CRAZINESS! Possible that Half-Life 2 has shipped?

Sorry, but I followed that thread over on IGN and the guy was full of it.

Basically, his claim to fame is that he has a UPS icon on the IGN boards. There was absolutely NOTHING about his post that was provable in the least.

He got flamed so bad that there was a small riot on the boards that ended up with that and all related topics being deleted (not just locked, deleted).

i would rather have the game buggy and here earlier than another wait
Well i rather have a bug-free game, if they can accomplish that , in a week or three more. ( not longer of course ;P)
If the guy from the IGN-forum is the avid gamer het says to be, why didn't he steal one box, or at least open it to see what's inside. All is fair in love and war ...
I don't believe you m8.

Next time bring a camera with you so you can .....
bush has a real good chance of getting re-elected. So does this make the story any more true?
Thats actually semi-likely.
And if anyone tries to drag politics into this thread I'll decapitate them.
Originally posted by d.sanchez
this is about as likely as bush getting re-elected

I wouldn't be so quick on that, if I were you......
Originally posted by d.sanchez
this is about as likely as bush getting re-elected

which, by the way, is very likely due to the stupidity of the liberal democrats bashing Bush as a person
It could be very well possible. Valve could be waiting for the copies to hit the shelfs and just as they do, thell hold the anouncement.