Crysis Tech Preview on GameSpot

All those worrying about bad performance and frame rate, don't worry about the reports of "bad FPS" like they said...

As any programmer knows, you neeed to "Make it work first, then optimize it"...
I'm agreeing with bog here. I have what most people consider to be an above average pc (a64 3000/6800gt). However, I cannot run most current games at what I consider to be graphically acceptable and with smooth frame rates. On top of that, when I bought this PC I made a few bad choices on the mobo, cpu, and case, and now I'm paying for it. I believe this is a very valid reason for doing a full "crysis upgrade", as there are plenty of games that I play right now that I only wish I could play at max settings, such as FEAR, Oblivion, Condemned, and some Source games. But I can't. So performing this upgrade not only will allow me to play Crysis in all its glory, but I'll be replaying most of my games again. That, to me, is worth the $$$.

Sure this doesn't apply to everyone, but now we're just stereotyping.
Read the link at the start of the thread to give you a vague idea. However, there is one thing that is likely: you won't be able to run it at the max resolution of that monitor !!!

I'm in the camp with the others who are excited about this. We won't know until it comes out what the gameplay is like, and granted, there may well be other games out there that have better gameplay once it is released, but as far as i am concerned it is furthering gaming in a way that can only be beneficial. It may look beautiful, but as stated in the interview, it's all about immersion, this is what i'm after, a realistic environment that will be able to suck me in. And surely, in some ways, that contributes to gameplay ?