cryengine tech video in better quality

Thanks, I was looking at the low-res vid the other day and was wondering if they released a hi-res version. Looks even more beautiful. Also, is there no sound to the vid?
I have the low-res version but this one is slow to download. Any other links?
satch919 said:
I have the low-res version but this one is slow to download. Any other links?
No, seems to have a very limited bandwith. Maybe give it a try later on...
Dancingwllamas said:
Wow, that looks amazing.

/me watches computer burst into tears

lol, I could hear distinct sobs coming from my rig as well. It's gonna be torture. When is this coming out again? Is it even a game yet?
Holy CRAP! That is HOT!

I'm especially impressed by the physics... Plants being physical things, that bend and move out of the way... OMFG can you imagine the gameplay with such realistic things like this, seeing bushes russle somewhere and opening fire on it in hopes to kill whatever it was.

And the building, built out of those pieces! Ahhh!
"seeing bushes russle somewhere and opening fire on it in hopes to kill whatever it was."
That can be easily done via some simple scripting, i.e. telling the game that whenever something moves within that object the object should shake and play up that sound..

And it's an impressive engine, I'll say, but it looked more impressive in low-res imo.:p

Another impressive engine frmo a Swedish dev is the avalanche engine imo.

And if you consider that that trailer is running on a game that's PS2 and XB1, imagine what that can do with next-gen.

There's also coming a 360 game based of the Avalanche engine, looking forward to that.:p

Anyway, very impressive engine, but I'm wondernig, how many people'll use it?
I mean, the first CryEngine didn't exactly get licensed by many folks, did it?
Gargantou said:
"seeing bushes russle somewhere and opening fire on it in hopes to kill whatever it was."
That can be easily done via some simple scripting, i.e. telling the game that whenever something moves within that object the object should shake and play up that sound..
That wouldn't look nearly as good... And it would be buggy. And like, you could just tap a a tree and the whole thing starts shaking? No.

Wow... that looks gorgeous. With the better quality, it's waay better than the earlier one.
Awsome. But what's that "Shader Technology" thing with the black guys at the end? It sucks. I've got friends who are much blacker than that.

And when's Far Cry 2 due?
Far CRY 2 is using DX10............say may-december/2007
Mate, there won't be any Far Cry 2 done by CryTek.
The Far Cry franchise was bought up by Ubisoft, who're now continuing the series on the consoles it seems.
CryTek will instead make a totally new game, based off this engine, that will apparently also be a launch title for Windows Vista.

Also do note, this won't be playable if you run Windows XP, or has a "currentgen" GPU.

DX10 will be Vista-only, and DX10 GPUs are going through a major overhaul.

Want a meltdown on DX10 and Vista(In gaming terms),1697,1841223,00.asp

Check that.

Edit: Gorgon, we won't see a Far Cry 2 done by CryTek probably, they've been practically bought up by EA, and Ubisoft own the Far Cry copyright, so unless either 1. Ubisoft gives EA the right to use the Far Cry name 2. Sells the Far Cry copyright 3. Is bought up by EA, then we won't see a Far Cry 2 done by CryTek(Or even on the CryEngine 2 unless Ubisoft purchases that)

Anyway, I'll definitely be buying a Windows Vista comp, but I am worried about the previous statements MS has made about backwards compatability with previous DXs, apparently DX10 won't have system backwardscompatability, but will have to run an emu to run older-DX games, MS has said it will run, but with quite a "decent" performance hit.
I think most people know Far Cry 2 is being developed by Ubisoft.
Yes but it's far from guaranteed that they'll use CryEngine 2 for Far Cry 2, Ubisoft are quite fond of using their own inhouse engines iirc.
Oh man...I cant wait for their game!!!
lol, well I think its quite obvious that the whole point of the 2nd CRYengine is the next FARCRY.

Is there supposed to be no sound? :(
clarky.. You are aware that EA+CryTeks first CryEngine 2 game is to be called Crysis? Right?
So it's not that obvious, see the same parallel there? CRYEngine, CRYsis.
As I see, it, Ubisoft will probably instead modify their own copy of the CryEngine 1(Like they did with Instincts).

That website'll be updated soon with details for Crysis, and yes, it is most likely the official one, it's owned and maintained by a German webhosting company, and CryTek is German-based, is it not?
What happened to the awesome music of the original? D:
Gargantou said:
Also do note, this won't be playable if you run Windows XP, or has a "currentgen" GPU.

DX10 will be Vista-only, and DX10 GPUs are going through a major overhaul.
I´m still very sure that the new crytek game will support Windows XP with some kind of dx9-fallback-mode.
schoppi, we'll see I guess, I wouldn't expect anything less than it to be DX10 only.. DX10 is so vastly different in terms of coding and how it handles overall, so I think it's far more complex to do the game engine both DX9 and DX10, than it is for say DX8 and DX9..
Also, seeing as MS themselves have been touting this as a "Next-Generation Graphics benchmark" for Windows Vista, they could probably be giving EA some form of bonus for keeping it Vista exclusive, wouldn't really surprise me.

Read the article I linked to previously, it partly documents how huge a overhaul DX10 has overgone, and imo, if it's really as huge overhaul as it has been stated, I'm willing to bet they'll have to do 2 totally different engines..

We'll see I guess tho.

More news there guys, you MUST check out the links on those pages!
I hope Vista fails miserably. It's immune to editing, doesn't allow CDs that arent legit, the government is probably spying on you through it. I bet they look at what kind of porn you downloaded to see if you're Al Quaida.

But atleast Crysis will be released later this year.
Erm...Cevat Yerli said in the interview that a graphic card with shader model 2.0 is the minimum system spec for Crysis.

The article (screen shots) on gamershell which is in german says that the minimum specs are a 2Ghz Cpu with 512 MB Ram and a directx 9 graphic card (SM 2.0).

Location will be north corea where an escalation with US and Chinese army starts after an asteroid (alien starship) comes down....
Ah k, ty for clarifying that schoppi, I just pull through the minimum specs then, it'll be fun to compare it on my current PC(3 years old) and the new PC I'll get a few months after Vista releases.:D