

Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
I watch some people play and their crosshairs never expand as much as mine.I crouch,short bursts,same gun but mine always expand a lot more.
Is there a tweak that I don't know about? (or I am I just crap)
look in your cs s options you can choose between differente sized crosshairs, or maybe they just control their spray more accuratly. or they may have turned dynamic crosshair off if that still makes a difference in css
Nah I don't think that's it. And I know what Tomo13 is saying because it's happened to me when I get killed, spectate my killer, and then the guy runs around with an AK, sees someone, fires full auto, and his crosshairs don't expand at all, even if he tries to counter the kickback by aiming low. I think it's a minor bug from VALVe that doesn't recognise on spec. mode that the crosshair expands.
It IS a spectator thing. Don't worry mate, we all have expanding crosshairs unless we disable the dynamic xhair of course.
dekstar said:
Nah I don't think that's it. And I know what Tomo13 is saying because it's happened to me when I get killed, spectate my killer, and then the guy runs around with an AK, sees someone, fires full auto, and his crosshairs don't expand at all, even if he tries to counter the kickback by aiming low. I think it's a minor bug from VALVe that doesn't recognise on spec. mode that the crosshair expands.

This is net delay mate, the gun fires so fast sometimes, or the shooter is firing 2 burst shots that his crosshair reticle goes down too fast for the information to send. So you can't see that it expanded slightly.

Quite hard to explain soz lol :bounce:
no its just that in spec mode the crosshairs dont expand