'Creative' 'Half Splife' Writing project gets an A


Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
'Half Splife'


Wow, all this guy has done is take the script from Half Life 2 and add some random large descriptive words and metaphors. He has also replaced Gordon's name with 'Jim'. The mispellings and gaping plot holes are also rather amusing, all this in a one page essay.


“Wake up Mr. Harrison” the man said. “It looks like you’ve been sleeping on the job. Wake up. Wake up and smell the ashes” The darkness faded to light and the mysterious man disappeared.''

Seems familiar somehow.

''A streak of screaming filled the station''

A streak of screaming...

''Out of his deep pocket came a dark red stick of dynamite that looked like it could kill a goose.''


''It looked like a red vibrant glowing ball with different colour mists floating around aimlessly.''

Does this guy even know what these words mean?

I also wonder why someone he has known for roughly 3 minutes would entrust him with a grenade powerful enough to destroy the core and liberate the city.

I recommend reading this for a laugh, god knows how it got an A.
Woah, to get an A for that, you need to be in primary school.

-Angry Lawyer
Wow, didn't relise we had shotguns laying around our streets in Europe!
Ok.. Instead of reading this, I'm going to Bite off my arm... Excuse me...

*Bites off Arm*

*Reads story*

Yup.... Arm wins...
Oh, wow that is terrible. Doesn't even deserve a C imo...
Hahah wow, that was really really aweful.

Thanks for the humor, kid! :LOL:

Normally i'd be constructive, but i couldn't be bothered right now.
completely asinine writing....this is why I think most of general high school population is completely idiotic and will get nowhere in life. They can't even make up a friggen story....they model it after a well-known videogame. How incredibly, stupid, foolhardy, un-intelligent and lame. An autistic gorilla surviving on a diet of his own feces could write much better.
hahaha here's the funniest part....

Dumb arse writer said:
In English class we usually have to wright creative writing stories. I couldnt think of an idea so I used the setting and some of the characters in Half Life 2, AND I GOT AN A! Here's the story.

he can't even spell write.
Wilsonator said:
''It looked like a red vibrant glowing ball with different colour mists floating around aimlessly.''

Does this guy even know what these words mean?
What, vibrant? Aimlessly?

Were you listening in 3rd grade?
Creativity: C+

Originiality: F--

Behaviour in class: N/A Student seems to have a slight urge to attack me with a crowbar, I advise talking to him about this before I take legal action.

Group work: He tells students to stand in the corner of the room to get snipered...

Individual Work: He seems to model himself on one called "Gordon Freeman". Fourtanatley, he never speaks in class.

Overall teacher comments: I advise putting him in Special Education.

Mr Danimal,
Grade 8 teacher.
Danimal said:
Individual Work: He seems to model himself on one called "Gordon Freeman"

If he were to model himself after Gordon Freeman, he would be in MIT. The thought of which makes me laugh and cry in the inside.