critics about HL2

Actually there is a theory that the HEV suit may have a mass changing device that alters the mass of the weapons being carried and revert them back to the original mass when it is being taken out and held.

Makes sense considering in half life 1 HEV members are required to conduct experiments and retrieve samples from Xen, so they obviously require a large arsenal of weapon. Also, we often see a large case of weapons (almost like a nuclear bomb container) beside HEV scientists, and these large cases of weapons often contain craploads of weapons and ammos of all sorts inside. I doubt HEV scientists would carry that around without it being extremely handy and light considering they're entering a borderworld filled with unknown species. It is possible that Gordon may have a similar package.

The suit does mention an "automatic defense weapon selection system" when you step into it in HL1. Im assuming this would be the method of retrieving the weapons from said package
I think the zombies wearing only white was just a minor oversight by the developers. At least they added Zombines in later games.

Laser guns while fine, they may spoil the games' balance, by being too powerful. Thats why in the first game, you only got the TAU cannon and Gluon Gun very late in the game. Plus people didnt have the resources to create laser guns given that they scavenged any junk they can find.

IDK if these aspects really affect the game that much.
Yeah I'm pretty sure 'Hazardous Environment' is a euphemism for 'bizarre alien battleground'... you know, for government funding approval purposes...
Still halflife 2 is the best game ever made period, end of discussion. Thanks for posting everyone, have a nice day next topic.

It was meant to be a lot better, fyi. ;D
I think,in Hl1 we have more "advanced"problems to solve it.But in Half Life 2 this proplems minimalized(Do you remember interlopter level in Hl1?What a hard for the first time!)so Half Life 2 is shorter then Hl1 i think!
it's easy to sit now and diss the game but back in november 04 the feeling was indescribable
, and i haven't seen any blue suited zombies or combine zombies. In the old game the zombies only wore white clothes, but that made sense, because it was in a laboratory or something.

I haven't even completed the game, but there are Zombine (Zombie Combine.) I personally believe the clothes are from when the Headcrabs mutate the corpses to all look the same. I'm not the biggest Half-Life 2 fan there ever was, and it's not the best FPS I've ever played (I like Tron 2.0 more, but there you go) but it isn't the worst. The game does have it's good and bad points but don't diss the Crossbow. I managed to pin a combine to a wall with a bolt through the neck.