Crossing Fear: Final Logs, Final Fights

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
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So, a few may remember that story I had going on a few months ago. It was supposed to be a Half - Life/The Thing crossover. Well, that failed. Hard. The other idea of a story failed, so I've decided to take the idea and make the story unfold in journal logs and such. The story will begin with The Thing being uncovered in Antarctica by the Norwegians, fast forward several years to the events leading into Episode 1 and the end. Things won't move into Half - Life for a chapter or two. I don't know how, but I'll try to make this work. I want to thank John Carpenter for creating The Thing, and keeping me up all those nights, and making me scream like a bitch.. You old, scary mother ****er. All dates, except for the beginning year, are just estimates. Don't bug me bitch.

Chapter 1 - Yahn's Log

March 5th, 1982 - 1600 Hours

The snow is hitting us hard. We've just arrived here in Antarctica. It is very cold. I could never have imagined a place so barren and empty. The guys are unpacking. I tried to help, but the damn cold has left my hands numb and stiff. A wonder I can still write.

March 5th, 1982 - 1700 Hours

Our base camp has been set up, with most of the tools and supplies in the storage room of the building. So much damn equipment, seems like a waste. There is absolutely nothing out here. I shouldn't be here. I should be at home with my family. God damn my brother. Why must Keith insist on dragging me to these pointless expeditions? I might as well turn in for the evening. I can't stand another minute of the mindless jabber.

March 6th, 1982 - 1100 Hours

God dammit. I woke up last night to find Mason's huskie rummaging through my sack. Damn dog.....I cannot believe he would let that thing run loose in this place. My brother woke me up for something. He says it's important. I should get my gear on and go see what the big deal is.

March 6th, 1982 - 1100 Hours

I can't believe what I'm looking at. It's unreal. Everyone was digging. They found something buried in the ice. I...I can't describe it. It's some kind of...Thing. It looks like a human, but it has these appendages spewing forth from every visible portion of it's body. I thought I saw another face on it. Two more faces actually. This "Thing" is so deformed, it's impossible to tell what it is - Er, was. We're bringing it inside to unfreeze it and examine it. I just can't believe this.