Crispy's "Shady Spots to Shoot from"


Dec 19, 2004
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Here is a collection of places I've found you can get to in TF2 maps that you probably shouldn't be able to. The better known ones have been left out. All of these tricks can be done by the Soldier and Demo and a couple can be done by the Engineer. One can be done by all classes.

Being one of the bigger maps, Hydro has lots of spots that weren't picked up in Valve's QA testing.

1. The first one overlooks the Red CP and is most useful for a defending Soldier. In sudden death this could work a treat if the enemy break through your defences and you're the last man standing. I haven't tried it as a Demo yet but I'm confident it's doable.

You'll notice on one of the shots all the models and details have disappeared. You'll need to shift about a bit on the ledge to make sure you can properly see everything.



2. This one is easy for anyone to get to, but probably most effective for a Sniper, Soldier or Demo covering bottom route to the CP. Just jump over the rocks to get there.


3. Not much to this one. The only real advantage is that there are no buildings behind you (so rockets won't cause splash damage) and you get a better view over the truck of the tunnel exit.

4. This one is not too difficult to get up to but you'll need to hold back to stay there. Only really useful for last man sudden death surprise tactics. You lose a lot of health getting up there so it's better if you get a medic to heal you.

5. Easy to get up to and useful for defending the CP on both variations of this map section.

6. One of THE best tricks in the list. At first I didn't think you could get up here but it seems the mapper has been lazy with his clipping and left a gap through the middle. This gives you a significant advantage when defending the CP.

7. Not as useful as the other one. Sentries up here aren't very effective because of the distance to the entrances, but maybe a good spot for a Soldier, Demo or Sniper if you put a Dispenser up there. (Just remember to face your sentry the right way round! :p)



A lot of these spots leave you very open so are limited in effectiveness, but worth experimenting with.

1. Yep, you can sit atop that skull and cover all three entrances with stickies. The main problem is you are a sitting duck so be sure to draw first if it comes to a shootout!


2. Not a bad spot and covers all 3 exits. Also gives you a really good vantage point over the back of the hut where Medics and Snipers like to hang out. If you've got a mic be sure to call all the Spies running through the middle pass. They think you can't see them, but you can! ;)

3. Not of great use but good enough for a few surprise kills at the beginning of the round.


4. A couple of spots up here and they're kinda hard to get to. The first is the better one but probably more useful for a Soldier.


I thought this one would be perfect for watching over the CP. I was wrong. :upstare:


So we all know about boosting up to stand outside the BLU gates and rocket jumping onto the roof at B, but here's one you probably didn't know:

1. Great way to cover point A without being seen. You'll need a Demoman, some bumbling BLUs and some well-laid stickies! Results are frequently spectacular!


P.S. Can I test your map now, Pi? :p

By coincidence, I'm currently putting in the playerclips. There'll be no rafters-based shenanigans in MY map...
That last tip will surely come in handy.
Don't do that, they make the game more fun and reward curiosity and smart thinking.
Ya, the last one is always fun to do. I found out about it like the first day I was playing. Got hit with a rocket on my feet when I jumped, and it launched em up there. I was like ":D"
You left out a good spot. On Dustbowl, first round the attackers can fire rockets or grenades into the stairs area from above by jumping on top of the roof lip above the front entrance.
Oooo, very useful. Props to you for posting, Crispy.
Oddly enough, we just played on the server on Dustbowl and the defending team had a sentry and dispensers on the roof of B. Enormously annoying.
Oddly enough, we just played on the server on Dustbowl and the defending team had a sentry and dispensers on the roof of B. Enormously annoying.

Agreed. It's mainly because it means there is normally double the firepower (turret above and within) hitting that entrance vector, plus you've really got to take out the dispenser and teleporter as well, and naturally spies aren't going to fix your problems there, so it's all brute force....still always a challenge.