Crysis DX10 screens


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
running on a nvidia 8800



one of them is a DX9 screen ..guess which one
Wow nice. I can't wait to play this benchmark.. I mean techdemo... I mean game!
I can't wait to build my onw private virtual paradise with the CryEngine2 Sandbox!!!

Oh, and they both look pretty darn good!
the only thing this game that really interest is the graphics
ehm!!, I need to spend around £1500 during Jan-07 (upgrade)
I like the environment, don't know about the models though, they still have that "molded out of plastic" look. They're no patch on the UE3 models.
I just realized the soldier in the forefront doesn't self-shadow.

LOL CryEngine2.
I'll never understand why they would compress a picture that's supposed to show graphical power with a JPEG on low quality...
Crysis is one of those games that is really is only impressive in motion. I bet if this was a video of it on DX10, everyone's jaws would be on the floor.
That soldier lucks ugly. Seems like low AA or just crappy JPG quality.
This thread is incomplete without Salmon and his "meh" o' death.

Good pictures though.
ok thats bollox there both the same direct x......which direct x i dont know....but either way there both the same direct x.....
the only difference is the time of day....these were shown at e3 or somewhere like bastard you owe me 10 mins of my life cus i actually looked at both to try and find out which is which....and there both the same......

thats like asking which shade of black is blacker.......this shade.....or this shade.....fookin work it out....and when you do tell me and i hope you waste 10 mins of your life finding out their the same fookin black

hhhhmmm jus realised my post text comes up in white lol........which is whiter this or this
Haha, I can't tell which one is the DX10 screenshot.
They're both DX10, taken at different in-game times of day.
Can't say I find'em to be that much more incredible looking compared to the DX9 stuff, but then again, DX10 has been hyped as the second coming of jesus.:)
Dont know about DX10 shots and dont care. Still looks well sexy! Upgrade is in order :p
Poor comparison.

It would make sense just to make a still shot rendered in DX10 and DX9...of the same scene =/
I don't see how anyone could not be excited by the prospect of freezing someone then shooting them to cause them to shatter in icy bits.
Can't wait for Crysis.

And I don't know why everyone says it's just a tech I the only one who loved the original Far Cry?
People saying this isn't impressive? oh for crying out loud.

Download the new HD G80 presentation and tell me otherwise, for cinematics and potential in an fps shooter this game is flatout the best.
Bandwith Exceeded! :( Mirrors?

Oh, and yea I don't know why everyone was expecting to have DX10 be an instant upgrade to uber graphics... It is a lot of performance enhancements, but then once you get better performance you can also put more detail and graphical effects in to get similar FPS to before DX10.
Wow nice. I can't wait to have my PC thoroughly raped by this benchmark.. I mean techdemo... I mean game!
If it plays as good as it looks, then it will be very good indeed. I'm sceptical though.