Crysis will be GOTY 2007.


Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
From what I have seen sofar Crysis will beat every other game that coming out this year.

There's nothing new or innovative in the game that I've seen so far.
It's just pretty graphics.

However, imo, Spore has GOTY written all over it.
If it turns out to be any where near GOTY i'll eat my feet. Game of the month, possibly, on the pc ;)
If it turns out to be any where near GOTY i'll eat my feet. Game of the month, possibly, on the pc ;)

Am I allowed to hold you to that? :P

The critics are crazy about this game at this point(in general). I'm not saying that it IS DEFINATLY going to be, but I certainly a think its a possibiliy. That is if it doesn't turn out to be horrible gameplay.

It's definatly shaping up.
If you didnt already see in the other thread.
From what I have seen sofar Crysis will be every other game that coming out this year.

this product that I like but hasnt come out yet will be the best product of this year amongst all other products that havent been released ...proof? my opinion = valid proof
Barbie's Horse Adventure: Return to Horse Mountain will be the best video game of 2007 ...I dont know anything about it but then again I dont know anything about any game in 2007 (except UT2007 which I hear is like UT2004 only spiffier and with a 7 at the end of the title instead of a 4) therefore I can only come to the conclusion that Barbie's Horse Adventure: Return to Horse Mountain or BHARtHM for short will be the bestest game ever
Crysis looks like a good game, but Mass Effect,Bioshock and Spore sound like better games.
Am I allowed to hold you to that? :P

heh, i'll retract my statement for now. I'd like Crysis to be great, but am looking forward to quite a few games a whole lot more. Mass Effect, Bioshock, Quake Wars, TF2 to name but a few.
It should be good. I like the menu system letting you give yourself abilities and gun addons.
I'll judge when they are all on my PC, Crysis was still in pre alpha build at CES 07 so there's plenty of room for further improvement.
From what I have seen sofar Crysis will beat every other game that coming out this year.


ha...ha...that...thats a good one. :sleep:

I mean, its not like Spore, Supreme Commander and Episode 2 are coming out this year or anything.
Supreme Commander will have a shitty Interface.
I cant say anything about Spore though
Quake Wars is a likely contender too.
when was the last time a RTS was GOTY???

like 15years ago lol
So far I've seen nothing from Crysis to distinguish itself except for graphics. And frankly, that's not enough for me anymore.

when was the last time a RTS was GOTY???
Last year.
What a useless thread.

Close it, and open it again in a year.
I think BioShock and SupCom will be ok games but overall not good enough. I think Crysis will be great... if they're given more time to perfect it and let dx10 tech get into the market more.
Bioshock maybe, Crysis looks great, but I remember the hype over Farcry... then it was released and certainly not GOTY material and hardly even worth replaying, with awful multi-player support and a mod community that died out in a matter of months. It is WAY too soon to make any conclusions about 07 GOTY

Other than looking incredible with great DX10 support this game has little to no innovation as far as game-play :| sorry to sound like a pessimist but my hype for Crysis never even existed.
BioShock. Simple, this will be THE Game of the Year. Innovative, revolutionary in terms of technology (water effects) and exceptional in plot...

Or Barbie: Horseback Mountain, as Stern said...
The day a game wins something like GOTY for graphics better be the day we have first have a solid, cheap VR system with the winner playable on the market. "Pretty foliage" doesn't do it for me, sorry. If I want pretty foliage, I'll go on a nice hike with friends.
I think if it wins, it will be by people who 90% talk about how awesome the graphics are....otherwise, I don't see anything too innovative.
Supreme Commander will have a shitty Interface.
I cant say anything about Spore though

"will"? Interface seems mighty awesome to me. It's not that difficult to rummage through it at all...and the shortcuts are easy to get to. If they would stop changing them around that is.

*EDIT* Oh, I completely forgot I posted in this thread already. Short attention span ftw.
And for the record yet again, taking "What will be GOTY" type polls on the 12th of JANUARY is a bit extreme. None of the contenders have been released yet.