Crouching and Accuracy

Jul 23, 2003
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I'm not sure if this crosses the line between spoiler or game feature or whatever, but does anyone know if crouching increases accuracy this time around or if it will be like in the first game where crouching made no difference
Looks to me like they are keeping the same kind of weapon firing/recoil system they had in the first Half-Life, so I'd say no.
oh please let it be just like in hl1, oh please please please pleeeeeease
most games I played support the crouching increases accuracy,

HL2 meant to be realistic, and crouching increases accuracy is a real life combat method for increasing the chances of hitting the right target. I say Yes, HL2 100% support this feature.
All you gotta do is watch the vids, it's obvious it's the same aiming and recoil style as the first.
G0rgon said:
most games I played support the crouching increases accuracy,

HL2 meant to be realistic, and crouching increases accuracy is a real life combat method for increasing the chances of hitting the right target. I say Yes, HL2 100% support this feature.

Since when is HL2 supposed to be realistic?! You play a man in a bright orange suit that can survive direct rocket hits, who leaps his way across a strange parallel world, defeating entire alien armies, while carrying an arsenal of about a dozen weapons. No offence, but I'm pretty sure your idea of reality is *very* different from everyone else's. :p
Define realistic then do the following: read more HL2 info before posting. thats all I am going to say.
Half-Life 2 is realistic in some aspects G0rgon, but not all of them.

It may be realistic in the way that you have realistic physics and animations but that's pretty much where it stops. I think you'll find the weapon system is one of the things they're keeping the same as HL1.
Chris_D: 1337
Everyone else: 0
But, yeah the weapons and firing system should be the same as HL1, hopefully. The vids look the same.
Thanks Chris For clearing it up.

I meant to say realistic physics.
Yeah, HL2 is far from realistic. But that's not we want. If you want realism, go play Raven Shield.
I always find the various ways on increasing accuracy in FPS games a bit of a drag...
I like it, but it wouldn't be right in Half-Life. It's more of a basic aiming style game.
gorgon, hl2 isnt all that realistic. so, i doubt that because its more accurate in real life, it will be the same in hl2.
Blitzy said:
I do believe this was already cleared up Mac.

if you dont say so.. i dont need you telling me what is cleared up and what isn't.

thanks. :devil: