Crazy amusing things!


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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So! What crazy and amuzing things have people done in HL2 so far :D

I think mine has to be trying to catch a head crab in one them milk crates, first i was holding it up trying to catch it in there as it jumped up, then i was chasing the damn thing around trying to throw it on its head :) didnt manage to do it in the end but damn it was fun trying!
Throw barrels off the under-bridge and hit them mid-air with the RPG...
Play around with the rpg. The coast level. bridge part. Makeing the rocket go super far and spining it around :)
Dog was pretty crazy and amusing. His ball is a trip! So far Dog is my favorite NPC type In the game. :)
So! What crazy and amuzing things have people done in HL2 so far

I think mine has to be trying to catch a head crab in one them milk crates, first i was holding it up trying to catch it in there as it jumped up, then i was chasing the damn thing around trying to throw it on its head didnt manage to do it in the end but damn it was fun trying!

seriously, i can just picture someone chasing a deadly headcrab around with a crate, im laughing good right about now, lol.

****ing right!
That headcrap they have in the beginning really made me chuckle
I liked throwing things at combines and letting them chase you, or throw things out the windows.:D
ne0_shiny said:
what was dog's ball?
i never saw a ball...just random junk

One of those ****ing annoying combine magnetic mine type things, dunno if they have a name.
Loved the "Gordon you flipped that switch real well I can see your MIT education sure payed off for you."
In the very beginning, I threw a paper cup at a combine soldier form about 3 feet away, clocked him in the noggin. He fired up his taser and started chasing me down!
throwing suitcases at the combine as soon as i started the game. then running them round in circles. man i love throwing shit at combines.
In that water pumping puzzle near the beggining where you have to turn the valve (whoa!!) to flood the room with water to get across to the other room. The I lined up the barrells so they can roll together. Then I'd run over them and it would make you go real fast. Almost like log spinning. WHEEEEE!!
Basically messed around with the barrels like Lupin. Guess I'm not very crazy. Oh well, what are you gonna do.

I started painting the entire town of Ravenhold white. But then I stopped.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
I started painting the entire town of Ravenhold white. But then I stopped.

Hahahaha.... that's a pity. Would have made for some great screenshots.
I liked to play around with the pissed off guard in the beginning of trainstation.. then get him close to a wall, spawn the crossbow, and put an arrow thru his skull, hanging him up on the wall so he makes this chopper-like spin on the wall. I love that very satisfying :)
i like using npc_create npc_****** and having massive ass battles with a shitload of antlions/zombies/combine/citizens/.

its real funny becuase my framerate drops to about 2fps when i do this.
I trapped one of those rollermines under a bathtub :D
I was the same bathtub where the third battery was hidden. The mine was just next to it, and I happened to have this manipulator thingy and there you go :D


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I like to crucify combine, pinning them high up on the monument in the plaza, like Jesus.
I haven't really done anything too crazy... like just about everyone else :p I spent the first 5 minutes of the game throwing things at the Combine and giggling madly as they chased me with stunsticks. Kinda ruined the atmosphere of the trainstation :D
Jump into the Conatiner Dog uses to grab stuff to throw at you and when he picks it up it turns you upside down.Thought it was really funky
hehe nice thread!
As for the crazy things I've done... well I've lost count! The last one I remember was near the begining of the game, when your in the apartment buildings and you see the combine running in front of a buggy in the street below, I started taking things from their house and throwing them out the window at the combine! I actually managed to hit them once or twice. :D
Well in HL2DM yesterday a bunch of peeps and myself managed to stack up enough filing cabinets to get into one of the sniper rooms on OverWatch :)
The Lost EVA said:
Loved the "Gordon you flipped that switch real well I can see your MIT education sure payed off for you."
yeah, that was great.
ehm, made a little fort out of sruff on a test map that could spawn stuff, stacked barrels, and added bed rames for grills to shoot through, made a froof, and stuff. then something fell over, i got mad, and pulled out a grenade. I never saw it again.
I messed with Dr. Breen at first level!

"Welcome to City 17. It's safer here."


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I collected all the ithems in the two appartments in the beginning in a bathtub. :D
Finding out where little combines come from:

Amusing things, hmm... I've pretty much been doing what everybody else had done. I started my first 10 minutes being chased around the trainstation by combine cause I threw cups at them... then when I got to that apartment I threw some stuff at the people that lived there and they just yelled "Cut it out!" And then I threw all of their furniture out the window, hehehe that pissed them off! Then I painted some zombies white and that really pissed them off... Then in ravenholm I go out there looking all cool and mean on this house and I see those fast zombies getting closer, jumping from roof to roof. I go like: OH SHIT! And run inside, shuts the door and push a table before the door so they wouldn't get in, then I look up in the ceiling, watching them break through the glass and getting in that way instead. Then I said to myself: Oh yeah, I forgot these bastards don't use doors!
in the beginning taking up boxes or whatever with my hands and slamming it into everyone and everything even though it didnt do any damage or helped anything, i just had a good laugh slamming boxes at people :)
bam23 said:


i cheated and went to that level with guns,, i saw the headcrab and shot it instantly, but the script kept going, barney freaked out, kleiner was looking up in the rafters for it,