Crazy Idea


Jul 31, 2003
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Ok, with all the ideas of superstring wormhole teleporting time-traveling space-twisting how-long-has-it-been-since-hl1 discussion here over the past month, I just got a crazy-ass idea:

Take Gordon. Age him about 20 years. Shave the goatee. Loose the glasses (contacts or laser surgery). Put him in a suit. Dah, da ta! THE G-MAN!!!

Somy theory is long after the HL incidents, when Gordon is an older man, he retires from the hands-on approach to saving the world and becomes the G-man. But since Xen (or combine?) have similar technology, the war is being fought in all time periods and Gordon, now the G-man, must return and ensure that Gordon (the younger) must complete his job.

Now, tell me I'm wrong!
First off this has been discussed before, secondly, they look nothing alike. I mean gorden has ginger hair!
Gordon Freeman


Actually, it's very unlikely.

You may as well say that Alyx is Gordon after a sex change and plastic surgery.
Originally posted by Feath

You may as well say that Alyx is Gordon after a sex change and plastic surgery.

my god! why didn't i think of that! :p
Just a flaw in the theory - If Gordon successfully did all the things in Black Mesa and grew into the G-Man, then why does he need to go back and ensure that Gordon does it right. Gordon/G-Man has already done it right, no need to go back in time or whatever.
ah, but that is the time paradox. it's kinda like terminator... gordon/g-man has to go back to make sure someone else doesn't go back and screw it up. And he has to go back because if he doesn't go back, then the g-man never exists in HL1/HL2 so Gordon would never get to HL2 and then history would be changed. So gordon/g-man has to go back even though its already happened...ow, my head hurts.

edit: btw, I don't actually think I'm right, but it makes for a good discussion.
"It will have going to have happen happened, but it hasn't actually happen happened yet, hactually." it?

*roach activates his wrist-time-machine and zaps back to 30 seconds ago, when he hadn't started typing this post yet*
it auctally does make sense. gman would have to be at black mesa for gordon to survive (like when gordon was trapped in the radioactive room that was collapsing and gman opened the door) but that means that without gman gordon would die right? well perhaps the black mesa incident never happed the first time around. gordon went to work, nothing happend, went home. then somtime in the future when hes the gman he makes some sort of mistake that indangers the past. perhaps travelling to the past and mucking somthing up. so realizing this he decides to keep an eye on 'himself' to make sure he dosent die. therefore his mistake in the past afects black mesa and in the game he helps 'himself' survive.

it is really confusing and full of paradox's and holes, and sure its not the truth but hey, alternate universes anyone?
its quite plausible gordon is the g-man ive been quite suspecious myself... of course then theres the whole paradox thing... but it could be the gman is from an alternate apocoliptic future and somehow found a time machine to change the way he went at saveing the world
well, how about if u go back in time you dont go to your own universe, but to a parallel one. that would solve the paradox issue. plus, it makes sense, as far as time travelling goes. personally, i think goin back in time is impossible (you would have to go thru SPACE to find the parallel universe that is at the exact time you want it to be at) or at least really really hard. going forward in time is actually much easier, considering that time is realative and blah blah blah.all u gotta do is travel at around the speed of light (so you dont deform or w/e). its pretty complicated, but im fairly confident that it works..... in theory.
Isn't there some concept art called "the time machine" or somthing?
Yup, they never built it, I think the government probably got their hands on the orignals, if you know what I mean...

About the Gordon/Gman thing, I don't think it is likely, but it damn sure is possible :)
:( not nice people!!!
I posted the same idea in another thread a long while back, and everyone agreed that (ehrm) "I WAS STUPID BECAUSE THAT DIDN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!" and now someone else thinks he invented the wheel and now the opinions are more devided? :|

oh well it's nice to see at least SOME people would've agreed with me. :) I AGREE WITH YOU..

only one thing that doesn't make sense: why would the g-man "employ" freeman, and gave him the choice at the end of HL1 to die or work for him... kinda weird.

If i were me, i wouldn't let myself die if i knew what was ahead of me.
perhaps gman was testing gordon? to see if he changed at all throughout the invasion. maybe he knew what the old gordon would do but needed to know if the new one stayed the same or changed.
i dont know why i find that
strider gordon so hilarious. roofles
I guess because it looks like the strider is trying to blend in as a human and not doing a very good job at it.
you didn't kill it, you just shot more holes into its lifeless decaying corpse...
I know I shouldn't draw from this but what the hell. At the end of the preview doesn't the G-Man say "Isn't this just like...old times?"

Ah, too confusing to make any assumptions now.
Here is a plot theory if ur think about G-man is Freeman theory still

G-man meets with Freeman his younger self Back in HL-1 to stop himself from completing the experiment that morning. So the G-man shows up, makes a bunch of stuff go wrong and he wishingly thinks that he has caused enough ploblems to stop the experiment......He inadvertantly makes the problem happen himself like a paradox. Which inturn causes balck mesa incident that he was trying to stop in the first place. The younger Freeman wakes up in Half-Life 2 sees what happens and makes the Dr.Kliner scientist make another wormhole to stop the entire incient. He puts on a suit and his face looks older and worn because of what has happend over the years. He goes back and well trys to stop it........and there u go

-----------VERY UNLIKELY!!!!!
But theory nuntheless
No way, just listen how the GMAN talks... Sounds nothing like...

Oh wait, Gordon never speaks in any of the games.

Well, anyways, it just wouldn't fit into the story line. At the end of HL1 he is talking to himself on a flying tram? Why would he offer himself a job, or alternatively, kill himself if he didnt take it?

Get it, got it? good.
Maybe he offers him a job because after failing and getting looped in time about 5 times the guy finnaly realizes that u cannot change the past so he is in the tram and offers him a job to fix the future because the G-man is to old and weird to do it himself. Or maybe its a set up by the goverment to get all our dexterity and eye hand coordination up so they can get us ready for world war 3 so people will be super skilled in batlle and the G-man is real and hes watching!! Area 51 is where they keep all our gaming scores and how to choose who the best solider will be and clone them!! AHHHH

Its the government!! Its all made to mess with your head and u will die and cigarrets are accualty good for you and then beer = Happiness and color is the inverted sense of sounds =x2p *-900 to the 5th power

:borg: :eek: :eek: :devil: :borg: :afro: :eek:

Originally posted by coolio2man
Maybe he offers him a job because after failing and getting looped in time about 5 times the guy finnaly realizes that u cannot change the past so he is in the tram and offers him a job to fix the future because the G-man is to old and weird to do it himself. Or maybe its a set up by the goverment to get all our dexterity and eye hand coordination up so they can get us ready for world war 3 so people will be super skilled in batlle and the G-man is real and hes watching!! Area 51 is where they keep all our gaming scores and how to choose who the best solider will be and clone them!! AHHHH

Its the government!! Its all made to mess with your head and u will die and cigarrets are accualty good for you and then beer = Happiness and color is the inverted sense of sounds =x2p *-900 to the 5th power

:borg: :eek: :eek: :devil: :borg: :afro: :eek:


Your mind must be a scary place. :p
if you think about it, maybe that thing dr kleiner is setting up IS a time machine, can anyone get anything intresting from what he says in the lab video?
Originally posted by Typhon
Ok, with all the ideas of superstring wormhole teleporting time-traveling space-twisting how-long-has-it-been-since-hl1 discussion here over the past month, I just got a crazy-ass idea:

Take Gordon. Age him about 20 years. Shave the goatee. Loose the glasses (contacts or laser surgery). Put him in a suit. Dah, da ta! THE G-MAN!!!

Somy theory is long after the HL incidents, when Gordon is an older man, he retires from the hands-on approach to saving the world and becomes the G-man. But since Xen (or combine?) have similar technology, the war is being fought in all time periods and Gordon, now the G-man, must return and ensure that Gordon (the younger) must complete his job.

Now, tell me I'm wrong!

its been discussed before yes, but I still think that it is a VERY COOL theory.

.... (your q to go insane looking)
Personally I think Gman might be Gordon.
yeah i thought so too and posted about it too (and about the 'just like old times' part) but no-one believed me. Glad that's changed now ;)

And yeah it might be true.... could cause a shock to a lot of not-knowers at the end of half-life 2 ;) *SURPRISE! G-MAN = GORDON!*