Creationists turn to peanut butter to disprove Evolution

lolwut? how does being a lizard stop me?

edit: dangit, polaris. :p
ok he convinced me... no more evolution, no more science...

i found god... buhuahhahaa wtf...? how come i didnt figure it out by my self? i saw the stone in my garden for years.. it never turned to life.. it didnt evolved
the fact thatthis kind of people is in the goverment of the united states is really worriyng
you know I dont feel bad for creationists who are ridiculed for their beliefs seems that every single one of their arguments revolves around sarcastically and inaccurately belittling evolution:L instead of coming up with some plausible explanation for the origins of the universe they expend all their energy in attempting to ridicule evolution or science for that matter ..the problem is that instead of using people who have an extensive background on the important issues they pick a layperson who couldnt successfuklly debate their case against someone with even a rudimentary knowledge of science ..I mean you'd really have to be utterly stupid to not see right through their bullshit
Or people who already believe it. They're just preaching to the choir... quite literally.

"Hah, evolution? Who the **** needs science when we have PEANUT BUTTER AND BANANAS. Take that, intelligent free thinking."
you know I dont feel bad for creationists who are ridiculed for their beliefs seems that every single one of their arguments revolves around sarcastically and inaccurately belittling evolution:L instead of coming up with some plausible explanation for the origins of the universe they expend all their energy in attempting to ridicule evolution or science for that matter ..the problem is that instead of using people who have an extensive background on the important issues they pick a layperson who couldnt successfuklly debate their case against someone with even a rudimentary knowledge of science ..I mean you'd really have to be utterly stupid to not see right through their bullshit

The thing I find funny is that they accept science when its convienient. Like claims that fossils are evidence for the great flood but completely deny carbon dating and evolution. The same group also accepts gravity and black holes, and yet refuses to believe in the Big Bang.

Of course there was no life in there, they used smooth.
The sad thing is that there are some relatively good arguments to use against evolution, just highlight the systems which we can't explain how they evolved - of which there are several.
Of course we'll probably figure them out at some point but it's still a better argument than resorting to retarded rhetoric.
evalation doesnt exist because if took a human heart it;s not like its goin to evolv into a frog or an penguin ahah, its realy prety stuped to beliv in evolatin becase somthing lik that jus dosen;t make sense rely
evalation doesnt exist because if took a human heart it;s not like its goin to evolv into a frog or an penguin ahah, its realy prety stuped to beliv in evolatin becase somthing lik that jus dosen;t make sense rely

I've encountered new life in foods before, it's called fungi, and it appears when said food has gone off ages ago.

This response is also pretty amazing.
when I first read the title I though of a someone opeing a peanut butter thing and saying "this is peanut butter and tat means there is no evolution,there is no evolution because this is peanut butter"
when I first read the title I though of a someone opeing a peanut butter thing and saying "this is peanut butter and tat means there is no evolution,there is no evolution because this is peanut butter"

That's pretty much what it is - It's still peanut butter, therefore evolution doesn't exist! :|