Crit needed! - Femme: WIP (40%)



Hi there everyone, I've been reading this forum for a while now, but this is my first post, so be kind! I've hit that point on this model where I need some fresh eyes to look at it... you all know how it is.

I'm pretty happy with it so far, although it obviously needs a lot more work. Apart from the texturing I still need to model some clothes (a little black number in case you're wondering), and finish up the details on the model.

Feel free to point out anything that you think needs doing, and i'll either do it, or stamp my feet and complain about the nasty forum people :)

Hmm i cant crit anything man, tis bloody good. How many polies and wire maybe :)
One wire, with polycount, as requested! How's that for service? :)

Fantastic texture job. The hair looks like a photo texture job, but how about the rest of the face? Hand drawn?

My only other comment would be that the neck doesn't seem to connect to the rest of the body in that bottom wire shot.

Great job so far!
The whole texture is photo based, with a lot of heavy photoshop work obviously. The hair is the next thing I need to work on, as you rightly pointed out, it looks too photo-esque.

Good spot on the neck thing too, i'd just been working on the shoulder area before I took the shots, and it's become misaligned...

I've just finished gathering reference, and i'm going to work on the dress this afternoon. I'll post a pic as soon as it's done. Please keep posting comments, they're all usefull.
hmmmmm.... the texture looks really nice but some of the preportions are incorrect. The tits are a bit to wide etc.... It looks really nice though. Even if it does haveits little inperfections.
Thanks a lot for the compliments, but can you expand on that 'etc' please? It was kinda the reason I posted... :)

If you list the imperfections, and they make sense, they shall be imperfect no longer! (hopefully)
Her eyes look amazing.. Otherwise some small proportion corrections and this is gonna be kickass..
I'm glad the eyes turned out so well, as Noir is intended to be a very story and character driven experience. That famous quote: 'The eyes are the windows to the soul' is very true, and I always feel that good eyes make for an expressionate character, which reminds me, I've got the whole fun of phonemes and face shapes to look forward to yet!.

Actually, while we're on the subject, does anyone know exactly how the face shapes are defined in HL2? I know it's been said that the face poser does the animation for you (to an extent), but has anyone heard about how we as modellers are supposed to organise the faces within our files?
apart from some anatomical errors, mainly the jaw and upper torso it.s not bad.

Check out (contains nudity) for some excellent human reference
looks good, but the hands are...mmm no i dont like them, and it looks like u used a tutorial(the one with the oval shaped thingy as the palm/upp hand)
dont use that! make you own hand, that is anatomicly correct :)

oh and wickid texturejob on the face..i dont like the hair though
overall good job, needs some tweaking though :)
While we're on the subject of it... the breasts would naturally hang more to the sides, but since she will have some sort of clothing on I think it will turn out okay. The dress/bra/outfit would hold them in closer to the middle (which is probably why you modeled them that way, now that I think about it).
ye the hands are a bit throng. They seem to be flat. I mean maybe put more polgons into them. Hands are really easy because all u need to do is look at your own. Hold your hand out in the same position thats been taken on the photo and u will notice it straight away.

Also, why isn;t the head atached to the model? have u just made a body and added it? hmmmm, dodge.....
Originally posted by IchI

Also, why isn;t the head atached to the model? have u just made a body and added it? hmmmm, dodge.....

Originally posted by beeglebug

Good spot on the neck thing too, i'd just been working on the shoulder area before I took the shots, and it's become misaligned...

Thanks for that chimera, the reason the head was seperate was nothing dodgy, I simply don't work with a single mesh. My particular style of modelling is a bit different to the standard 'box up', I tend to make models that are in 6 or 7 pieces until the final stages. Only problem is I have to occasionaly realign parts like the head issue above.

I agree with the hand thing, the fingers and nails are fine IMO, but the palm and top are high on my to do list. I took a little offence at the tutorial comment though :)

While i'm here i'll show you this afternoons work, the suit. So bad look Simmo, she's not any more, although if you keep an eye on the Noir mod you might find she re-appears in less clothes during the course of the game, so the breasts might need re-saggifying (look that one up in ther dictionary!)

u didnt seriously make the body model, then just put clothes on, literally did u ?? maybe im getting confused, but thats wat it looked like if u look as the progression pics.
You're not confused, I did build the character naked and then add clothes, but in the shot above the inner polygons (from the cleavage to the knees) have been deleted in that version.

The reason i've modelled this way is that this is a main character in a single player story driven adventure, and as such will be requiring several costume changes (the above suite, an slinky evening gown, and *ahem* some form of negligee)

Does that answer your question?
"I agree with the hand thing, the fingers and nails are fine IMO, but the palm and top are high on my to do list. I took a little offence at the tutorial comment though"

I'm glad :)

I was reffering to the plam, yes... it looks too..plain :)
the body is a bit mishapen, and doesn't seem to be part of the head model, the head is pretty good, I love the texture work, with the shiney skin and the eyes and the..

/me has fit of wonder....

anywho, yes the body is rather poor compaired with the stunning face.
looks almost like a smoothed "the sims" model model, needs alot of work, try refering to some anatomical correct referances...

you could benifit from some life drawing (drawing naked people), to get the proportions correctly....

but until then, check out:

for some good referances...
Her legs are a bit fat, her feet are too big, and her tits are too big compared w/ her waist.

Alos, please render with Anti-alising on, it's much easier on the eyes :)
Thanks again for all the crits, i've begun to address some of them, however.....

Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Her legs are a bit fat, her feet are too big, and her tits are too big compared w/ her waist.

Alos, please render with Anti-alising on, it's much easier on the eyes :)

Legs, yep. Feet, yep. Breasts, maybe.

BUT, none of the pictures are renders, they are screen grabs straight from Maya. I can never be arsed to light and render when I'm working on something for real-time, seems pointless.

Originally posted by Stone
the body is rather poor compaired with the stunning face.

To be honest I thought the face was as crap as the body untill I textured it, it's amazing how much you can salvage a crummy mesh with a nice texture!

Also, i'm not sure how 'stunning' the face will be once I reduce the textures to something useable, at the moment the face is 1024x1024 alone... We'll see.

Again, thanks everyone!
there are some serious anatomical mistakes which are easily fixed and it would improve the realism so much. pls take a look at the site I mentioned above :)

I mean it's a good model, but those few mistakes just take away so much.
well textures can be upto 2048x2048.... :)

about the screen grab thing... turn AA on all the time ;)
Originally posted by Incitatus
there are some serious anatomical mistake

OK, i've looked, i've imported reference pictures, and cross refereced, and it all looks pretty close to me. Could you more specific about what areas you think are serious, so I can choose wether to ignore you or not :)

Actually wait till tomorrow when I post the latest version, it's a lot better (anatomically) IMO, but I couldn't see anything 'serious'.

Unless it was just an overall lack of proportion which made it 'feel' wrong, rather than 1 single obvious flaw. I could concede on that I suppose. :)

And the AA thing. I don't know if you've used Maya before, but full screen anti aliasing in a workspace wasn't an option last time I looked...
(could be wrong though, but the concept strikes me as very processor intensive)
Originally posted by random.hero
u didnt seriously make the body model, then just put clothes on, literally did u ?? maybe im getting confused, but thats wat it looked like if u look as the progression pics.

Random.hero, this process is actually quite common in the game industry, you first build a character in full nude and then build clothes/armor around it. Nothing wrong with this process.
dunno aint checked the other crits. but, depending on the look you after. i'd say her shoulders are american fooballer size. either that or the lower body is really small. else the wire seems totally clean and easy to alter/animate/skin, Put a female proportion chart behind the model and Just pull the wire to the outline of the picture. Thats what i'da done. Wicked.
Originally posted by random.hero
u didnt seriously make the body model, then just put clothes on, literally did u ?? maybe im getting confused, but thats wat it looked like if u look as the progression pics.

That's how I do it. It's easier when you're creating different clothing or armor configurations for the same character.

Anyway, a few things about the model are bugging me. The face looks a little strange to me, but I can't put my finger on any major problem. I think it's a combination of many little things, but I can see that the eyes look too large and wide open.

The breasts look too large for her body size. They look like torpedos sticking out of her chest. I think the overall look would improve with some more attention to shaping and sizing the breasts a little better. The shoulder and neck area looks a little off also. Perhaps they're too wide? The fingers look a little thin, long, and small to me too.

The geometry looks pretty good, but there are quite a few areas that can be optimized, such as the hair, torso, and feet.
well textures can be upto 2048x2048....

On characters? Somehow I don't see one of Half Life 2's characters having a 2048x2048 map dedicated to their face; that is quite near what I used for my demo reel and I had problem rendering when there were too many large maps like that.

I can't even imagine what would happen in a real-time rendering situation.
* Nose needs more work
* Head doesnt fit with the bodymesh

Otherwise good work