Crazy People


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
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This happened rather a while ago:

So I'm walking down the street towards the internet cafe with my friend Dan. Dan says 'well that was a fun game of CS last night.' Said I, 'Yes, but I'd swear that guy was hacking. He killed me so quickly.' Suddenly, this weird man in a tatty jacket, middle-aged looking, balding with a wrinkled face, storms up to us and shouts in my face:


He stares at me with his crazy eyes, then storms off again. "Don't worry," says a passing woman pushing a pram. "He's mad." How comforting.

Share your stories of weird crazy people!
Lol that's hilarious :D
Hmm, stories of crazy people...

/me ponders
You get some fruitcakes in the library....
  • One guy called George, came in to order a CD by 'Tab Hunter'. I had to help him because he's a picnic short of a picnic. Anyway, got to the ordering bit and he had to put in his email address. "Wagontrain", "Your email is wagontrain?" "Yeah wagontrain,"Wagon train at hotmail dot com...?", "No, wagontrain". So I just put it in '' on the end. So we got it ordered, **** knows if it came, but by the end of the help (about 20 minutes later) my hands were covered in his spit. :|
  • There is another guy who never gets any books out but he coasts around the library. He comes in, sometime in the morning, goes out, comes back, goes out, comes back, goes out, comes back, and then leaves about an hour before closing.
  • One guy came in listening to something through his headphones. The something was static. He was listening to it so loud, you could hear it from a good few feet away.
  • The same guy came in, minus the headphones, another time and he was being ridiculously polite at the top of his voice "IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH TO SAY PLEASE AND THANK YOU DOES IT?"
  • This other man came in, used the public telephone. After explaining to me how his cousin was coming to pick him up for about 10 minutes, he went to use the phone. I couldn't hear the conversation, but everyone heard the end of it. The library's foyer is quite large and the echo carries into the library. "NO? WELL **** YOU THEN!" reverberated around the library.
  • This Scottish man came in, and complained about the amount of books a woman took out. They were English teaching books and hadn't been issued in some time, yet he was still saying that by taking them out she was preventing the rest of the community from using them (?)
  • There is a lady who is about 40 who comes in with her mum, she looks a bit like an elf, and you can always hear her shouting "MUMMY!" when she's in.

There are more nutters, but I can't remember anymore stories :p
Haha Murray_H, what kind of crazy community do you live in?
nah, libraries are just wierd that way. They attract crazy people.
jondy said:
nah, libraries are just wierd that way. They attract crazy people.

Free + warm. And the Nomad trust is just across the road (and yes, I do realise that not all homeless people are loopy :p)
Hehe. :laugh: In our local library, half the staff are lesbians. Seriously. They sacked my two friends, supposedly because they didn't have enough money to keep casual workers, then hired two rather attractive girls to replace them. Earlier still I submitted a CV and they said 'we'll consider it'. I lost the job to a random girl who just walked in and asked for a job. Gender discrimination!

Another encounter with crazy person, in the same place again (:eek:) was when I saw a middle aged man shouting at this old guy. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM ME! YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY!" he yelled, before disappearing. As I waited with the shellshocked pensioner to cross the road, he began talking about the state of the world today and how I should be careful when crossing the road. We went our seperate ways.

God... Do you guys live in mental asylums or something?

A few years ago, some old man walked down my street shouting "ACHOO!!" and like pretending to sneeze. He did it like every 3 seconds... Was so funny :P
I swear I've read all these before :D

Umm... I don't really live in the city so I don't see many people every day on the street.. Let alone crazy people :)
Sulkdodds said:
So I'm walking down the street towards the internet cafe with my friend Dan. Dan says 'well that was a fun game of CS last night.' Said I, 'Yes, but I'd swear that guy was hacking. He killed me so quickly.' Suddenly, this weird man in a tatty jacket, middle-aged looking, balding with a wrinkled face, storms up to us and shouts in my face:


He stares at me with his crazy eyes, then storms off again.
LMFAO!!!!!! :laugh: :E

That story's great :p
Me and my friend were going to get some ice-cream in vons but the little place were you can get it was closed, so we went to dairyqueen. But on the way out of vons we saw this old freaky bum on a bench rocking and screaming then whispering. Another one my friend witnessed is at another dairyqueen. A mentalyretarted bum. You know the scrunched face and the tall head, you know! But anyways the bum was basicly deformed, so my friend was walking into dairyqueen and the bum started following him. He didn't go inside, he just started screaming. So when my frend walked out the bum licked his lips and followed him. He started walking faster. He escaped. :rolling: Crazy Crazy bums!
Waiting at the bus stop one night after a gig, an old gent comes along starts saying (in a drunken voice) "F**kin Cardiff, this place is shit" i moved away to give him some drunked privacy and he says "Get back here under the shelter *mutter mutter* kids"
heh, yesterday morning i was at the mall, sitting on a bench just outside the entrance of a store. A lot of people were coming through the store so I just sat thinking of what I'd do later. This guy comes out of nowhere and starts greeting everybody. He looked like he was mentally challenged, but it was funny seeing how everyone reacted to his appearance. Some would wince, others would scowl, others would just ignore him completely. He came to me, laughed stupidly, and said, "we miss the nice girl, eh?" and i was like, "Yeah..." Then I just sat there laughing to myself and I heard him laugh too.

It was weird.
my band was doing a concert in the bandstand at a park, and there was this tiny ugly indian guy who was fascinated by it. when we were playing he got up on his chair and started dancing around and pretending to conduct the music, and kept trying to climb on the bandstand. and when we finished, he went round trying to hug everyone and shouting random nonsense. i felt kinda sorry for him, everyone was trying to ignore him, but he was pretty scary.
One particularly cold morning me and two mates were slogging our way to school, my friend puts his two hands together can breathes into them for a bit of warmth (you know what I mean..) and all of a sudden this old lady in tattered old clothes comes from out of nowhere and goes right up in my mates face and says at the top of her voice :

"I SAW YOU, YOU WERE PRAYING!" she shouts with a big huge smile across her face. She kept repeating this for about thirty seconds saying the same old thing.

So with rather concerned looks on our faces we carry on, the road up to my school is pretty long and straight, as we walked off I stared her out for a bit and she just stood there nodding with that ****ing smile. Needless to say I gave her the universal sign for "**** Off".
This summer, some of my buddies and me went to the shop to buy some alcoholic drinks on a warm day (for my friends, I don't drink :)), and there was this old lady in front of us that looked like she couldn't talk. It's hard to explain, but she kept screaming and whispering random sounds while she was looking for her money in her wallet, with this huge sick smile on her face. And she stopped every five seconds to look around and observe everything.

It really was hilarious and we were of course laughing, what do you expect? Even the girl that was at the desk had to laugh :p

Now, here comes the good part:

A couple of weeks later I had a job in a different shop and I was at the desk. Guess who walks in. The crazy old lady. She recognises me and starts pointing at me with that sick smile all over her face, and she does the godaweful screaming again.

I was so stunned that I actually couldn't say anything else that day.

My friends, who were in the shop the first time, first wouldn't believe my story :D
Haha :laugh:

Man, so many crazy people. Tramp once tried to sell me sherbert and said it was coke. IT WAS BRIGHT PINK.