Craziest case mod ever


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
geez this case mod is by far the best I've seen

Doom3 case mod


from start to finish:
thats pretty good, even if its resting on a bed of poopy

is that steam coming out the side?:eek:
omfg, ftw.


Im in total agreement, very cool, although a tad overkill and pointless to a none doom fanboy :P
the amount of detail is amazing, like the chainsaw fan guard
Amazing. He could sell it on eBay for a billion dollars..... :E
I was keeping up with this guy a little bit after he began work. And all I can say is: ABOUT TIME!

But man, that is indeed one of the best case mods I have ever seen in my life.
Incredible job! That thing looks fargin amazing! The detail and the work this guy put into it is unreal!

Ew, he has cankles too which is a little distracting though. :x
Wow...that is amazing.

However, I would spend about a million less and stick with a regular case hehe.
Too bad now that he's finished it, the doom 3 hype has completely dissipated. :P
hehe that window was open for how long after release? a day or so?
Truelly amazing,makes me feel like a lazy bastard for waiting so long to put a side window in my case,now iff only he would have put that much effort into makinga case dedicated to a more worthy hl2 :)
Wow. He finished it. I remember when he first started. Great design and talent. :thumbs:
sinkoman said:

But yeah, loved what he did with the LCD screen and the intake.
Damn you! I wanted to say, "Let me be the first to say, OLD!" :P
May be old idd, but still worth sharing in case anyone hasn't seen it !! V impressive mod, a lot of talent gone into that (and faaarrr too much time) lol