Crowds shocked in Everquest 2 sex scandal!

ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!! being made fun of in real life and in EQ must be a bitch

EDIT: wait... did the cyber guy who said he didn't do it get banned?
BritneySpears14: I kiss you softly on your chest.
bloodninja: I cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman.
BritneySpears14: Hey…
bloodninja: I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl. 8 **** of the Infinite.
BritneySpears14: Funny I still don’t see it.
bloodninja: I spend my mana reserves to cast Mighty **** of the Beyondness.
BritneySpears14: You are the worst cyber partner ever. This is ridiculous.

Quite funny

This one is funny too: but a warning; mild sexual references (its all a joke though)
my words about this


The fact he was cybering I dont see as a prob, its the way he tried to deny it and whine saying he is going to get people in court about it etc etc. How silly.
Ritz said:
The fact he was cybering I dont see as a prob, its the way he tried to deny it and whine saying he is going to get people in court about it etc etc. How silly. anybody?
gh0st said: anybody?

Were you actually meaning to post, or did you just mash the keyboard while you fumbled to wipe up the coke you spilled? :P

I tihnk cybering is just...silly. But thats just me I guess. You can be intinate with someone over the internet (as far as you can be with someone you can't see, hear, smell, taste or touch),but it doesn't need to involve that kind of conversation :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Were you actually meaning to post, or did you just mash the keyboard while you fumbled to wipe up the coke you spilled? :P
I dont get it :(
I don't get it... you can have sex in Everquest II?
Nvm, got the 2nd site working

This guy has so much evidence stacked against him, yet he says the pics are photoshopped

I should email the guy who made those, best damn PS skills I have ever seen. :D
Tr0n said:
Oh btw, Spuddy...

I'm moving to Florida here HAHAHA!
What?! I can't make fun of you for being Alabamian anymore :(
SpuD said:
What?! I can't make fun of you for being Alabamian anymore :(
Well since I'm the only person from Alabama on this site....I might not change my location thingy. :imu:

Just for you spuddy... <3 :naughty:
The Dark Elf said:
*points at princess jen thread* tad late there methinks :)

I never did read that thing, anyone got a link to it?
Dalamari said:
I never did read that thing, anyone got a link to it?

Long story short:

"Girl" posts "pictures" of "herself" on the forum; resulting in a 3419347813591367 pages long thread, countless sexual harassment felonies, several bans and finally a closing of the thread in question.
now that I think about this......
what if all was joking?
cyber sex is the dumbest crap in the world. even if it all wasnt a scandal and he was "cybering" his "irl gf" it would still be pathetic. its not real sex, hell its even stupider than wacking off to porn. get a grip.

also, the dude himself looks like a total ******. plays too much ****ing everquest and gets too into his alternate asshole life on the internet. He thinks he has some sort of power and followers, but one day hes gonna wake up and realize its all fake. get a life man.
Triggerhappy41 said:
cyber sex is the dumbest crap in the world. even if it all wasnt a scandal and he was "cybering" his "irl gf" it would still be pathetic. its not real sex, hell its even stupider than wacking off to porn. get a grip.

also, the dude himself looks like a total ******. plays too much ****ing everquest and gets too into his alternate asshole life on the internet. He thinks he has some sort of power and followers, but one day hes gonna wake up and realize its all fake. get a life man.

Red dwarf quote "You can tell all that just by his picture?"
:hmph: Eh man, I cybersex all the time. J to the mother ****in' K. That guys got caught cybering in EQII AND got caught jacking off to it. Suicide is the answer. I'm sorry, but damn.
Internet history is being made in front of our very eyes!
Triggerhappy41 said:
cyber sex is the dumbest crap in the world. even if it all wasnt a scandal and he was "cybering" his "irl gf" it would still be pathetic. its not real sex, hell its even stupider than wacking off to porn. get a grip.

also, the dude himself looks like a total ******. plays too much ****ing everquest and gets too into his alternate asshole life on the internet. He thinks he has some sort of power and followers, but one day hes gonna wake up and realize its all fake. get a life man.

whoa, settle down, you might soil your underwear.
online girlfriends <--- i will never understand that phrase. I find it hard to socially interact with mere ascii...
ROFL That's hilarious :laugh:

poor guy- his girlfreind publically broke up with him :p

*edit* i'm reading the thread... ITS 20 PAGES!!! can you just give us the page numbers of when things get interesting? i've read the first page and it really is rather funny when Ceciliantas is trying to defend himself, saying "my freinds will come and cyber beat you up" ROFL.
[Matt] said:
online girlfriends <--- i will never understand that phrase. I find it hard to socially interact with mere ascii...
Guess you've never been moved by a book then, same thing, only interactive :p