Cryengine 2 Direct-feed + Nu Screens

Sucks insiders only! Mother****ers!!!
Not for insiders only. Worked fine for me.

All these shots just prove to me what i was saying in the other thread about this engine. Great stuff but its not impressing as much as UE3 did when we first saw that. And with that, i'm not saying anything else about this as i'm sick of talking about it (and i'm sure everyone else is too).

Liked the last two screenies. they were great.

Not impressive?! WTF are you guys smoking? How can you guys just "meh" this work away like it was my college undergrad space shooter game? The only reason I can figure you guys are doing this is to make rational people like me go ballistic in response.

This is on par with UE3. UE3's specialization seems to be in modeling and lighting, and if you guys can say it can do the flora and landscape that this engine can do, please provide an exampe, because I say that's this engine's specialization that surpasses UE3's. By the way that lighting wasn't exactly nothing to mention either.

Not impressed? ... what a load.
Well, I am not as impressed that I was when I first saw the UT2007 screens, but screenshots don't say much and especially these, they are crap and the quality is'nt 100%
Garfield_ said:
Well, I am not as impressed that I was when I first saw the UT2007 screens, but screenshots don't say much and especially these, they are crap and the quality is'nt 100%
He has a point, these screens do not do the game justice at all. The videos, on the other hand, are truly beautiful.
When looking on screenshots, you focus on small details such as polygoncounts, texture quality and stuff like that. But in a video you'll focus much more on the motion and you won't notice small details, thats why the videos look better and so will the game too.

And to add, these screenshots only show a small part of the whole game and environment, not the entirety. And the person who took these shots did'nt really take the best shots, it's just like taking photos, you can grap awful pictures of the same object or environment but you can also take great pictures of it too.
I thought the screenshots of UT2K7 were more impressive than the small video demonstration

For Crysis, its the opposite way, the screenshots don't look as impressive as the video. Click here for a more direct video stream
Exactly, I never said the GRAPHICS weren't impressive, I said the SCREENSHOTS weren't.
It's cool that they arent using the same textures on those two tanks, one has 815 and the other 811 :D
the best looking game I have ever seen.....yep :)

Lets see whats on my list this year:

3-This game
4-Project Offset
Well at least plenty of people are posting shots and saying win. I guess I can feel ok abut that.

EDIT: Thanks for the better streams, DEATH eVADER.
john, I've heard from alot of different groups that they'll give an official release date at or around the time of E3, so I'll wait until then with believing 100% it's been delayed until 2k7.:)
Just watch the IGN direct stream (Gametrailers didn't include sound)

That Alien is freaky, the sound it makes is even more horrifying than the T Rex from Jurassic Park and the WOTW Tripod's warhorn combined
Amazing graphics and physics. Two elements for a fantastic looking environment. Very real both visually and physically.

But this will need some seriously awesome AI to create one amazing gameplay experience.
It'll need far more than awesome AI to create an amazing gameplay experience.
alright that image does suck.

But that setting isn't this game's specialization. Any shots of UE3 with vegetation to compare?
I wasn't that impressed by the 2 more urban pics (particularly the one Reaktor posted) but the jungle ones are amazing. And wow... that alien roar was awesome :O
MuToiD_MaN said:
alright that image does suck.

But that setting isn't this game's specialization. Any shots of UE3 with vegetation to compare?
Here are a few Engine 3 Wallpaper 5.jpg

Nature is clearly its (cryengine 2s) strong point, but why after putting such effort into that would they make everything else look like its running on dx7? Some things could look a lot better, mostly metal things.
Yeah exactly, cryengine 2 handles jungle environments with awesome detail, but those urban/industrial looked like any other game released this year or the last.
Some people here dont get it, you say that Unreal3 looks better? Well, maybe your right, but the thing with Cryengine2 is that every single ****ing leaf in the game reacts to physics and has its own shadows, and almost anything is destructable, and it uses amazing Soft Particles, and volumetric clouds. Plus, the lightning is better (i think) because i cant find anything spectacular with unreal3 lightning...exept maybe that it has HDR. THATS what makes it amazing, how it can make a computer process that much information.
I'm most likely going to upgrade in Jan 2007. Starting from scratch, as much as I hate the sound of it...but everything has old interfaces (socket 754 amd, agp video, etc.).