CS is full of morons.


Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
Yesterday I realised I could get CS:S running on my dial up connection it worked, w00t and stuff.

Anyways does anyone else find that this game is filled with complete morons? From my two days experience players often say lol every sixty seconds for no reason, judge peoples intelligence on there connection speed without considering that they may have no control over it, judge peoples intelligence on there spelling in multi-player FPS games, make allegations such as “You’re gay.” Without having any reason to think that and cheat to make you’re themselves feel special. Is it just a coincidence or do the vast majority of CS players act like complete morons?

Are there any servers or clan a CS n00b with a slow connection may be able to join that isn’t filled with morons?

This is hilarious...
theSteven said:
Are there any servers or clan a CS n00b with a slow connection may be able to join that isn’t filled with morons?
No there isn't Steven, its ruined by these people. There may occassionally be a clan server you can find with admins always on that is kept tight. But the general rule why CS not played is because CS players are all young pathetic human beings...
Nope, since the release of the beta of the original cs it has been filled with f***tards that want to make everyone elses experience a living hell just because they are shit, you get used to it eventually, then laugh at them and whatever they say and they eventually get wound up and either leave or shut up :)
Steven just server hop 'till you find a good community that doesn't mind a 56ker hanging round. It will take a while, but it's all good.

I mean last night a 56ker was playing as I was server hopping. He wasn't lagging (but he kept freezing for a few seconds every 5 minutes). Just find a good server that's near you so your ping isn't half bad, and it'll be ok.
If I was to set up a CS:S server for HL2.netters and non retards... would anyone frequent there?

EDIT: admin rights for sechs.
Most of the time I find CSS an enjoyable experience. Lately though I've seen an influx in idiots, mainly ones who like to think that everyone "hax".

Last night, someone said I was "wall hacking" because I looked at the walls and some n00b whined because I killed him using a Mac10 and had 8HP left. I also won the game too for Terrorists. He goes to say "u luk so dodgy m8" to which I just laughed at.
Oh, the humor.

The thread title is one of the single most widely known facts on the internet.

There's always been an insufferable amount of retards playing CS.
If I was to set up a CS:S server for HL2.netters and non retards... would anyone frequent there?

Aye, i would and im pretty sure Dek would too.
Yes, CS i full of young nasty teenagers :(
If I could shut down this poor chat bar...
Hey not all of us Teens are idiots (although I admit most are)
Hey not all of us Teens are idiots (although I admit most are)

We're discussing the idiocy level of CS:S, not how "gh3y t33ns r".

But yeah, welcome to the internet Stevens.

CS:S is like the slum of gaming. If you find the right people, your time spent can be enjoyable, but for the most part, everybodies just stupid.
Dont be silly ...... ...... its not like i've been stalking and looking into your "personal" life ..... .....
Only problem is we could always just exchange Xfires and play on each other's clan servers :p

But if I get admin on the new server, I'm definately for it (I get turned on when I have power)
What's worse is that when I join a server everyone has a AWP so I have to sit there for 3 minutes bored while these morons say crap like that.
Nope, since the release of the beta of the original cs it has been filled with f***tards that want to make everyone elses experience a living hell just because they are shit, you get used to it eventually, then laugh at them and whatever they say and they eventually get wound up and either leave or shut up

Steven just server hop 'till you find a good community that doesn't mind a 56ker hanging round. It will take a while, but it's all good.
Thanks I'll take this into account.
And watch out for clans who take over a server and votekick everyone...happened to me yesterday...but I soon got my mate to ban them lol :p

Try and avoid fy_ aim_ and surf_ servers. They have tons of retards on them most of the time
PsychoFreak said:
And watch out for clans who take over a server and votekick everyone...happened to me yesterday...but I soon got my mate to ban them lol :p

Try and avoid fy_ aim_ and surf_ servers. They have tons of retards on them most of the time
But some surf maps are teh sechs :(
theSteven said:
Yesterday I realised I could get CS:S running on my dial up connection it worked, w00t and stuff.

Anyways does anyone else find that this game is filled with complete morons? From my two days experience players often say lol every sixty seconds for no reason, judge peoples intelligence on there connection speed without considering that they may have no control over it, judge peoples intelligence on there spelling in multi-player FPS games, make allegations such as “You’re gay.” Without having any reason to think that and cheat to make you’re themselves feel special. Is it just a coincidence or do the vast majority of CS players act like complete morons?

Are there any servers or clan a CS n00b with a slow connection may be able to join that isn’t filled with morons?

This is hilarious...

nothing like playin' with some n00b with a ping of 400 ;)
thescotster19 said:
You're gay. Get a faster connection u lagging noob.

The irony.

Yes, like everyone says CS and CS:S is well known for the amount of assholes it houses. It's also not friendly construction wise to new players, practive with some bots first with "create sever" to get adapted.
yeah, i find that there are a lot of assholes, but i either own them in the face, get them banned from the server, or just go to playerlist and mute them... oh and soemtimes i mic spam till they leave, but that was only once, lol. anyway id be for a HL2.net server fo shur yo. though i havent been here for long =\
I wish there was a game where assholes would be attracted but anyone else would not find the game fun at all.

Gather them all together and keep them busy while the rest of the world plays on happily in other games. Maybe someone should make a game where acts of assholery are rewarded.
I would say half of CS:S was full of noobs who think there "pro". I play it all the time, ive got admin,rcon,ftp of our server. Its quite popular, i manage it all the time. Only thing that anoys me is laggers from like sweden with 56 pings on a 100 tick.

The debate with AWP is quite easily solved. To be considered even good with an awp you have to practise....practise. I cant even use one for my life and it shows. When there is just noob awpers you should be able to get an m4/ak and just headshot em asap.

The "assholes" on cs:s are getting quite rare now tbh. Yes there is quite good people playing who think there "pro". Since hacking has come out ive only seen one or two hackers on the server, but sooner or later vac just banned em. Ive been playing cs:s since it came out now and i dont think i will stop. Go 2 my server ^^ (on ma sig) !
Lol, I love it when people say, "Dude are you pro?", they don't even know what Pro means rofl...
You're gay. Get a faster connection u lagging noob.
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I honestly laughed when I read that. I'm gay am I, I assume there is nothing to back up this half-baked allegation. Please grow up and get passed the "You're gay." stage, plus don't type u instead of you, its God damn pathetic. I have no control over my internet connection speed though soon my family are getting a faster connection and it was there choice, I assume you have a fast connection because you're a spoilt little brat who kept whining until he got one. :LOL:
I don't get that comment, "You are gay", how does having a slow connection make you gay? lol
PsychoFreak said:
I don't get that comment, "You are gay", how does having a slow connection make you gay? lol
Becuase if youve got a high ping, its logical to assume your downloading ghey pr0n.
If a server were to be made for us hl2.net-ians, then I bagsy admin. I rock as an admin.
"You're gay. Get a faster connection u lagging noob." (me)

I was only joking mate, since your original post was about people saying stuff like that, thought you would see i was joking, but guess it's hard to tell on a forum.

Anyway good luck finding a server, I can honestly say I don't have many problems with fellow users, infact I can't cite one incident. But maybe that is because the servers I use are mainly in the UK. I imagine people are just more impolite in the US.
thescotster19 said:
"You're gay. Get a faster connection u lagging noob." (me)

I was only joking mate, since your original post was about people saying stuff like that, thought you would see i was joking, but guess it's hard to tell on a forum.

Anyway good luck finding a server, I can honestly say I don't have many problems with fellow users, infact I can't cite one incident. But maybe that is because the servers I use are mainly in the UK. I imagine people are just more impolite in the US.
well I got banned from 3 servers in the UK for cheating. but I bet those were mainly Wales.
I got banned from a clan server (based in Wales) for drawing in a 2on1 against two of their members. DRAWING!
dekstar said:
If a server were to be made for us hl2.net-ians, then I bagsy admin. I rock as an admin.

I'm setting up a server Dec 1st ;)
Devvo said:
I'm setting up a server Dec 1st ;)
Tip: don't fill it up with lots of admin stuff. I think we should just have the barebones mani-system (no ranks, just kick, ban, and map change) and hlx stats (allows you to check your rank outside of the game, and inside too - is 100% better than mani ranks).
I was only joking mate, since your original post was about people saying stuff like that, thought you would see i was joking, but guess it's hard to tell on a forum.

Anyway good luck finding a server, I can honestly say I don't have many problems with fellow users, infact I can't cite one incident. But maybe that is because the servers I use are mainly in the UK. I imagine people are just more impolite in the US.
Sorry, it's hard to tell on a forum, there's no body language or facial expressions. Except for smiley’s which make people look dumb when excessively used.
theSteven said:
Sorry, it's hard to tell on a forum, there's no body language or facial expressions. Except for smiley’s which make people look dumb when excessively used.
dekstar said:
Tip: don't fill it up with lots of admin stuff. I think we should just have the barebones mani-system (no ranks, just kick, ban, and map change) and hlx stats (allows you to check your rank outside of the game, and inside too - is 100% better than mani ranks).

Sounds good, that's what I was thinking would be best. Would you be able to help me set it up?
Devvo said:
Sounds good, that's what I was thinking would be best. Would you be able to help me set it up?
I know bugger all about servers apart from the obvious. However I know people who might be able to help :)