CS, Better than sex?

Is CS better than sex?

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Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Sometimes when your doing real good it can be an orgasmic experience (Adrenaline)

CS is the greatest game in the WORLD!
Why would you ever make this post? only some1 who had never had sex would say that cs was better, or if thier g/ay or r/etarted.
You cant beat sex..... I think you have never had it, and started this poll to see if you should stop jacking off over the pr0n sprays on CS and try and get a girlfriend.
for me there is only 1 thing that can beat sex. ADRENALINE.
but no.. sex is way better then CS even if you can beat anythin with your eyes closed
CS better than sex? Possibly drug induced sex... or sex you don't enjoy because you're too goddamned caught up in emotion to give a shit that you're getting laid by some teenage queen... but ****... most cases i'd say no... no no no!
bassman61588 said:
You know (if your good at cs) when you kill basicaly the whole team all in one round its like an orgasmic experience, or am I just weird?

CS is the greatest game in the WORLD!
I smell a brand new CS player.

We all felt addicted to it once, though maybe not to that extent.
no its a tad too frustrating sometimes but most of the time its awesome.

5 ladies over sex most of the time tbh cause if you have sex witha girl you have to put up with their shit, dont get me wrong sex is awesome i can just do without the shit most of the time
Well i take it that the ones who voted for yes are like 12 or 13 so they got no sex experience. But there is no way in hell that CS:S is better than sex. Nothing beats good sex. :devil:
Lets just say that I was playing an awesome game of CS tonight and was really rocking(for a change), I had way more kills than deaths, and my team were kicking a$$, And the door to my "play" room opened and there stood my gorgeous wife, naked, well do you think I told her to pi$$ off cos I was winning for a change.


I did what any man with a "real life" would do, and thats, $hag her silly!
Then after the old post coital smoke, I came back to play CS.
She's understanding like that....lol!

Anyway I know what your trying to say, running into a room full and ct's and taking out 3 or 4 with headshots from an mp5 before you die in a hail of bullets, Yeh! thats a major rush!
But no way does it beat sex!
I think a HELL NO! is needed as a choice, but to each his own I guess.
CS better than sex? Wtf!? If you think that youre probably stupid or something
This thread was really a bad idea from the beginning, all its doing it provoking stupid/spamming behaviour.
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