Creationist: Dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark

skip to 22:40 or so

"dinosaurs on a boat"

"the question is not "what made them [dinosaurs] go extinct?" The question is "Did they go extinct" Liberals are great at getting us to argue the wrong subject"

"the public school ciriculum is corrupt"

guy is a raving loon
I can't believe the audience is believing a word of it.

It's like someone saying "Hay Guys! Let's ignore all the geological, biological, and physics information we have gained over the past century and try to explain how a single wooden boat could somehow contain a suitable breeding population of every single higher animal that has ever existed!
ja, when I watch TBN I get so mad...people are so stupid.
I love the first minute: photographic evidence that there are no minorities in his immediate family. "Sure, I'm not talking sense. But look! I have a doggie!" (photo evidence proves doggie is also not a minority)

Mecha's patented "List 'O Lies":

-The claim that no-one has seen a dinosaur "isn't science".
-God wrote personally wrote that specific english version of the bible on a rock with his finger.
-"The Bible said that there was no death 'til Adam sinned. Your textbook says dinosaurs died before man got here. Somebody is seriously wrong." -Kent Hovind, in the first (unintentionally) accurate statement of the video.
-Reptiles never stop growing. Dinosaurs are just 900 year-old lizards that grew while they were immortal in paradise.
-Some dinosaurs were big, but others were small. Therefore Noah only needed two small ones on the ark. (Apparently "Dinosaur" is a species. Also apparently, this directly contradicts his last point about lizards growing forever.
-"Dinosaur" is a "kind". What is a "kind"?
-"Many experts will tell you there are 8000 'kinds' of animal in the world." What is a "kind"?!
-The first single-celled organism on Earth in the scientific model "must have found someone to marry"? Wha? Does he not know about asexual reproduction, or does he just assume his audience is retarded?

Oh jesus. This is 2.5 hours long. I'm at 10 minutes.

Skipping ahead to random points:

-Rivets from Noah's ark are being kept in a gas-station that was converted into a museum off the interstate in Tenessee.
-Science, books, museums: "brainwashing children at your expense".
-Loch Ness Monster is real.
-Hovind encourages random people to make traveling "museums" with science activities.
-Let's pray! Hooray!

...aaaand I'm depressed. Thanks, Kent Hovind!
Mechagodzilla said:
I love the first minute: photographic evidence that there are no minorities in his immediate family. "Sure, I'm not talking sense. But look! I have a doggie!" (photo evidence proves doggie is also not a minority)

Mecha's patented "List 'O Lies":

-The claim that no-one has seen a dinosaur "isn't science".
-God wrote personally wrote that specific english version of the bible on a rock with his finger.
-"The Bible said that there was no death 'til Adam sinned. Your textbook says dinosaurs died before man got here. Somebody is seriously wrong." -Kent Hovind, in the first (unintentionally) accurate statement of the video.
-Reptiles never stop growing. Dinosaurs are just 900 year-old lizards that grew while they were immortal in paradise.
-Some dinosaurs were big, but others were small. Therefore Noah only needed two small ones on the ark. (Apparently "Dinosaur" is a species. Also apparently, this directly contradicts his last point about lizards growing forever.
-"Dinosaur" is a "kind". What is a "kind"?
-"Many experts will tell you there are 8000 'kinds' of animal in the world." What is a "kind"?!
-The first single-celled organism on Earth in the scientific model "must have found someone to marry"? Wha does he not know about asexual reproduction, or does he just believe his audience is retarded?

Oh jesus. This is 2.5 hours long. I'm at 10 minutes.


"there were no cavemen unless you mean Osama Bin Laden"

here's a best of Krazy Kreationist Kent Hovind. It's shorter and specifically targets the big bang
"In physical cosmology, the Big Bang is the scientific theory that the universe emerged from an enormously dense and hot state about 13.7 billion years ago. The Big Bang theory is based on the observed Hubble's law redshift of distant galaxies that when taken together with the cosmological principle indicate that space is expanding according to the Friedmann-Lemaître model of general relativity. Extrapolated into the past, these observations show that the universe has expanded from a state in which all the matter and energy in the universe was at an immense temperature and density. Physicists do not widely agree on what happened before this, although general relativity predicts a gravitational singularity"

Emphasis mine.
CptStern said:
..such as

You're telling me you believe in the big bang theory, as it has been theorized? I mean... come on, it's as rediculous as the whole age old theory of the world being flat.

What was there before the big bang? Something had to exist... What CAUSED the big bang? What caused everything in the universe to be so condensed like that?

Mankinds inability to know everything about his own earth, leads me to doubt our ability to know everything about the universe... and some people out there have that sort of 'confidence' that we do, and what we think happened, is actually what happened...
but I happen to believe the big bang theory is bullshit. Simply because nobody can provide me the answers of what came before the big bang...

You could come up with theories much more plausible than that one...
Well thats why it is a Theory and not a proven fact. Of course we may never know what came before it, but hey thats the point of science... to find out and to never stop until you are undoubtably sure.

Religion just says "This is wtf happened, so shut up there are no 2 ways bout it".

Of course the overall concept of the Big Bang is decent. The fact that there seems to be an equal amount of radiation spread everywhere and that the Universe is expanding.

Those 2 things help draw a conclusion that at one time, there is something that is being expanded. And this requires energy. In order for this to occur there must have been a massive release of energy. That is what the Big Bang Theory is basically trying to get across, the Universe is expanding and a large amount of energy would be needed it to cause it to expand. It seems that all the galaxies are moving away from us. This is part of the information that has helped us figure out that the Universe is expanding.

Of course for all we know the Universe is not expanding. Maybe at the end of the universe it is white and the light just hasn't gotton to earth yet. Maybe there is more than one universe like there is more than one galaxie or planet. These are the things Science looks to find out. - for red shift\blue shift.

Science does not have all the answers, it only seeks to find them If you want to find the answers you look to science, if you want to settle down on faith then you look to religion. With Science you don't have to believe in the Big Bang or any theory they are just widely accepted possible ideas that are waiting to be expanded and proven furthor. Anyway what is religion but a theory that is ranted as fact and gets nowhere?
This question here isn't meant to incite argument or debate. I'm just curious.

What proof do we have that the universe is actually expanding? Have we even been around long enough on this earth to be able to know that for a fact? Have we seen a new star sprout up, or a new galaxy or something?

And... what would happen if you went beyond the edge of the universe?
Raziaar said:
You're telling me you believe in the big bang theory, as it has been theorized? I mean... come on, it's as rediculous as the whole age old theory of the world being flat.

What was there before the big bang? Something had to exist... What CAUSED the big bang? What caused everything in the universe to be so condensed like that?

Mankinds inability to know everything about his own earth, leads me to doubt our ability to know everything about the universe... and some people out there have that sort of 'confidence' that we do, and what we think happened, is actually what happened...

look I wont pretend to understand the science behind the big bang but it's not as simplistic as you would make it out to be's based on observable facts not on conjecture alone

In any event if the big bang is rediculous as you put it, where does that leave creationism? .. because from where I'm sitting they've run right past rediculous, sprinted past perposterous and leapfrogged right into criminally insane
CptStern said:
look I wont pretend to understand the science behind the big bang but it's not as simplistic as you would make it out to be's based on observable facts not on conjecture alone

In any event if the big bang is rediculous as you put it, where does that leave creationism? .. because from where I'm sitting they've run right past rediculous, sprinted past perposterous and leapfrogged right into criminally insane

Well... I wasn't really talking about religion here, but if I must... I don't know. I think the whole creationist thing(everything being made by god) is easier for us to believe, because it's similiar to magic, the completely unexplainable as far as the methods. Supernatural, not scientific... seperate things.
I dont want simplistic explanations ..I want such complicated explanations that I need years of study and a phd just to understand the basic principles ....because the alternative; a personal god created the heavens and earth for us all to live, takes the joy out of living. If we're all here because of some whim of an unseen being and that we know all there is to know is sad indeed ..there is no real need to go forward were that true, I'd rather confront the difficult before I accept the simplistic
CptStern said:
I dont want simplistic explanations ..I want such complicated explanations that I need years of study and a phd just to understand the basic principles ....because the alternative; a personal god created the heavens and earth for us all to live, takes the joy out of living. If we're all here because of some whim of an unseen being and that we know all there is to know is sad indeed ..there is no real need to go forward were that true, I'd rather confront the difficult before I accept the simplistic

What you say doesn't make any sense.

Just because a god created everything out there, it doesn't diminish it's amazing allure. How does it?

I just don't see why religion and science need to butt heads so often. And that conflict is caused by the religious people, and the science people. My family... we embrace science and religion. Just because a world was created by god as we believe, does not mean it has the absence of science. Science is there, it will always be there.
i love this guy. hes like ignoring so many facts about the bible that normal christians would tell you.
Raziaar said:
What you say doesn't make any sense.

Just because a god created everything out there, it doesn't diminish it's amazing allure. How does it?


Raziaar said:
I just don't see why religion and science need to butt heads so often. And that conflict is caused by the religious people, and the science people. My family... we embrace science and religion. Just because a world was created by god as we believe, does not mean it has the absence of science. Science is there, it will always be there.

but the religious people go out of there way to disprove science because rationality and science are a threat to their existance
but the religious people go out of there way to disprove science because rationality and science are a threat to their existance

Both groups do it to each other. They assault each other and live together like oil and water... why can't it be like oil and oil, or water and water?
Because Creationism is repeatedly accusing scientists of "brainwashing" children, of lying, of not using science, etc.

Basically, there are people who intentionally seek to destroy science with the opposite: lies and delusion. There's not really any other description for it.
These are the same sorts of people who were "abducted" by aliens, or sell immortality bracelets.

I'm all fine with personal belief. It's human nature to believe in gods and monsters.

But on a fundamental level, all organized religions are intentionally or unintentionally corrupt the minute their leader(s) starts profiting.
Mechagodzilla said:
Because Creationism is repeatedly accusing scientists of "brainwashing" children, of lying, of not using science, etc.

Basically, there are people who intentionally seek to destroy science with the opposite: lies and delusion. There's not really any other description for it.
These are the same sorts of people who were "abducted" by aliens, or sell immortality bracelets.

I'm all fine with personal belief. It's human nature to believe in gods and monsters.

But on a fundamental level, all organized religions are intentionally or unintentionally corrupt the minute their leader(s) starts profiting.

Religion came first... it was science that initially attacked religion, I believe. Which is fine, if that's what they believe... but the animosity started before people thought children were being 'brainwashed'.
Minerel said:
Science does not have all the answers, it only seeks to find them If you want to find the answers you look to science, if you want to settle down on faith then you look to religion.
That's my point of view as well.

I view religion as taking the easy way out "too complicated, god did it".

As for this creationist, there's too many educated people in the western world to let ancient myths rule again. We spent hundreds of years trying to advance socially, ethically and technologically always being held back by archaic texts and brainwashed individuals willing to kill for it.

Anyway here we are in 2006 and the dark ages culture still lingers. As Arthur C Clarke said in his book "The city and the stars"

"..His expulsion he blamed on vindictive enemies, but the fact was he suffered from an incurable malady which, it seems, attacked only homo sapiens among all the intelligent races of the universe. That disease was religious mania.

Throughout the earlier part of its history, the human race had brought forth an endless succession of prophets, seers, messiahs, and evangelists who convinced themselves and their followers that to them alone were the secrets of the universe revealed. Some of them succeeded in establishing religions which survived for many generations and influenced billions of men; others were forgotten even before their deaths.

The rise of science, which with monotonous regularity refuted the cosmologies of the prophets and produced miracles which they could never match, eventually destroyed all these faiths. It did not destroy the awe, nor the reverence and humility, which all intelligent beings felt as they contemplated the stupendous universe in which they found themselves. What it did weaken, and finally obliterate, were the countless religions each of which claimed with unbelievable arrogance, that it was the sole repository of the truth and that is millions of rivals and predecessors were all mistaken"

Long way to go yet !
Ah, these creationist nuts, so arrogant. They theorise about an omnipotent creator and then only allow it to do things that their admittedly limited human intellect can understand. That's a slap in the face to whatever Christianity is supposed to teach about humility.

An omnipotent creator can have done anything. It could have created the universe to run exactly upon the principles that we have discovered and will continue to discover through science. There is arrogance on both sides where an assumption is made one way or another - arrogance in those religious circles who assume a god is there and that they know how it works, and arrogance in those scientific quarters who assume that there is no greater power just because there is no big bearded face in the sky. HUBRIS, all.

But if there is a higher power I'm pretty sure it didn't didn't come up with some spastic hillbilly plan with dinosaurs on a boat. "Liberals are great at getting us to argue the wrong subject" - LOL as if it was a political issue! What a joke. Jesus says vote Bush, y'all!! :farmer:
I swear to you
My family is christian because of Kent Hovind's videos ^_^
I view religion as taking the easy way out "too complicated, god did it".

Why does it have to be the easy way out? I don't think it has anything to do with the complexity of the universe, as we don't say it is simple... it's as complicated as science is.

I don't think people choose religion as a way to answer questions... I know I don't. I have many questions yes, but I don't think i'll find them just from my association with a religion.
Raziaar said:
Both groups do it to each other. They assault each other and live together like oil and water... why can't it be like oil and oil, or water and water?
Because science = Religion in the same way Typhus = Happiness

One uses facts, the other pure speculation. Religion in the US is big, why would they want to lose out on it?
Llama said:
Because science = Religion in the same way Typhus = Happiness

One uses facts, the other pure speculation. Religion in the US is big, why what they want to lose out on it?

Religion in the entire world is big. Not just the US.

I think Religion and Science are completely seperate entities. One deals with faith and the afterlife, the other deals with the past, present, and future of our corporeal world... how it works.

Seperate beasts, in my eyes.
Religion tries to deal with the past, thats where the problem we have here comes from.
And yes, I know it is big world over, I was just using the US as an example :p
I think Religion and Science are completely seperate entities.
No. science evolved when it delved into questions raised by relegion and gradually branched away as it realised the gap between what is true and what is preached.relegion begot philosophical enquiry begot science.
I thought dinosaurs were wiped out before men walked the Earth...
Raziaar said:
Religion in the entire world is big. Not just the US.

I think Religion and Science are completely seperate entities. One deals with faith and the afterlife, the other deals with the past, present, and future of our corporeal world... how it works.

Seperate beasts, in my eyes.

Does Buddhism have a creationist theory? I can't remember. (I'm not a very good buddhist, unfortunantly >_<)

Creationism is not religion if religion is supposed to deal with faith and the afterlife. It is not attempting to say what happens after you die, whether god has any say in what you do; Creationism is looking at the world and going obviously somebody much bigger than me made this and then trying to tell everybody else that that's what happened. It's forcing your theory onto people. And, quite frankly, I will only accept Creationism taught in schools if the Flying Spaghetti Monster theory is also taught in schools.
Raziaar said:
Religion came first... it was science that initially attacked religion, I believe. Which is fine, if that's what they believe... but the animosity started before people thought children were being 'brainwashed'.

I was talking about creationism specifically there, but religion in general suffers the same problems.

Like I said, it is human nature to believe in gods and monsters. Science, on the other hand, is not ingrained. It is learned - the end-product of learning.

There's a quote I think is still in my sig: "The sleep of reason produces monsters."
On that level, it is true. The Loch Ness monster, as in this video, is one such persistent example.
So, what basis is there for the belief in Nessie?

Answer: Nessie is fairly well-documented via blurry photos and eyewitness accounts.

So what other things are "proven" through this sort of evidence?
Bigfoot is one.
Ufos are another, and are probably the most documented.
Logically then, ufos are the most real if you were forced to choose one to believe.
So what are ufos?
The most detailed claims (that don't debunk them) are from abductees.
Abductees claim a variety of things but, in general:

UFOes are controllwed by evil supernatural figures engaged in a widespread program to inflict elaborate long-term sets of bizarre reproductive procedures on unwitting people.

However, the claims made by abductees are fundamentally identical to Ritual Satanic Abuse, which is reported by its "victims" to be the result of:

Evil supernatural figures engaged in a widespread program to inflict elaborate long-term sets of bizarre reproductive procedures on unwitting people.

wikipedia article on Alien Abduction said:
California based therapist Gwen Dean noted forty-four parallels between alien abduction and satanic ritual abuse (SRA). Both emerged as widespread phenomena in the late 1970s and early 1980s, both often use hypnosis to recover lost or suppressed memory. Furthermore, the scenarios and narratives offered by abductees and SRA victims feature many similar elements: both are typically said to begin when the experiencer is in their youth; both are said to involve entire families and to occur generationally; the alien examination table is similar to the satanic altar; both phenomena feature a strong a focus on genitals, rape, sexuality and breeding; witnesses often report that the events happen when they are in altered states of consciousness; both phenomena feature episodes of "missing time" when the events are said to occur, but of which the victim has no conscious memory.
Accusations of SRA have landed people in prison, depite the fact that many claims made by "victims" are directly falsifiable.
(Example: Accusations of largescale networks of underground tunnels connecting "satanist's" basements, where police could find none. Accusations that SRA causes around 50,000 murders annually, when the total number of murders in America reported to law enforcement is usually around a third that much or less.
One child "victim" of SRA claimed he was flushed down the toilet and tortured in a sewer.)

How did this happen?
The answer is that the children involved were presumed victims during their questioning, and thus investigators attempted to trick them into telling the predetermined "truth".
They used questioning similar to the Reid technique for interrogating criminals.
Personal bias, strong belief, and unscientific techniques manufactured monsters that did not exist.

For adults, after SRA was popularized as the latest media scare, thousands of people began claiming they had been tortured as children long ago, and their "supressed memories" had to be recovered through therapy. Critics have pointed out that their "memories" are accessed through unscientific procedures that tend to create False Memory Syndrome.

wiki article on SRA said:
According to these critics, RMT techniques used for "reincarnation therapy" or "alien abduction therapy" are comparable to the techniques used in Satanic ritual abuse therapy. To verify the false memory hypothesis, researchers like Elizabeth Loftus have successfully produced false memories of various childhood incidents in test subjects. This is viewed as further evidence that comprehensive false memories can be produced in therapy.
I know of at least one case where an abductee and a non-abductee recovered the "same" memories through therapy (they were sisters).
One saw aliens. The other, demons.
Likewise, a surprising number of abduction accounts end with the individuals being taken to underground networks of tunnels.

As a counterpoint to abductees, there are "contactees": abductees who see their alien encounters as beneficial, transformative experiences.
Like abductees, contactees truly believe they were brought aboard glowing white ships, confronted by non-human creatures, changed on some fundamental level (often involving personal philosophy) and given important messages about the future: saving the environment, practicing medicine or New Age therapies and so on.
Many are presented with prophecies - prophecies that have never come true (sound familiar? :p).

Contactee claims, like those of abductees, are extremely similar to other religious-like phenomenons. Specifically, the Near-Death Experience, which is typically the utter conviction that you have experienced:

"1. The sudden awareness that one has had a 'fatal" accident and not survived.
2. An out-of-body experience. A sensation of floating above one's body and seeing the surrounding area.
3. Pleasant feelings, calmness. A sense of overwhelming love and peace.
4. A sensation of moving upwards through a tunnel or narrow passageway.
5. Meeting deceased relatives or spiritual figures
6. Encountering a being of light, or a light (possibly a religious figure, i.e. Jesus, God, Buddha)
7. Being given a life review
8. A feeling of being returned to the body, often accompanied by a reluctance to return."

However, there are also people who experience the same initial effect but interpret them very negatively: they are being pulled towards the light against their will.
Likewise, both abductees and contactees (grouped under the general term "experiencers") typically experience all these same effects in the same order - with only minimal differences:

1. The sudden appearance of a UFO.
2. A sensation of floating above one's body and seeing the surrounding area.
3. Pleasant feelings, calmness. A sense of overwhelming love and peace. (In abductees: the same, but with intermittent moments of terror, pain or unease.)
4. A sensation of moving through a tunnel or narrow passageway.
5. Meeting relatives or aquaintences
6. Encountering a being of light, or a light (abductees rather consistently assert that Gray aliens are "made of light", have the ability to turn into balls of light, etc.
7. Being presented a "slideshow" of strange images or being put into dreamlike simulations to "test emotional response".
8. A feeling of being returned to the Earth, often accompanied by a reluctance to return."

Also as in Alien Adbuction and SRA, NDE can be recreated in test subects by stimulating the brain with certain drugs or electrical impulses. Both of which are essentially replications of what the human brain experiences during clinical death and revival.

In other words, specific paranormal phenomena have essentially been proven to be purely psychological events.
What of those abductees being carried to space though?
Many "abduction" cases have occured while the person was surrounded by people.
One Australian woman saw a blue UFO on two seperate occasions while driving in the countryside. The second time, she was "telepathically" given a specific date on which to return to the same spot.
When she did, in a car full of people, she saw a strange man appear and fell into a trance, during which she recounted out lound the
entire experience of being taken up to the ship and so on - without ever physically leaving the car or the sight of those around her.

However, I find it extremely notable that, in all these phenomenon (although there are quite a few reports made by people deemed scizophrenic or otherwise mentally ill), most abductees / NDEs are considered sane by conventional psychological tests - usually finding them to be average in most every way.
In other words, they are no different from the average god-fearing person.

As a result of everything I've read on the subject of the paranormal in the last eleven years (yes, I started this at the age if nine) the same elements always re-appear in claims, as well as fictional stories and fables:

-White or blue-white light.
NDEs, God and other religious visions, Gray Aliens, UFOs, etc.
-Human-shaped, intelligent creatures (very often disguising themselves as human).
Bigfoot, Yeti, and several dozen variations on the same creature, ranging from white-haired and three feet tall to brown haired and over a dozen feet tall. Grays, Reptilians, and several dozen variations on the humanoid alien - often wearing capes with cowls.
"Satanists", also usually wearing cowls.
Demons that hang out with the satanists, along with the Jersey Devil, Mothman and other creatures with psychic or magical powers. On the flipside, there are angels, saints, Jesus, Mary, God, etc.
Fairies, gnomes, elves, etc.
Usually, the creatures have the ability to float
-Telepathic communication.
Almost everything involves some sort of direct, wordless communication that is transmitted as entire thoughts instead of word-by-word.
-Large, often disembodied eyes.
Surveillance drones, Grays, the Masonic Pyramid, the "eye of god", etc.
-Underground tunnels.
Hell, many abductions, many NDEs, various other accounts of subterrainian civilizations (reptilians are a big one).
-Other, non-underground hideouts.
The rest are always "in the sky" or "in the woods".
The general point is that wherever the creatures take you, it is impossible to to find the place again, even if the location is familiar to you or surrounded by identifiable landmarks (as was the case with the SRA basement-tunnels).

The most important link, however, is that they are always supported by shitty, shitty science. Usually pseudoscience.
This psuedoscience can often originate from credential-holding people, causing even more trouble.

The main evidence presented beyond eyewitness accounts (which I dealt with above) is photographic evidence.
Photos should be airtight, right?
Well, let's look at who is use photos as proof, and of what.
Here is what I have seen photos "prove":

-Most or all of the rocks in Mars Rover photos are actually fossilized versions of earth-like animals.
-Mars is also covered with egyptian-style architecture.
-The World Trade Centre was shot down by alien "pods".
-The WTC was shot down by missile launchers strapped to the planes.
-The WTC was hit by planes - but not planes that officially exist!
-The WTC was blown up by thermite.
-The WTC was blown up by demolition charges that were not thermite.
-The WTC was hit by holographic simulations of planes.
-Approximately three hundred differently-shaped ufos. (Note: only blurry photos are proof of ufos. The clear photos are usually proof of light fixtures.)
-Almost every celebrity you can name "shapeshifting" into a reptilian. From George Bush to Avril Lavigne.
-Ghosts! Angels! Jesus! Mary!
-At least five different intelligent aliens under three inches tall.
-Multiple "Nessie" monsters allegedly larger than their habitat could support.
-Mind-control chemicals being deployed from the sky by commercial planes.

Fact is, with a blurry enough photo you can convince anyone that that small grey spot is anything.
Hell, it doesn't even need to be terribly blurry.
By zooming into the Rodney King tape and altering it with slow motion, red arrows, "enhancements" and pauses, the defense actually convinced the jury that the guy lying on the ground was not being beaten to a pulp by a half-dozen cops.
All these "analysis techniques" are used by conspiracy theorists and paranormal researchers.

It is very easy to convince people of stuff, even without tape. The vast majority believers in these paranormal phenomena have not experienced them first-hand, or even came up with the ideas themselves.
Example: how many people have posted threads, in just this forum, about "Loose Change" (the 9/11 conspiracy "documentary", and origin of the "missile launcher" claim)?
The common occurence is that you can make a claim and, no matter how unsubstantiated, people will take it as their personal philosophy.

How many people will claim that Alex Chiu has invented a mystery bracelet that makes them immortal?
Hint: it's enough for him to live comfortably on thier cash.
If you're from North America, chances are you've seen the Q-Ray bracelet advertised on TV. Same deal.
Most "alternative" medicines you have heard of do not actually work.

My favorite: said:
Oscillococcinum, a 200C product "for the relief of colds and flu-like symptoms," involves "dilutions" that are even more far-fetched. Its "active ingredient" is prepared by incubating small amounts of a freshly killed duck's liver and heart for 40 days. The resultant solution is then filtered, freeze-dried, rehydrated, repeatedly diluted, and impregnated into sugar granules. If a single molecule of the duck's heart or liver were to survive the dilution, its concentration would be 1 in 100^200. This huge number, which has 400 zeroes, is vastly greater than the estimated number of molecules in the universe (about one googol, which is a 1 followed by 100 zeroes). In its February 17, 1997, issue, U.S. News & World Report noted that only one duck per year is needed to manufacture the product, which had total sales of $20 million in 1996. The magazine dubbed that unlucky bird "the $20-million duck."

I am not saying that everyone is out to decieve you, however.
Although hoaxes and quacks exist, most people making these claims genuinely believe they actually happened to themselves or others.
The point is that all these claims are equally stupid and, from a scientific standpoint, that this stupidity is a fundamental human trait.
An estimated three-million americans are abductees. Eight million are Near-Death Experiencers. Around a thousand have seen bigfoot. Atheists remain a minority worldwide.

Alien abduction, reptilians, conspiracies, christianity, bigfoot, islam etc; they're all the same thing.

They're all the same braintwitch sending a message from the sky, creating the encounter with gods and monsters, processed and reprocessed through memory and then publicised in bestselling books.
Suddenly it's a phenomenon and we're burning witches until witches fall out of favour. So it's the jews, or the communists and then it's actually satanists, so let's throw all those people in jail. Or maybe it's the reptilians who secretly control them all.

Today it's the war on terror, WMDs, "Blood for Oil".
PETA tells us meat is murder and cows are people too, while "traditional asian medicines" are important enough to be mass-produced with endangered rhino.
Dinosaurs lived on the ark and there is no "Adam and Steve". America is the great satan and Bush is a nazi.
Videogames, movies, music, television and board games cause murder.
Abortion is wrong and guns kill people.
Millions of people are being paid right now to tell you its' all true. Billions already believe it's true.

None of it is true.

It's "the sleep of reason" and I firmly believe that it is the single most terrible force in the world today.
wall of text crits you with 7348

You die

wall of text wins :X