Crossbow and pinning guys


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Found this in the valve forum

Q: If so, will the arrows stick into the models? Like, if I shot a character model, would the arrow stay in that same location that it hit, and if they moved around would it too, move realistically?

A: *** What usually happens is the enemy is pinned down to something with the arrow, and yes the arrow does stay in the world.

Does anyone know any more information about this? Is this like the steak shooter on painkiller? That was the most fun weapon ive ever used in a game, IMO. :sniper:
Yes from that description it sounds very similar to the steak shooter in painkiller.

Wow, sweet! :D

I never really tried Painkiller's much... just the little bit in the demo that I played before I realized it was crap and you can't duck. ;)
I hope its like Painkillers stake gun. Only i hope it doesnt arch as much.
STAKE shooter, guys.

Although, now that you mention it, there might be a cheeseburger-shooter in Valve's officies somewhere...
its probably like painkiller except it wouldnt lose altitude like that thick stake, probably wont make guys fly 20000 feet either, most likely only pins them if they are really close to a wall.
Yeah that Painkiller stake gun was awesome. I thought about this a while ago, but soon gave up on it when I realised the arrows in the HL1 crossbow were too small to really pin people to walls, but I believe Gabe said something about the HL2 stake gun being a beefed up version?

Off Topic - Anyone else having problems getting onto forums?
Steak shooter...yummy! I'll take a t-bone, medium.

Back on topic, this does sound pretty sweet. Kinda reminds me of the speargun in Aliens vs. Predator 2 where you could snipe people's heads off and retrieve them for trophies later...
what would be really cool is if you shot people w/ the arrow and then used the grav gun to pull it out and shoot them again over and over like he does w/ the saw blades in the 2004 e3 video.
Mad Dog said:
STAKE shooter, guys.

Although, now that you mention it, there might be a cheeseburger-shooter in Valve's officies somewhere...

I saw a screenshot of the stake gun shooting real steaks! Photoshop my friend :p
I wonder if the arrows are physically stimulated, and you can get them out with the help of the manipulator gun from a body or wall and shoot them at some target again. Something like what Ozzo said.
I can't wait to sink my teeth into the beefed up steak gun, hmmmmmm........
Yeah... The crossbow's def. gonna rock in Half-Life 2... I'm so excited for the game and my new computer :)... Drools...
lans said:
I wonder if the arrows are physically stimulated, and you can get them out with the help of the manipulator gun from a body or wall and shoot them at some target again. Something like what Ozzo said.

they're stimulated to the point of orgasm :naughty:
Havnt we all seen the crossbow in action? Those shaky cam videos that those visiters got at valve's offices?
tokin said:
Havnt we all seen the crossbow in action? Those shaky cam videos that those visiters got at valve's offices?

Wha? where?

We just saw the magnum, and saw it again in E3 2004. Don't remember seeing the crossbow.

I dunno, i could of sworn i saw it in one of the shaky cam videos....maybe not?
what i want to know is if an npc would still be alive. i doubt it but it would still be cool. imagine shooting a combine with an arrow through his shoulder adn him being stuck on a wall, still trying to maneuver or shoot at u.
KiNG said:
what i want to know is if an npc would still be alive. i doubt it but it would still be cool. imagine shooting a combine with an arrow through his shoulder adn him being stuck on a wall, still trying to maneuver or shoot at u.

Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. I hope it happens this way because an arrow to certain points of the body wouldn't realistically kill someone.
What'd be cool is if the combine broke the arrows and threw them at the ground. No one wants to run around with an arrow sticking out of them.

I want to get one of them right in the eye. Then laugh.
The original half-life crossbow was intended as a tranquilizer gun, so whether it kills them or not u can give the excuse that it pumps em full of anesphetic.
Am I the only person who thinks that a crossbow that works like a stake launcher would be horribly unrealistic? I dunno about you, but I'd probably burst out laughing if someone was hit by a bolt and flew 50 feet back. Even if they were standing next to a wall and got pinned to it... that just doesn't happen. A crossbow bolt doesn't have the penetration power to go through a person (especially if armoured) *and* embed itself into a wall, unless it was made out of paper or something. The only case where I might find it slightly believable is if the crossbow *was* like a stake launcher, and fired massive bolts, but I honestly can't see that happening.

Why are there people constantly crying out for "realistic physics", yet demanding exactly the opposite at the same time?
You guys keep metioning "painkiller" this was done in "NOLF2" long time ago. Also, like the first "half-life" i doubt the arrow will loose altitude over distance. I also doubt that the arrows or bolts (thats what crossbows shoot) will have quite the mass that the stake's have in Painkiller
Screw the crossbow, I want a footbow. Now THERE'S penetration. Okay, so you have to sit down to use it, but boy, what power...


I dunno, some crossbows are pretty powerful. I've seen one put a bolt right through a half-inch wooden fence, and I've had a friend tell me he's seen one go a centimeter into some concrete. Then again, the really powerful ones'd probably be a bitch to cock, at least without some sort of windlass.
Hehe, physically stimulated.

If the crossbow has been beefed up considerabley, might it not be unreasonable to think it was so powerful it embedded deep enough into the target that it could not be pulled out using the manipulator?
Valve said:
A: *** What usually happens is the enemy is pinned down to something with the arrow, and yes the arrow does stay in the world.

Yes! This is what I was hoping to hear. Looks like the majority in my poll a while back were right. :bounce:
Pinning someone to the wall and they still try to kill you would be fun, but you would get mjor clipping problems, and they would have to make new animations.

Normaly the cross bow is a :thumbs: :sniper: :x (one-shot-kill for ppl have biscuit brains), so when you shot an enemy, i guess he'll fly back abit using the ragdoll effect.
Thats what, i guesshe meant with "beefed up", because in HL enemys just fell down when shot/killed.
As long as we don't see enemies flying back 2 miles after they've been hit like in Painkiller... then I will be happy. :thumbs:
Azrael. said:
As long as we don't see enemies flying back 2 miles after they've been hit like in Painkiller... then I will be happy. :thumbs:
Well I don't think there's any question that HL2 has superior physics to Painkiller. :E
I used to have a crossbow when I lived in Colorado, and that bitch fired a bolt into a pine tree trunk and it's still there to this day. We could NOT get it out....