Crysis 2 leaked a month and a half early

I strongly doubt there is any real loss.. if anything they're getting free beta testing and HUGE exposure. I didn't even know the release date of Crysis 2 before all this happened.

Thats a quite naive outlook on the incident. That last several weeks are absolutely imperative for the marketing of the product, and a leak like this makes it lose all its momentum, and now every advertisement or video or anything promoting the game will be tainted by people talking about the leak, letting more and more people know they can get the game freely. That says nothing about the lost sales due to an unfinished version being available, which many ignorant people will play and assume that the full game will likely be just as buggy.

You guys know I'm no big fan of these kinds of games, and I've said it in this thread that I'm not a fan of this one. But I wouldn't wish this kind of leak on any developer, as it will significantly damage their sales and their reputation.

Also, the comment about it basically being a beta test is just absolutely stupid, and you should feel stupid for suggesting it.
Anyone else check out the demo page under the FAQ section where it mentions an end date for the demo? I would have thought there would have been a longer period available to let you play it.
Even I might download this if it's under 2GB. *checks monthly usage*...

having issues creating a my crysis account atm... buncha BS
demo only uses dx9 ©_©
Just started downloading. I hear that it's pretty disappointing though.

-Low res textures
-Limited graphical options
-Auto aim included (WTF!?)
-Censored chat
-Clunky controls
Just started downloading. I hear that it's pretty disappointing though.

-Low res textures
-Limited graphical options
-Auto aim included (WTF!?)
-Censored chat
-Clunky controls

pretty much :(
Censored chat is just... why? It's like the people who censor chat on BC2 servers. You can't say "shit" even though the soldiers routinely yell out "TAKE THAT MOTHER F*CKER" which cannot be censored in the first place. I mean... this game is rated M, right? Or at least T? Movies, with far, far more stringent content ratings, can even let a single "f*ck" slip out and still be rated PG-13.
Wow. What a shitty game. This is basically Call of Duty in a sci-fi setting. Killstreaks? Really? This crappy port doesn't even have autobalance.
Crytek can go **** themselves! Buncha sell outs.
I'm glad it got leaked. This is nothing but your average console game.

The graphics options and controls are a joke, and the default FOV is for retards.

The only redeeming feature is that it does run very smoothly on my modest comp - Q6600, 2GB, HD4850.
I fear for what's going to happen to Battlefield 3. EA is starting to churn out shit once again.
BF3 will be fine. DICE is solid and employs people who actually know how to design a game, rather than just a game engine. it really that bad..sob?? Im one of those few who thought crysis 1 SP was ****ing awesome..and mind blowing.. in terms of graphics and ai(seriously..its really good).

the graphics can't be that bad under their limited setting, are they? Is it worse than Crysis1?
That's what you get when you develop for all 3 platforms...

What a disappointment.
I played the demo for awhile. I like it a lot better than COD, but its definitely just COD with suit powers. Suit powers do make more of a difference that I would have expected though, since it really frees up movement, being able to jump up a few stories, rather than having to take stairs or ramps.
I'm having a lot of fun with this here "Call Of Crysis" game. It did crash on me once though.

EDIT: What the hell is up with the graphics settings? What do they even mean? Gamer/Advanced/Hardcore?! How do I know what level of detail is being set? Eff, I hope they give PC some attention at some point. You can't have a PC FPS without the ability to customize graphics settings. That's just ... so wrong ...
You can customise the FOV in your shortcut properties:

"...\Crysis2Launcher.exe" +cl_fov=90 +r_DrawNearFoV=90 +pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov=90 +r_MotionBlur=0 +g_skipIntro=1 +r_Glow=0
I played the demo for awhile. I like it a lot better than COD, but its definitely just COD with suit powers. Suit powers do make more of a difference that I would have expected though, since it really frees up movement, being able to jump up a few stories, rather than having to take stairs or ramps.

I finally got around to playing the demo and I came to say pretty much exactly this. Simplifying the power suit system goes a long ways especially in MP. The cloaking is much more complete than it was in the original so you can really be sneaky. I've enjoyed playing it more than I thought I would. Granted I haven't been ass deep in CoD since I skipped MW2 and obviously Black Ops, so I'm probably not quite as jaded by the play style as some, but I really do think the suits add a lot to that style of gameplay. I think it's just the added dimension of managing another depletable resource.
I like what I played, but they are going to have to jack up the customization in order to make it worth investing in, since I dont really care for urban Crysis single player.
Wish they'd release a SP demo.

/care for mp.

I thought it was a SP demo up until I actually played it. I don't really mind though. I think the game prolly shines more muktiplayer than single player at least from what I've seen.
playing the game on the 360 and I love it. I only got to play for about an hour and half yesterday but I've been itching to play more and most modern FPSs don't do that to me. Killzone 3 took me like a week and a half to finish but I can feel myself playing Crysis 2 and finishing it by tomorrow or earlier
Wait till you get to that level where you had got to find Hargreaves on that island.. my god..the way the various squads of soldiers respond to you.. And make around the environment..bloody amazing Is an understatement.