Cs 2.0


May 14, 2004
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last year i had heard cs 2.0 would be spring time/ that obviously didn't happen. anyone have any news on that?>
If there was a new CS coming out anytime soon, it would have been at E3. Was it? No.
thanks smart ass. i know it wasn't at E3. I didn't ask for people to give dumbass responses. I asked if anyone had any updated information on when it was going to be coming out. All you did was reaffirm what I already said.

If anyone has some useful info not already mentioned, i'd appreciate hearing about it. Thanx
Valve certainly are not updating their back catalogue games any further, saying that my monitor showed an update to 'counter strike 1.6' this morning along side CS:S, no one else has said anything so i guess its just me? I have no idea what it was.
I haven't heard that it's even coming out. Why would we want it now anyway? We have CS:S :p
Valve said that they would start working on CS2 after HL2. It is going to be a realistic teamplay shooter like CS with classes like TFC.
counter strike will be around foreverrrrrrrrrrr and the terrorists will have lasers eyes and the ct's will have super human strength
xLostx said:
counter strike will be around foreverrrrrrrrrrr and the terrorists will have lasers eyes and the ct's will have super human strength

True, true. Valve has produced CS:S - that's the sequel, that's the new CS. What company in their right mind with half a brain would release a separate product that would be essentially the same? CS:S will be the latest CS incarnation for the next 5 years, mark my words.
FictiousWill said:
True, true. Valve has produced CS:S - that's the sequel, that's the new CS. What company in their right mind with half a brain would release a separate product that would be essentially the same? CS:S will be the latest CS incarnation for the next 5 years, mark my words.
CS:S =/= CS2!
First I've heard. Where can I read up on this CS2 which is apparently in the works? There's a page on the valve website, no doubt - right?
BigWalnutZ said:
thanks smart ass. i know it wasn't at E3. I didn't ask for people to give dumbass responses. I asked if anyone had any updated information on when it was going to be coming out. All you did was reaffirm what I already said.

If anyone has some useful info not already mentioned, i'd appreciate hearing about it. Thanx

What I said:

"If there was a new CS coming out anytime soon, it would have been at E3. Was it? No."

Meaning, if there was news, it would have been at E3. Searching Google would have been more efficient than posting here in the forums. Try IGN, GameSpot, even flippin' EBGames.

You know what... I'm wrong. People that work behind the scenes at Valve working on CS 2 right now are avid posters in this forums right now. And of course they'd post information here before ANYWHERE else, including Steampowered.com or IGN, etc.

My bad.
TheSomeone said:
Hahaha, you _are_ a smartass.

The first reply in this thread was not trying to be "smart," although I can see how people can take it that way. However, in my last reply, I was, since he wanted to be an ass about it.

You don't help the matter.
We don't need a CS2. Any major changes like proning or leaning wouldn't make it the CS we know today.

It's a fast paced, semi-realistic game that needs to stay the way it is before any more stupid changes are made.
CS:S is not the sequel to CS 1.6, it is a port. As far as a sequel goes I would certainly hope they make one and if they do, I wouldn't expect to see it until HL3 comes out or later.
I'm sure gooseman is toiling away on the Source engine formulating CS2. After all, CS is his baby.

Valve is probably gonna try and ride CS:Source for a few years, then unveil it's successor along with HL3.

You heard it here first.
Omg this comes up all the time......look at the specs....this is CS 2.0. CS:S is CS 2.0, it's here already.
trebhome said:
Omg this comes up all the time......look at the specs....this is CS 2.0. CS:S is CS 2.0, it's here already.

If you are correct, why didn't they name it CS 2.0? Naming a full-original game after the engine it's based on seems kinda stupid.

Kinda like... Max Payne: Havok.
Insane said:
Valve said that they would start working on CS2 after HL2. It is going to be a realistic teamplay shooter like CS with classes like TFC.
Link? Liar.
KoreBolteR said:
shouldnt the next version of cs be called cs 1.7..

and not 2.0 :|

uh, no, big updates get a new number. in fact I'm guessing they'll go for something they can patent like:

Counter-Strike 360.
Counter-Strike Revolution.
Counter-Strike XtREEM.
Counter-Strike Two-Point-Whoa.
Counter-Strike X.

Or something more epic like:

Counter-Strike 2006.

Bahahah, epic! Get it?

Ok never mind. I think, though, that cs:s is ok, but it isn't a sequel. It's the same game with gloss maps (and more lag, and a big pile of annoying things). I think to make the next cs they should rebuild it from the ground up as a new game - totally new netcode, models, graphics, maps etc - but keep the gameplay as it was (as far as is possible).
geelen said:
I think to make the next cs they should rebuild it from the ground up as a new game - totally new netcode, models, graphics, maps etc - but keep the gameplay as it was (as far as is possible).

if thats what people are expect of the next CS, then i have one thing to say...
have patience.
truth is, Valve have alot on their plate as far as projects go.. The Lost Coast isn't available yet and neither is a HL2 expansion...plus im hoping (and think there will be at least 1 more HL2 epxansion pack afterwards)
at this point i haven't even mentioned DOD:Source and TF2.

Valve will be so busy for the next 2 years me thinks that CS2.0 won't even be in development before that time.
anyway, in short, don't hold ur breath.
geelen said:
uh, no, big updates get a new number. in fact I'm guessing they'll go for something they can patent like:

Counter-Strike 360.
Counter-Strike Revolution.
Counter-Strike XtREEM.
Counter-Strike Two-Point-Whoa.
Counter-Strike X.

Or something more epic like:

Counter-Strike 2006.

Bahahah, epic! Get it?

Ok never mind. I think, though, that cs:s is ok, but it isn't a sequel. It's the same game with gloss maps (and more lag, and a big pile of annoying things). I think to make the next cs they should rebuild it from the ground up as a new game - totally new netcode, models, graphics, maps etc - but keep the gameplay as it was (as far as is possible).

Think they will name it Counterstrike 2030 tbh :p