Cremator pics.


Inferno SS

Can somebody get me some pictures of a Combine Cremator, I cant seem to find any anywhere.

Ok, one of three reasons nobody has answered
1. I have the status of "newbie" so therefor nobody finds it in their interest to reply.
2. There's just...nobody on, or nobody on who knows any information about the "cremators" in the Half-Life game/storyline.
3. It takes a really long time for someone to respond on this forum.
Actually you might try the fact that its in the wrong forum
You don't double post to post some stupid message as to why nobody is replied
And nobody cares that your a newbie.

Go to google image search and type Cremator HL2. You'll find what you are looking forward. But nobody on this forum is posting beta pics or Raising the bar scans. Should they do so, they are in trouble.

Alternatively you could just by Raising the bar, which is for the record - a superb book.
I know, I have it and read through it, I just wanted some more information on it, not nessasarily a beta pic, that is, if there IS any more official information.
There is no official information regarding the return of Cremators anytime soon. They are there, as in, are actually part of the Half-life universe - Eli's lab confirms this, its just we don't know when we'll be seeing them.

No posting beta pics Polaris.
I would imagine myself that there probably would not be a sighting in aftermath, being as the Cremators main job(or only job, I dont quite know) is to clean certain area's of headcrab infestation. I do remember seeing a poster of a Cremator once. The poster read: "clean it up, or he will" but I cant remember where I saw that.
It doesn't specifically say headcrab infestation, but its possible. I'm sure they specialize in all sorts of clean up...but since they've never appeared in a game, their role could change.

You saw that poster in Raising the bar.
Thank you anyways Polaris, its a good pic, even though its beta and all blockified.
Is that a forum rule, no posting pics from beta? (Sorry, I'm a bit of a noob myself.)
Just did. Nur nicky nur nur -Samon

Mayor this.
Question: why are beta pictures still outlawed? Considering the game has been out for a bit over a year now, and the beta obviously isn't affecting sales or leaking any information, I hardly think pictures should be deleted.

The only things they can show are pictures of creatures, maps, or weaponry that never made it in, and considering the nature of this forum those are all relevant to the HL universe. Everyone already knows what a cremator looks like anyway; I don't think having a beta picture of them is going to destabilize the forum or cause Valve to get uppity with us.

Not trying to be troublesome, Samon, just curious.
Well, rules are rules, as they say. The beta is still illegal, as is to download it, and posting images from it is still against the rules. Yes, its been what, 2 years - but nothing has changed in those 2 years and the rules still stand thus.

I checked with a superior before taking them off anyway, and I was assured they still aren't allowed, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. It might seem like a simple picture, but its still content from the leaked files.

Ultimately having them won't make the forums this or that much better, and the same for not :)
That's true. Most of the leaked things we've already seen in one form or another, so it's no big loss. Thanks for clarifying.

While I'm personally not interested in them, I can see the cremators making some sort of appearance later on. Valve spent what seems like a great deal of time coming up with them, with their purpose and look, and even created the models for them and foreshadowed their appearance later on (in Eli's lab), so it would be a waste if they just junked them. Due to Eli's speech, however, they might be repurposed. The citizens have seen tons of battles; if the cremators were still meant for cleaning up remains, Eli would not have said, "We're still not sure what that does." And after all the battles, we didn't see any cremators deployed (maybe because Gordon just moved so fast through each area that we didn't get to see), so perhaps in the end they'll serve a different purpose.
i have a 3D render of a cremator. i just dont know if i should post it. its a cremator in ragdoll position
Samon said:
They are there, as in, are actually part of the Half-life universe - Eli's lab confirms this, its just we don't know when we'll be seeing them.
Nothing is confirmed. The object in the jar could be anything, it just happens to have once been a Cremator's head sometime in development. No-one in game refers to it as a cremator's head anymore... Perhaps one day we'll see it, but on an entirely different body and under a different name. Just like the Assassin.
I'm pretty sure that means we'll see it. The only thing not likeable about the Cremator is its green overcoat, a black one would be better.
hey, if anyone wants to see the 3D render i was talking about, look for the cremators thread, one of my posts has 3 attatchements about cremators.
I saw somewhere a guy managed to open the Cremator, Bullsquid, Female Assassin, Alien Assassin, Houndeye, Odell, Digger, Hydra etc. models in the SDK.
the cremator would have been soooo cool. it's a shame really. reading that book i felt like it could have been a better game if they had stuck to all those concepts. it would have had more of a half life feel. not that the game wasnt good. but the air exchange, the ship etc....
rambler said:
but the air exchange, the ship etc....

How? Mere concepts? They were cut for a reason and would have made the game worse, not better. What you see is not what you play.
yeah...... or maybe they just didn't finish it in time. and plus, how do any of us know whether or not the cremator would've made the game better or worse? if they did put in the cremator, these threads wouldn't even exist. so basically, it've made no difference if it was in the game because we'd never know what no cremator would be like. all im saying is that we would still have enjoyed the game. and you know what? we do like the game, even without the cremator.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
I "used" to be able to do that, because I "used" to have those models.
"Used" to?.... Btw I cant even find 'em, but I found that they do have folders in the sounds part if you use GCFScape, but most are empty.
XANA said:
yeah...... or maybe they just didn't finish it in time. and plus, how do any of us know whether or not the cremator would've made the game better or worse? if they did put in the cremator, these threads wouldn't even exist. so basically, it've made no difference if it was in the game because we'd never know what no cremator would be like. all im saying is that we would still have enjoyed the game. and you know what? we do like the game, even without the cremator.

How do you know you never played with Cremator. You never fought it. Never saw it. Valve aren't pulling things from the game because they want to spite us, the player, they are taking things from the game because they think, and the beta testers think, it sucked/sucks.
for the most part, Samon, you're right. yes, ive never been against a cremator. but have you? what i also wanted to know is if the cremator even made it into the beta version of the game. and plus, i don't know anybody here that played the beta version of the game. im not saying nobody here has played the beta, im just saying i don't know of anyone who has. the fact of the matter is that im eating a triscuit while typing, and that there are a lot of threads about cremators and how much we wouldv'e loved them. and, Samon, since you're moderator, i won't make the remark i had in mind.
No, they weren't in the beta...apart from the model and animations. I think the fact of the matter is just don't worry about it. It looked good, but so do alot of things. The best thing to do would be to just sit and think 'Right, Valve took it out...but is HL2 any less of a game?'...No. In the end, Valve will add it when ready.

They sound good and they look good. But do they play good? Would they have fit anywhere in HL2? Nope.

Anyway, leak discussion is not allowed, so we'll stop in our tracks.
hi i downloaded my version of HL2 a few years ago and I was wondering how I can get that blue grav gun because at the end of the game it just gives me all my weapons and the orange one again...and my "boost" bar never really goes to zero? lol, j/k'ing i'm legit but about those cremators, they'd be creepy to run across, but prolly no fun to fight
i know a place they would fit in half-life 2..... the citadel. no really. what im saying is is that you can fight them, but without using cheat codes, you just see them. like the stalkers. you can fight them (even though it IS NOT ADVISABLE!!) by using "give npc_stalker", but they just waddle around and, sometimes, shoot a laser from their feet. just don't kill the stalker if you spawn one because the code for it is incomplete. ANYWAY, i don't think it would've hurt to put the cremator in.

What did I say about leak discussion? - Samon