Crisis 51 Update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Azlan
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Crisis 51 is a single player conversion for Half-Life 2, which aims to bring a storybased mod to life. Tonight, they've released a couple screenshots from a map from their upcoming mod. [br]</br>Parts of the mod take place in Iraq, which are where these screenshots are taken from. [br]

[br]To visit their website to learn more and read the backstory, click here.[br]</br>Happy Valentine's Day everybody!
Maps look to plain, looks empty.
hmm... a wooden fence and a emtpy lifeless road....
That's some shiny wood.
I love the ground vandalism.

Big open spaces...well, sometimes in the real world, there are open spaces...
idk i dont think it looks like Iraq i expected more ... sand
That first screenshot is spectacular.
SixThree said:
That first screenshot is spectacular.
:laugh: Yea pretty bland screenshots to take. Either wait til theres more to take shots of, or take better ones.
I dont know what I hate more, GI model renders or bland uninteresting screenshots of highly unfinished levels.

Im sure they are making a fantastic mod, but why would you want to sell yourself on these crappy shots?
Do you think I should stop trying to count thr number of mods that are based in/around Iraq/Iran and the Current situation?

Anyway I really like that wood, it's really shiny.
If that's all I had to show I would have kept it to myself! Looks very bland so far.
Better turn up the settings when taking screenshots for the public, looks like it could use some AA.
I'll be really looking forward to the publics reactions to such a boring mod......
but guys... ITS GOT A TREE IN IT FOR GODS SAKES!! it must be good!!!
Dude. They made a tree. I did not notice that tree. I think it's a really good tree. But. There's no halfpipe. There is a tree. They should have.. Create-A-Tree. And then you can get off your tree. And shoot. Things. But. Then you'd get bored. And pull off a 360 tree flip. All hail the tree. Counter-Trees Win.