Crazy Ass Neighbors

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
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I'm not usually home on New Year's Eve, but me and my cousin stayed home tonight. I wish we hadn't.

We were outside firing off some artillery shells and the whole time we hear these loud noises. I point over to the house across the street from our driveway (we are in the front yard) and there are visible muzzle flashes. We here the guys screaming "Nice shot!" and the like. We realize they are firing gunshots straight into the air. I give the motion and we run like Hell to the door and we lock that bitch. We hear rapid shots of a pistol at first. The we start hearing rifle shots. Right now it's silent, but sounds of a shotgun were ringing just moments ago. These guys are ****ing stupid for firing into the air. What comes up, must come down.

We were going to call the cops, but two things hinder this. One, the guy across the street IS a cop. Two, they are drunk as f*ck and if they find out we call, I fear for everyone's safety. They've begun to stop, but I don't want to sit here.

Should I go out guns blazing, ask my homies politely to stop, or just bust some heads? My grandfather suggessted that we go shoot fireworks with them. :rolleyes: Just thought I'd share this.

Also, my grandfather is the coolest guy I know. There are Vietnam war era weapons and stuff hidden EVERYWHERE in this house, for situations like these, especially if someone were drunk enough to come over here. He's crazy, but cool.
Go ask them to politely stop, and if they don't, hunker down in a foxhole in your yard with your rifles and pretend your in a warzone.

Point your 'artillery' a little towards...straight at their house :D

I've been having fun with fireworks...I put an explosive in a big plastic bucket full of water and stood back about 15 feet. I got wet :(
Bitches don't know me and my crazy ass neighbors.

They'll kill me dead. Besides, the drunk assholes stopped about two, maybe two and a half hours ago. Soon after Midnight I think. No worries. That foxhole will come in handy next New Year.