so the game played for months without issue. I completed but then started again. After a three week layoff, I recommenced on 6th Feb, and was greeted by an update from Steam, without a "by your leave".

Now my savegames are selectively not reloading. For example:

1 - I "die" and the game tries to restart from the last save. Nothing. Escape key to the menu. Then to the load menu. I have to then trek back until I find one that will load. If I try to load a "duff" file, I get that error. So I have to replay. Grrrr.

2 - I start the game and try to load the last file. Nothing, then that error. So again, I have to go back few files.

This applies to both the manual and auto saves.

So, no ideas yet? I'll have to check back. I'm convinced it was that update. Which I didn't want or need.
error message

just like everyone else i've got the same error message, and still there is no clear solution on the forum or a fix from the manafacturer......................................................
What the hell is going on i'm tempted to take the game back and say stuff it
Sierra, steam and valve get your bloody fingers out and sort the problem.

This worked for me:

http://www.techspot.com/vb/archive/index/t-17022-p-2.html Scroll down till you see a post with "part 1" and "part 2" etc. Or, of you're lazy:
Part 1 :
Go in the directory :
E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\STEAM_ACCOUNT_NAME\half-life 2
there is a directory named "bin" that contains many .dll etc

Part 2 :
Enter the "bin" directory and copy all the files (ctrl+A, ctrl+C)

go back at E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\STEAM_ACCOUNT_NAME\half-life 2
then paste the files here (Ctrl+V)

Part 3 :
Select all the files and directorys (EXCEPT THE "BIN" DIRECTORY) in

E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\STEAM_ACCOUNT_NAME\half-life 2

Copy it !!!

Part 4 :
No Go back in the "bin" directory then Paste the files and dir you've just copy
if windows tell you that there is files that have the same name so just overwrite it, as you want that's not seams to be a problem if you don't

Part 5 :
Quit Steam
=> Reload Steam, right click : Games, right click on Half-Life 2 and Launch the game
Enjoy if that works , sorry if that don't


Well it worked for me, so I don't care if it's unofficial or whatever, since you're just copying files, you're not deleting anything and it'd be easily fixable if it doesn't work. But it did!

Also, so much for "it's the hardwares fault".
mine says memory cannot be "read" and then terminates the program's operation answers anyone?

5hfifty said:
This worked for me:

http://www.techspot.com/vb/archive/index/t-17022-p-2.html Scroll down till you see a post with "part 1" and "part 2" etc. Or, of you're lazy:
Part 1 :
Go in the directory :
E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\STEAM_ACCOUNT_NAME\half-life 2
there is a directory named "bin" that contains many .dll etc

Part 2 :
Enter the "bin" directory and copy all the files (ctrl+A, ctrl+C)

go back at E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\STEAM_ACCOUNT_NAME\half-life 2
then paste the files here (Ctrl+V)

Part 3 :
Select all the files and directorys (EXCEPT THE "BIN" DIRECTORY) in

E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\STEAM_ACCOUNT_NAME\half-life 2

Copy it !!!

Part 4 :
No Go back in the "bin" directory then Paste the files and dir you've just copy
if windows tell you that there is files that have the same name so just overwrite it, as you want that's not seams to be a problem if you don't

Part 5 :
Quit Steam
=> Reload Steam, right click : Games, right click on Half-Life 2 and Launch the game
Enjoy if that works , sorry if that don't


Well it worked for me, so I don't care if it's unofficial or whatever, since you're just copying files, you're not deleting anything and it'd be easily fixable if it doesn't work. But it did!

Also, so much for "it's the hardwares fault".

E:\ is a place where you put in cds
not tried the hl2, but when loading cs:S i can only play in a window. if i try fulkl screen the game crashes, and resets all video options to default when i reload. plus it crashes randomly during play. played both games fine for a month, it only seemed to break when steam auto-updated. ihave new cpu, motherboard, graphics, and memory, that work with everything eles. this is bullshit, valve have dropped a bollock somewhere, sort it out
the games now works, i completly removed all traces of it, and re-installed from dvd. however this is the second time i've done this- first time didn't work. plus it took about an hour and a half each time. so its a hit and miss solution, and will probably balls up again somewhere down the line. still at least i can play now
May be all solutions posted here for anyone who have an internet but i have not connected in internet so why i solve my problm ?
my spec
p4 2.8
512mb kingmax
80 g sata seagate
onboard GMA 900
is it ok if i play in minimum mode ?
The Memory could not be read Error (FIX!)

For those that got the memory error I finally figured out what caused all my problems. I have a XP 3200+. I dropped the FSB down to 166Mhz instead of 200. This fixed everything. By the way. The memory error only shows up with XP service pack 2. With service pack 1 it crashes without an error message. Let me know if this fix works for anyone. Don't ask me why this fixes the problem.

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