

Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not sure if this is considered "Halflife2 Discussion"....but....whatever.

Is anyone actually buying CS:CZ? It's just single player cs 1.6 with bots...and different retarded models...I personally will not buy it.

What's everyone else's thoughts on it?
I'm not buying it. It's just a 1.6 botmatch, pointless unless you have a slow connection or hate playing against real people.
i thought it had single player levels in it also

like one i believe was stoping a bank robery and sving hosties
It has about 12 'Deleted Scenes' which are the levels Ritual created for the Condition Zero that is now not being used. I've played them, they are pretty good. It's not just bot match, btw.
Can someone explain to me why all of the new content (like weapons etc.) was removed from CZ? It would of sold quite a few copies if they were still in it imo
What? Damn. Guess I am not playing CZ. Is this only for download perminitly? I like CS but my 56k keep me from enjoying it.
It's a retail product that you can buy in stores, not for download only.

Well, unless you don't want to pay.


It was reviewed a few months ago after Ritual finished with their part of things. The version you can download is illegal (stolen) - no talk about that thanks.

Valve weren't happy with it so they got Turtle Rock Studios to change it. No one knows whether CS:CZ will be good or bad. Buy it, wait til it's reviewed - but at least contain an open mind about it.
Crhis, thanks for calling out for open minds and reviews before trashing CZ.. yes we all know how many times CZ has been re-worked and the number of companies that have worked on it.. but please

until its out and theres reviews, try to be open minded.. it won't kill u..
Well, I haven't seen any reviews of it. It doesn't come out at my EB till this Wensday. :( It is going to be a long three days.
The original version by Ritual was reviewed poorly (the current one available on bit torrent). However, the Turtle Rock Studios version hasn't been released or played by the public yet. This is the version that we'll see on the 18th.
i thought it had multiplayer with updated maps???.....and when is it coming out?? some places say its delayed .......how can that be when its GOLD??
Ok, I dont know where the delay rumor came from. I guess people lost track. It switched to Turtle rock after Ritual. It says on sites like csnation. Now, people yelling "CS:CZ is delayed!!! OMGZ!!!!! V@lv3 SUxx0rs!!!" confused me too.

I knew back that it went gold and it was at turtle rock. People just confused me by saying it just switched again.

So with verification from EB and Chris_D (Thank you), and nw909 it is coming out the 18th and there is no delay.
really?...cause gamestores at my mall both say like feburary......and almost every store and online store say like...95 days till release??....so i dunno....so hopefully it will be out 18th....but will it have updated multiplayer maps and stuff??....people say there is no multiplayer?...if it doesent i probaly wont buy it
Originally posted by Pauly
people say there is no multiplayer?...if it doesent i probaly wont buy it

Well, seeing as it's just CS 1.6 with a few extra features thrown in, there will defiantly be multiplayer.
CS without multiplayer = WTF?
It has multiplayer with updated maps and the official CS bot.

I guess you'll see servers running cs_cz_assault and de_cz_dust etc.
I am skeptical about the 18th release date. I mean CZ isn't even in Best Buy this week. Other games KoTOR are in there and they come out later this week, later than CZ. I just don't get it.
ok thnx chris_d and everyone...im just pondering about the release date....because it has gone gold
It's gone gold and they're having a simultaneous Steam/hard copy release. Therefore if it's not out on the 18th it's because Steam isn't ready. And IMHO I really don't think Steam is ready for 1000 people to be downloading at 500kbps each.
yea...but steam is amazing download speeds....when i was downloading DOD 1.1 beta....i was going at 1.5mbps!!!! fastest ive ever gone...
i have cable too
That's 1.5megabits per second. NOT 1.5megabytes a second.

I take it you must have a 1.5megabit connection or a 2.0megabit connection.

1 byte = 8 bits
Therefore if you were downloading at 1500kilobits per second (kbps) that translates to 187.5kilobytes per second.
I'm on 56k. It'd be faster if I just read a bunch of binary and punched it into the computer than downloading it :|
yea my bad....my cable connection is suppose to be 1.0 but it runs at 1.9...i checked on one of those speed tests
Originally posted by Pauly
yea my bad....my cable connection is suppose to be 1.0 but it runs at 1.9...i checked on one of those speed tests

omg, I want your isp.
bump....and i have comcast....its the best....is CS:cz... out today????/ anyone know?
Originally posted by Chris_D
It's gone gold and they're having a simultaneous Steam/hard copy release. Therefore if it's not out on the 18th it's because Steam isn't ready. And IMHO I really don't think Steam is ready for 1000 people to be downloading at 500kbps each.

yup.. and rest assured there will be more than just a 1000 pple getting CZ.. just cause it isn't popular over here doesn't mean other pple around the world aren't gonna buy it..

and since today is the 18th, is there any word on whether u can get it in stores? anyway ya im skeptical like Chris because of Steam.
im going to call soon...so ill tell u if they have it
hey yea...sry i didnt get back to u...but anyways they said to me like i was crazy...thats not out untill december 15 idiot......no j/k...they didnt say idiot..lol...but they sounded like i was dumb...why is it delayed when it went gold...man valve needs get some prioites straight
new multiplayer maps...enchanced textures....amazing models...includign new player models that look sweet(from what ive seen) improved textures like on de_dust...some maps are re-worked...SP missions.. etc. just severeal enhancements and a SP